Advanced Machine Learning (CS60073)

Instructor: Pabitra Mitra, CSE, <> Phone: 03222-282356

Course Outline:
The course aims at covering topics related to probabilistic machine learning. The goal is to quantify the uncertainty involved in prediction and inference. Tools and techniques related to probabilistic Bayesian inference will be covered. Both exact and approximate inference techniques are considered.

Kevin P. Murphy Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective, the MIT Press (2012).
David Barber Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press (2012), (free online)
Christopher M. Bishop Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer (2006)
           David J.C. MacKay Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press (2003), available freely on the web.

Lecture Schedule:

Topic and SlidesLecture VideoExercise Problems
Basics of Probability
Probabilistic Models and Bayesian InferenceLecture-1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Conditional ModelsLecture 4
Lecture 5
Problem Set-1
Gaussian ProcessesLecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Latent Variable ModelsLecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
Variational InferenceLecture 12
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Markov Chain Monte Carlo InferenceLecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Problem Set-2
Topic ModelsLecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Probabilistic Graphical ModelsLecture 23
Lecture 24
Lecture 25
Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Lecture 28
Lecture 29
Problem Set-3
Bayesian Deep LearningLecture 30

Past Exam Questions: Class Test 1 2020    Class Test 2 2020  Class Test 3 2020  Quiz 1 2021  Class Test 1 2021   Class Test 2 2021   Class Test 1 2020  

Programming Assignments: Assignment 1 2020 Dataset   Assignment 2 2020 Assignment 1 2021 Dataset   Assignment 2 2021

Course on Topics in Probabilistic Modeling and Inference by Prof. Piyush Rai at IIT Kanpur
Course on Probabilistic Machine Learning by Prof. Dr. Philipp Hennig at University of Tubingen
Course on Advanced Probabilistic Machine Learning at University of Uppsala