Algorithmic Game Theory

CS60025, Autumn 2024, LTP: 3-0-0

Instructor Somindu Chaya Ramanna
Teaching assistant Umika Agrawal
Class Slots THUR: 15:00-16:55; FRI: 15:00-15:55
Tutorials on Saturdays

Notices and Announcements


I assume familiarity with probability theory, discrete mathematics and algorithm design. These topics will not be covered in the course.

Evaluation Plan (Tentative)

Evaluation for this course will be based on


Week Date Topics
1 25 July Introduction to Non-Cooperative Game Theory, Normal Form Games, Examples
26 July Solution Concepts: Dominant Strategy Equilibria; Strong/Weak/Very Weak Dominance, WDSE for Second-Price Auctions
2 1 August Nash Equilibrium: PSNE, MSNE, Examples
2 August Necessary and Sufficient Condition for MSNE
3 8 August Matrix Games: Examples, Saddle Points, PSNE and Saddle Points, Mixed Strategies, Minmaximisation and Maxminimisation
9 August Matrix Games: Optimisation Problems for the 2 Players, Equivalent LPs, Minimax Theorem, Implications on MSNE for Matrix Games
4 15 August Institute Holiday (Independence Day)
16 August Yao's Lemma
5 22 August Support Enumeration Algorithm, Succint Games, Potential Games
23 August PSNE in Potential Games, Best Response Dynamics
6 29 August Approximate PSNE, Max Gain Best Response Dynamics
30 August Local Search, PLS, PLS-Completeness
7 5 September No Class
6 September No Class
8 12 September MSNE in Bimatrix Games, Classes FNP,TFNP,PPAD
13 September PPAD Completeness, Sperner's Lemma

Practice Problems

Problem Set 1

Problem Set 2
