Camera Ready Instructions

ACM will publish the proceedings of ICDCN 2023 in the ACM Digital Library within its International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Step 1: Preparing camera-ready paper

ACM has introduced a new ACM Master Article Templates and Publication Workflow called TAPS.
It helps you to prepare and submit camera-ready paper.
Information about TAPS will be sent from the following e-mail address, so please make sure you receive it.
Email is sent to only one author for each accepted paper.

You can find more details at the following URL:
[2. The Workflow and Templates] from STEP 3 onward.
If you have any technical problems for both of Word and Tex, please contact ACM's support team directly at The Texex submissions should be in the format "\documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}".

Page Limits:
Regular papers: 10 pages
Short papers: 5 pages
Posters & Demos: 2 pages
Doctoral Symposium: 2 pages
Workshop papers: 6 pages
Tutorial: 4 pages

Additional Instructions:
* The final paper should be in pdf with embedded fonts.
* The paper should be optimized for fast web viewing.
* The pdf should not contain page numbers.
* The paper should have the ACM rights management statement and bibliographic strip on the bottom of the first page left column (See Step 2).
* For generating the Computing Classification Code (CCS) for your paper, please see the section of [Ancillary Authoring Template Information] in

After choosing the relevant discipline/subdiscipline, click "Assign this CCS concept" and then choose the level of relevance. Finally, clicking on "Generate Code" will automatically generate the code block to be placed in your .tex files.

Step 2: Copyrights Form

ACM will directly contact you via email with information on how to submit a copyright form. This email will come from (so please ensure that this email address is not caught by your spam filter).
Email is sent to only one author for each accepted paper.
You must submit this copyright form first, before submitting your camera-ready manuscript.

After completing the rights management form, authors will be emailed the correct rights management text and bibliographic strip to place within their paper. When the author incorporates the code block generated by the ACM e-Rights system, the correct ACM Rights Statement and bibliographic strip will automatically appear in the author's paper. Please double-check that the included ISBN number is correct. The ISBN number for ICDCN 2023 is 978-1-4503-9796-4

Step 3: Submitting your paper

You must submit the camera-ready version of the paper via TAPS.
You must submit the pdf file containing your camera-ready paper plus all source files including figures and bibliography files.
Please check the information from TAPS ( as same as Step 1.

Deadlines for submission of camera-ready papers (Extended):
Full papers: November 21, 2022
Short papers: November 21, 2022
The others: November 21, 2022