Submission of grades
[Jun 09, 2020. 16:43:33]
All your marks have been uploaded to WBCM for generating the grades, to be send in a day or two.
ASM charts
[Apr 20, 2020. 09:58:25]
Notes on ASM charts have been uploaded; these help to specify the behaviour of a
controller FSM in the form of a flowchart
Burst mode design
[Apr 11, 2020. 03:33:15]
M/c optimisation and state assignment for burst mode design
State encoding
[Apr 07, 2020. 01:49:22]
State encoding for asynchronous m/c design
Asynchronous circuit synthesis
[Apr 06, 2020. 06:56:41]
Synthesis of SIC fundamental-mode asynchronous circuits
Lectures in three parts (from other section):
part 1,
part 2,
part 3
Logic minimisation to handle hazards
[Apr 02, 2020. 03:16:30]
Basic notions of hazards is introduced with examples and 2-level hazard free logic minimisation
Lectures in three parts (from other section):
part 1,
part 2,
part 3
FSM optimisation
[Mar 20, 2020. 10:37:50]
The minimisation procedure of an incompletely specified FSM has been illustrated for $M_E$. Please work out the procedure for $M_D$. Any problem faced can be posted in the WhatsApp group for clarification.
Wed, Mar 11, 2020
[Mar 11, 2020. 06:27:21]
Iterative networks, inability of FSM to multiply arbitrarily large numbers, k-equivalence,
minimisation of a completely specified FSM
Thu, Mar 05, 2020
[Mar 10, 2020. 23:22:43]
Working of synchronous up/down counters; derivation of excitation for flip flops -- JK, T; assignment to design a up counter using D flip flops
Wed, Mar 04, 2020
[Mar 04, 2020. 15:59:49]
Shift register with parallel load, left/right shift/rotate; barrel shifter
Mon, Mar 02, 2020
[Mar 02, 2020. 09:43:10]
Common sequential circuits: shift registers, counters
Thu, Feb 27, 2020
[Mar 02, 2020. 09:42:04]
Mealy and Moore m/cs (contd.)
Wed, Feb 26, 2020
[Feb 23, 2020. 17:23:21]
Mealy and Moore m/cs
Midsem announcement
[Feb 17, 2020. 22:25:41]
- Date:
- 2019, Feb 19, Wed
- Time:
- 9am – 11am
- Venue:
- F116, F142, NR113, NR114, NR412
- Syllabus:
- Except for latches and flip flops, everything covered until the midsems
- Instructions:
- Calculators are not permitted; carry pencil(s) and
- QP:
Questions and solutions
Thu, Feb 13, 2020
[Feb 13, 2020. 09:36:05]
Latches and flip flops
Wed, Feb 12, 2020
[Feb 13, 2020. 09:35:00]
BCLA delay computation, comparator design with lookahead, other combinational circuits
Mon, Feb 10, 2020
[Feb 10, 2020. 07:14:58]
Parallel parity bit generator, decoder, serial to parallel converter, comparators, data selectors / multiplexers, priority encoders
Thu, Feb 06, 2020
[Feb 06, 2020. 09:47:06]
Adder design
Wed, Feb 05, 2020
[Feb 06, 2020. 00:18:24]
Covering table reduction by essential cube/product, row dominance, column dominance; identification of the cyclic core; branch and bound (with recursive covering); Petrick's method to generate all possible solutions (especially for the cyclic core)
Mon, Feb 03, 2020
[Feb 03, 2020. 09:45:29]
Introduction to 2-level Boolean function optimisation using the
Quine-McCluskey method
Thu, Jan 30, 2020
[Feb 03, 2020. 09:44:13]
More examples of Karnaugh maps
Mon, Jan 27, 2020
[Jan 27, 2020. 03:06:08]
Shannon decomposition,
introduction to Boolean function optimisation using
Karnaugh maps
Thu, Jan 23, 2020
[Jan 23, 2020. 09:16:13]
Properties of XOR, series-parallel networks, gate networks
Wed, Jan 22, 2020
[Jan 23, 2020. 09:14:16]
Hamming distance, error correction, error detection, number of bits needed, cannonical expressions, number of Boolean functions
Class test 1 announcement
[Jan 20, 2020. 16:16:00]
- Date:
- 2019, Feb 05, Wed
- Time:
- 6:15pm – 7:15pm
- Venue:
- CSE-107 (sec-1), CSE-108 (sec-1), CSE-119 (sec-2), CSE-120 (sec-2), CSE-302 (overflow)
- Syllabus:
- Number systems, weighted codes, BCD code, Gray code,
excess-3 code, single error detection (parity, 2-out-of-5),
conversion between number systems/codes, representation of signed (±) numbers,
single error correction (Hamming code), switching algebra,
identities (associativity, idempotence, absorption, boundedness,
involution, DeMorgan's laws)
- Instructions:
- Calculators are not permitted; carry pencil(s) and
- QP:
Questions and solutions
Mon, Jan 20, 2020
[Jan 18, 2020. 09:18:59]
Boolean lattice representation and Boolean algebra from a Boolean lattice, switching expressions
Thu, Jan 16, 2020
[Jan 16, 2020. 09:39:27]
More on POs and lattices
Wed, Jan 15, 2020
[Jan 15, 2020. 07:52:37]
Binary codes (contd.),
sets, relations, POs and lattices
Mon, Jan 13, 2020
[Jan 13, 2020. 09:24:35]
Binary codes (contd.)
