Theory of Computation

CS41001, Autumn 2020-21, LTP: 3-1-0

Class Timings MON: 12:00-12:55; TUE: 10:00--11:55; THUR: 08:00-08:55
Venue TBD
Instructors Sujoy Ghose and Sudeshna Kolay
Teaching assistants Sarthak Chakraborty, Omar Eqbal, Arijit Kar, Saurav Likhar, Ayan Zunaid, Manad Mishra


Theory of Computability

Complexity Theory


1. Automata and Computability by Dexter Kozen. (main text)
2. Computational Complexity by S. Arora and B. Barak. (main text)
3. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation by John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman. (reference for some topics covered in class)
4. Introduction to Computability by Fred C. Hennie. (recursive function theory)
5. Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser. (reference for some topics covered in class)
6. Elements of the Theory of Computation by H. Lewis and C. Papadimitriou.
7. Computational Complexity by C. H. Papadimitriou.
8. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness by Michael Garey and David S. Johnson.
9. Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos.


There will be a rolling evaluation for this course.
There will be at least 4 take home assignments, of 10-15 marks.
There will be at least 4 timed quizzes, of 15-20 marks.


Lec 0 FLAT recap Book reference: Dexter Kozen
1.09.2020 Lecture slides
3.09.2020 Same slides
8.09.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 28-29; Sipser Ch. 6.1
10.09.2020 Lecture slides, Practice Prob. Soln. Book Reference: Sipser, Hopcroft Ullman Motwani, Pages from Old version of Hopcroft Ullman
14.09.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 36
15.09.2020 Part 1 Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 37
Part 2 (Lecture on Unrestricted Grammars and TMs, with problems and solutions) Part 2 notes
21.09.2020 Lecture (Lecture on Reductions and undecidability, with problems and solutions) Lecture notes, Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 31-33
22.09.2020 Lecture (Lecture on Rice's theorems, with problems and solutions) Lecture notes, Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 34
28.09.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Hopcroft Ullman Motwani
29.09.2020 Lecture (Lecture on Undecidable problems about CFLs, with problems and solutions; also refer to the lecture called "Clarification" for VALCOMPS being CFL or regular) Lecture notes, Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 35
5.10.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 38-39
8.10.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Arora Barak Ch. 1-2
12.10.2020 Same slides and Lecture slides Book Reference: Dexter Kozen Ch. 38-39, Kleinberg Tardos NP-hardness chapter
13.10.2020 Same slides, Practice problems Book Reference: Kleinberg Tardos NP-hardness chapter
19.10.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Arora Barak Ch. 3
20.10.2020 Lecture slides Book Reference: Arora Barak Ch. 4
22.10.2020 Lecture slides, Practice problems Book Reference: Arora Barak Ch. 4
22.10.2020 Lecture slides, Practice problems Book Reference: Arora Barak Ch. 5


Assignment 1 Solutions

Possibly Useful Links


An Intensive Introduction to Computational Complexity Theory by Venkatesan Guruswami, Ryan O'Donnell
Computational Complexity Theory by Chandan Saha
Computational Complexity by Luca Trevisan


In Theory by Luca Trevisan
Gödel's lost letter and P=NP by Richard Lipton
Shtetl-Optimized by Scott Aaronson

Complexity Zoo: a compilation of all existing complexity classes; the pdf version

General/Expository Articles:

Gödel, Hilbert and Brouwer
Hibert, Gödel and Turing
Hibert's Program Then and Now
Computability and Complexity by Jon Kleinberg and Christos Papadimitriou
Complexity Theory by Eric W. Allender, Michael C. Loui and Kenneth W. Regan
Complexity Theory - A Survey by Oded Goldreich
Complexity Theory - A Survey by Oded Goldreich and Avi Wigderson
The History and Status of the P vs. NP Question by Michael Sipser