CS31005 Algorithms-II Autumn 2020, L-T-P: 3-1-0


Instructors     Abhijit Das and Arobinda Gupta
Timing     Lecture hours: Mon 03:00pm–05:00pm , Tue 02:00pm–04:00pm [Slot U4], Wed 08:00pm–09:30pm [Slot U(A)]
(Doubt-clearance and tutorial sessions)
Venue     Online
Teaching Assistants     Aditya Rastogi, Aman Bansal, Kayastha Dhruv, Manthan Parashar, Nikhil Nayan Jha, Peruri V S L Hari Chandana

Notices and Announcements

August 16, 2020
The two theory teachers will handle mutually disjoint topics. The recorded videos will be posted, and the links will be supplied in this page. Meeting details for doubt clearance and tutorials will be sent to the students before the sessions.


TopicDetailsYouTube video
Week 1

Course Introduction.

Single part (slides)

Analysis techniques with examples: Aggregate method, accounting method, and potential method.
Amortized data structures: Fibonacci heaps.

Amortized Analysis: Part 1 | Part 2 (slides)
Fibonacci Heaps: Part 1 | Part 2 (slides)
Query form
Week 2
Graph Algorithms

Network flow: Definition, applications, Ford–Fulkerson, Edmonds–Karp, and push-relabel algorithms.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (slides)
Query form
Week 3
Graph Algorithms

Weighted Bipartite Matching (Hungarian Algorithm)
Stable Matching: Gale–Shaply algorithm

Part 1 | Part 2 (slides)
Single part (slides)
Geometric Algorithms

Representation of points, lines, segments, and polygons. Basic calculations.

Single part
Query form
Week 4
Geometric Algorithms

Convex hulls: Definition, lower bound, naive algorithms, Jarvis' march, Graham's scan, Preparata–Hong algorithm.

Part 1 | Part 2
Query form
Week 5
Geometric Algorithms

Sweep paradigm: Line-segment intersection, visibility polygon.

Part 1 (scribes) | Part 2 (scribes)

Voronoi diagrams: Definition, applications, size, naive algorithm, Fortune's line-sweep algorithm.

Single part (scribes)
Query form
Week 6

Complexity classes P and NP, nondeterministic algorithms

Single part (scribes)

Polynomial-time verifiabiity, polynomial-time reduction.

Single part (scribes)

NP-hard and NP-complete problems, SAT, CNFSAT.

Single part (scribes)
Query form
Week 7

Examples: 3CNFSAT, DHamPath, Vertex-Cover, Clique, TSP, Longest-Path, Independent-Set

Part 1 (scribes) | Part 2 (scribes)

Miscellaneous topics: Easy instances and easy problems, the class NP-Hard

Single part (scribes)
Query form
Weeks 8 and 9
Approximation Algorithms

Basic concepts, approximation ratio, minimum vertex cover.
Minimum set cover. Euclidean TSP. Inapproximability. Use of linear programming.
Polynomial-time approximation schemes.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (slides)
Query form
Week 10
Randomized Algorithms

Monte Carlo algorithms: Fermat and Miller–Rabin primality tests, Karger and Karger–Stein algorithms for minimum cut.
Las Vegas algorithms: Randomized quicksort, graph coloring, bit-vector search
Relation between Monte Carlo and Las Vegas algorithms
Randomized data structures: Bloom filters

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (slides)
Query form
Week 11
Branch-and-bound Algorithms

Backtracking, Pruning, Examples.

Part 1 | Part 2 (slides)
Query form

Books and References


 CS31005 Algorithms-II Autumn 2020, L-T-P: 3-1-0