CALDAM Indo-Italian Pre-Conference School on Algorithms and Combinatorics
February 11-12, 2019
Gargi Auditorium
IIT Kharagpur

The pre-conference school is being organized for PhD students and teachers in computer science and discrete mathematics during February 11-12, 2019 at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. This school is organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. The school is aimed at fulfilling two purposes: (i) as a pre-conference school for CALDAM 2019, and (ii) as an Indo-Italian School on Algorithms and Combinatorics.

CALDAM Indo-Czech Pre-Conference School 2015

CALDAM Indo-Hungarian Pre-Conference School 2016

CALDAM Indo-German Pre-Conference School 2017

CALDAM Indo-Canadian Pre-Conference School 2018




    There is no registration fee for the school. Arrangements will be made for all speakers and 25 selected participants to stay in IIT Kharagpur, and they will be provided boarding and lodging free of cost. AC III train fare will be provided for selected participants subject to the availability of funds. Click here to access a template of the registration form. Fill the form and mail it to The last date for registration is 5th November 2018.



  • Contact: Prof. Rogers Mathew (