pallab dasgupta
pallab dasgupta
  Domain: Verification of Digital Integrated VLSI Circuits:  
Sl. No. Industry Period Specific Area and Point of Contact

01 Intel (Bangalore, India) 2009 - 2012
This group has an ongoing technology development activity for formal post-silicon validation of bug-fixes in Intel's processors.

02 Synopsys (Bangalore, India and
Massachusetts, USA)
2000 - 2008
This group has developed several toolkits and patented verification technologies for Synopsys, which is the world leader in VLSI CAD tools.

03 National Semiconductor Corp.,
(Santa Clara, USA)
2003 - 2007
This group developed a tool for the Technology Infrastructure Group of National Semiconductors which is used for generating tests for custom cell characterization. The tool uses formal methods developed by the group.

04 Intel (Folsom, USA and Haifa, Israel) 2002 - 2005
Formal methods developed by nominee for verification of architectural properties and computing formal coverage metrics was integrated into Intel's Formal Verification tool suite developed at Intel, Haifa.

  Domain: Verification of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits:  
Sl. No. Industry Period Specific Area and Point of Contact

01 Semiconductor Research Corporation(SRC), USA 2008 - 2016
This group is currently developing technology for verification of formal analog properties over AMS simulators. SRC is a world famous research consortium of companies like Intel, Texas Instruments, IBM, and Freescale Semiconductors.

02 National Semiconductor Corp.,(Greenock, Scotland) 2007 - 2010
This group introduced methods for verifying integrated power management units (PMUs) which are large integrated AMS circuits used in portable power devices like cell phones, PDAs and Laptops. The methods use formal hybrid automata based behavioral models.

  Domain: Verification of Power Intent and Power Management Strategies:  
Sl. No. Industry Period Specific Area and Point of Contact

01 Intel (Bangalore, India) 2010 - 2012
Technology developed by the group has been used in a tool for evaluating power management strategies for mobile portable platforms.

02 Synopsys (California, USA and Bangalore, India) 2008 -
This group is currently the Director of Synopsys CAD Labs, IIT Kharagpur. He is also leading a project in this Lab for developing formal verification technology for verifying the architectural power management strategy of large integrated circuits. A tool has already been developed using the group's technology.

  Domain: Verification of Automotive Control:  
Sl. No. Industry Period Specific Area and Point of Contact

01 General Motors (India and Warren, USA) 2009 - 2012
This group has an ongoing activity for applying novel formal methods in verifying feature specifications for automotive control subsystems.

02 General Motors (India Science Labs) 2007 - 2009
Technology for verification of formal properties on the fly over execution traces of UML state-charts was integrated into a tool being used by GM for verification of automotive control software.

  Domain: Verification of Web Interfaces:  
Sl. No. Industry Period Specific Area and Point of Contact

01 Google Inc. 2008 - 2009
This was a one-time research grant from Google for developing formal methods for verifying web-service protocols.

  Domain: Verification of Railway Interlocking:  
Sl. No. Industry Period Specific Area and Point of Contact

01 Indian Railways 2013 -
First phase of a project for using formal methods for checking the correctness of Electronic Interlocking Logic for railway signaling.