Thu, Jan 09, 2020
[Jan 09, 2020. 09:09:34]
Handling numbers
Wed, Jan 08, 2020
[Jan 08, 2020. 08:06:20]
Handling numbers
Mon, Jan 06, 2020
[Jan 06, 2020. 08:54:49]
Introductory topics
Thu, Jan 02, 2020
[Jan 02, 2020. 00:41:51]
Course introduction
[Jan 02, 2020. 00:32:25]
- Representation of information in Boolean form, including number systems
- Design and optimisation of combinational circuits
- Design and optimisation of synchronous sequential circuits
- Design and optimisation of asynchronous sequential circuits
- Design and operation of common digital building blocks
Class schedule
[Jan 02, 2020. 00:24:05]
- Venue:
- NC-234 / NC-231
- Monday:
- 10am -- 10:55am
- Wednesday:
- 8am -- 9:55am
- Thursday:
- 10am -- 10:55am
Books and References
[Jan 02, 2020. 00:22:05]
- M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital Design: With an
Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5th Edition, Pearson Education,
- Zvi Kohavi and Niraj K. Jha, Swithcing and Finite Automata
Theory, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- Randy H. Katz and Gaetano Borriello, Contemporary Logic Design,
2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
- Joseph Cavanagh, Digital Design and Verilog HDL Fundamentals,
CRC Press, 2008.
- Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and
Synthesis, Sunsoft Press, 1996.
- Douglas J. Smith, HDL Chip Design: A Practical Guide for Designing,
Synthesizing and Simulating ASICs & FPGAs Using VHDL or Verilog,
Doone Publications, 1998.
- http://www.asic-world.com/
- Jacob Millman and Herbert Taub, Pulse, Digital and Switching
Waveforms, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011.
- Herbert Taub and Donald L. Schilling, Digital Integrated
Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Course syllabus
[Jan 02, 2020. 00:20:45]
CS21002 Switching Circuits and Logic Design | L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4
- Introduction: Logic design, transistors as switches, CMOS gates,
sequential circuits, some examples.
- Digital Systems: Representation of numbers, binary codes, Gray
code, error-detecting and error-correcting codes, registers, binary
logic, basic logic gates.
- Boolean Algebra: Boolean operations, Boolean functions, algebraic
manipulations, minterms and maxterms, sum-of-products and product-of-sum
representations, two-input logic gates, functional completeness.
- Minimization of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh map, don't-care
conditions, prime implicants, Quine–McCluskey technique, NAND/NOR
circuits, introduction to Verilog.
- Combinational Circuits: Adder, subtractor, multiplier,
comparator, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers,
Verilog models of combinational circuits.
- Synchronous Sequential Circuits: Finite-state machines, latches
and flip-flops (SR, D, JK, T), synthesis of clocked sequential circuits,
Mealy and Moore machines, state minimization, Verilog models of
sequential circuits.
- Registers and Counters: Registers and shift registers,
sequential adders, binary and BCD ripple counters, synchronous
- Algorithmic State Machines: ASM charts, ASM blocks, controller
and data-path design
- Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Analysis and synthesis,
static and dynamic hazards, elimination of hazards