
At IIT Kharagpur, researchers from Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science have come together to address some of the emerging research challenges in automotive control, safety critical avionic software, digital and analog integrated circuits, railway signaling/train control systems, and smart electrical grids. Proving the safety of such systems is one of the most significant concerns in these industries. Formal methods are logic based techniques which originated from Artificial Intelligence and have been refined over the years through new algorithms and powerful back-end SAT/SMT solvers to prove the correctness of a wide variety of software based systems. Leading organizations like NASA, Intel, Microsoft and Google have dedicated groups on formal methods.


Group Profile

  • 12+ PhDs produced, 9 ongoing
  • 200+ research papers, 3 books
  • Significant Industry Partnership and Major Research in: Modeling Formalisms | Decision Procedures | Software Verification | Hardware Verification | Verification of Control Systems | Performance verification | Power | Reliability | Timing

Recent Awards

  1. Aritra Hazra – ACM India Best PhD Award
  2. Aritra Hazra – IESA Technovation Award
  3. Sudipa Mandal, Antonio B. da Costa, received Best Student Paper Award at VLSI Design 2017
  4. P P Chakrabarti – IESA Technovisionary Award
  5. Pallab Dasgupta – Elected Fellow of Indian Academy of Science


ACADEMIA: TU Munich | TU Eindhoven | TU Delft | VERIMAG France | TU Darmstadt | EPFL Lausanne

INDUSTRY: Semiconductor Research Consortium (USA, India) | Intel (India, USA) | Synopsys (India, USA) | National Semiconductor Corporation (USA) | Google Inc. | IBM | Indian Railways | Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

Applications Open for

  1. Software Tool for Coverage Management in AMS: Funded by TI-SRC (1 PhD/MS position) Apply Now:

    A collaboration with Texas Instruments for developing an industrial software for their CAD tools that will be used in measuring and keeping track of coverage of AMS systems.

Major Publication Venues

JOURNALS: IEEE Trans. CAD, IEEE Trans. Intell Transportation Sys., Journal of Applied Logic, IEEE Design & Test, Journal of Automated Reasoning, FAOC, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE Trans. VLSI, JOLPE, VLSICS, ACM SIGSOFT, ACM TODAES, IET Computers and Digital Techniques, IEEE Transactions Computers


Projects Executed

  • Verification of Digital Integrated VLSI Circuits: Intel(Bangalore), Synopsys (India, USA), National Semiconductor Co. (USA), Intel (USA,Israel)
  • Verification of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits: Semiconductor Research Co. (USA), National Semiconductor Co. (Scotland)
  • Verification of Power Intent and Power Management Strategies: General Motors (India, USA)
  • Verification of Web Interfaces: Google Inc.
  • Verification of Railway Interlocking: Indian Railways
  • AUTOSAFE: Architecture-aware timing analysis and optimization of safety critical automotive software