CS60005 : Foundations of Computing Science Autumn 2024, L-T-P: 3-1-0


Instructor     Aritra Hazra
Timings [Slot: C4]     Monday (10:00–11:00), Wednesday (08:00–10:00), Thursday (10:00–11:00)
Venue     NC-141 (Nalanda Complex)
Teaching Assistants     Bibek Pal   |   Sourav Das   |   Sunandan Adhikary

Notices and Announcements

November 21, 2024

The evaluated answer scripts of end-semester examination will be shown on 26-Nov-2024 (Tuesday) at 6:00pm in CSE-107 (Ground Floor, CSE Dept.)

November 08, 2024

The evaluated answer scripts of first class test will be shown on 11-Nov-2024 (Monday) at 5:00pm in CSE-120 (Ground Floor, CSE Dept.)

November 01, 2024

The end-semester examination will be held on 20-November-2024 (Wednesday) at 9:00am (venue and seat allocations are done centrally).

October 23, 2024

The second class test will be held on 29-October-2024 (Tuesday) at 5:30pm.

September 20, 2024

The evaluated answer scripts of mid-semester examination will be shown on 26-Sept-2024 (Thursday) at 6:30pm in CSE-120 (Ground Floor, CSE Dept.)

September 11, 2024

The mid-semester examination will be held on 19-September-2024 (Thursday) at 9:00am (venue and seat allocations are done centrally).

August 29, 2024

The evaluated answer scripts of first class test will be shown on 04-Sept-2024 (Wednesday) at 5:00pm in CSE-120 (Ground Floor, CSE Dept.)

August 20, 2024

The first class test will be held on 27-August-2024 (Tuesday) at 6:00pm.

July 20, 2024

The first class will be held on 22-July-2024 (Monday) at 10:00am.
An e-mail with all relevant details will be sent to the enrolled students before that. Stay tuned ...

July 08, 2024

Please note that, this is an M.Tech./PG Core Course from CSE, and hence the course is already heavily loaded. I shall consider requests via ERP from Non-CSE BTech/Dual students till 8:00pm, 19-July-2024 and finalize the approval of a few more among those requested students after that (based on CGPA and preferring final year students). I request CSE BTech/Dual students to NOT apply in this course. I may be unable to admit all requested students due to seat limitation. Considering the first class to be held on 22-July-2024, the declined students are requested to switch over to other courses before the subject registration deadline expires. I shall NOT consider any further request for approval beyond that.

Syllabus and Coverage


The Scientific Foundations of Computing.
Proof Techniques and Fundamentals.


Grimaldi [1]

Propositional Logic, Satisfiabiliy and Validity.
Predicate Logic, Encoding and Deduction.
Resolution and Refutation Principles.
Notions of Soundness and Completeness. Applications of Logic.


Grimaldi [1]
Huth-Ryan [3]
Discrete Structures

Set, Relation and Function.
Equivalence Relation, Partition, Poset, Lattice, Morphism.
Set Sizes, Countability and Uncountability, Unsolvability.
Algebraic Structures and Boolean Algebra.


Grimaldi [1]
Tremblay-Manohar [2]
Languages & Automata Theory

Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars and the Corresponding Acceptors.
Finite Automata (DFA and NFA) and Regular Languages.
Non-regular Languages and Pumping Lemma.
Push-down Automata and Context-free Languages, Grammers.
Operations on Languages, Closures with respect to the Operations.


Hopcoft-Ullman [5]
Kozen [6]
Sipser [4]
Lewis-Papadimitriou [8]
Turing Machines

Turing Machines, Church-Turing thesis.
Turing Machine Construction, Variants of Turing machines and equivalence.
Unrestricted Grammar and Equivalence with Turing Machines.
Properties of Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages.


Kozen [6,7]
Hopcoft-Ullman [5]
Sipser [4]
Lewis-Papadimitriou [8]

Decidability, Undecidability.
Universal Machines, Halting Problem and diagonalisation.
Undecidable problems, Many-One Reductions, Rice's Theorem.


Kozen [6,7]
Hopcoft-Ullman [5]
Sipser [4]
Lewis-Papadimitriou [8]
Computational Complexity

Notion of Time Complexity and Measuring Complexity.
The Classes P, NP, Co-NP and NP-Completeness.
Problem Reduction, Polynomial Hierarchy and Hierarchy Theorem.
Space Complexity and Savich's Theorem.
The Classes PSPACE, PSPACE-Complete, L, NL, Co-NL.
Problem Reduction and Log-Space Reducibility, NL-Completeness.


Sipser [4]
Hopcoft-Ullman [5]
Papadimitriou [9]

Overall Summary and The Road Ahead.


Savage [10]

Books and References

  1. Ralph P Grimaldi; Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics; Pearson Education, 2006.
  2. Jean-Paul Tremblay and R Manohar; Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science; 1st Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.
  3. Michael Huth and Mark Ryan; Logic in Computer Science – Modelling and Reasoning about Systems; 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  4. Michael Sipser; Introduction to the Theory of Computation; 3rd Edition, Cengage Publishers, 2014.
  5. John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman; Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation; 1st Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1979.
  6. Dexter Kozen; Automata and Computability; Springer, 1997.
  7. Dexter Kozen; Theory of Computation; Springer, 2006.
  8. Harry Lewis and Christos Papadimitriou; Elements of the Theory of Computation; 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 1997.
  9. Christos Papadimitriou; Computational Complexity; 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 1994.
  10. John E. Savage; Models of Computation – Exploring the Power of Computing; Pearson Education, 1997.


Logic 01-Aug-2024 Tutorial-1
Set, Relation, Function 12-Aug-2024 Tutorial-2
Countable and Uncountable Sets 19-Aug-2024 Tutorial-3
Algebraic Structures 22-Aug-2024 Tutorial-4
Finite State Automata and Regular Languages 02-Sep-2024 Tutorial-5
Push-down Automata and Context-free Languages 11-Sep-2024 Tutorial-6
Turing Machines, Equivalent Models,
and Unrestricted Grammars
14-Oct-2024 Tutorial-7
Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages
(Un)Decidability, Reduction and Rice's Theorem
23-Oct-2024 Tutorial-8
Time Complexity 06-Nov-2024 Tutorial-9
Space Complexity 13-Nov-2024 Tutorial-10


Marks Distribution:   20% Class-Tests + 30% Mid-Sem + 50% End-Sem  (i.e. half the marks that you receive from all the above tests)

 CS60005 : Foundations of Computing Science Autumn 2024, L-T-P: 3-1-0