Chapter 8

Java Input/Output and Networking

by Debasis Samanta



Most Programs cannot accomplish their goals without accessing external data. This data is retrieved from an input source. The results of a program are sent to an output destination. The generic notion of an input source can abstract many different kinds of input : from a disk file, a keyboard, or a network socket. Likewise, an output destination may be a disk file, on the screen, or a network connection. These abstractions are a clean way to deal with input/output (I/O) without having difference between the keyboard and network.

This Chapter is planned to discuss Java File I/O and Java Networking.

Java File I/O

Java provides package which includes numerous class definitions and methods to manipulate file and flow of data ( called I/O streams ). At the first level, package consists of four major classes : File, RandomAccessFile, InputStream, and OutputStream. Subsequent sections are to discuss about the usefulness of these classes.

Java Files

There is a class named File in the package which is useful to create a new file object, to perform number of tests on file objects, and to perform number of file operations. Let us discuss each of them with illustrations.

Creating a new File object :There are three constructors in the class File, and useful to create (open) a file object; these constructors are illustrated as below :

		File myFile;
		myFile = new File (C:\ myDir \ myFile.Java" ); 
This constructor passes the information to create a file having name myFile.Java in the directory myDir.
        my File = new File(pathName, fileName); 
Here, both arguments are of String types, and more useful if the directory or file name is passed as a variable name.
		File myDir = new File (pathToDir);
		myFile = new File (myDir, fileName);
This constructor is useful when we have to open several files from a common directory.

In all the above cases, constructor returns a reference to a file object. If a file already exists then it returns the reference of that file.

File handling Methods:There are number of methods to handle files. These are summarized below :

Dealing with file names 
	String getName() - returns the name of the file object.
	String  getPath() - returns the path of the file object.
	String getAbsolutePath() - returns the absolute path of a file when it is not in the local machine. 
	String getParent() - returns the parent directory in which the file object exist.
	boolean renameTo(File newName) - returns true upon successful operation and and false if one either attempts  to rename a file so that it moves from one directory to another or uses an already existing file name.
File test
	boolean exists() - returns true if file exists else false.
	boolean canWrite() - returns true if the file is writable else false. 
	boolean canRead() - returns true if the file is readable  else false. 
	boolean isFile() - returns true if the object is a file object.
	boolean isDirectory() - returns true if the object is a directory object. 
	boolean isAbsolute() - returns true if the file is within the system or it is relative. 
General file information and utilities 
	long lastModified() - returns the date of the last modification in long format.
	long length() - returns the length of the file in bytes. 
	boolean delete() - returns true if the file is successfully deleted. This only operates on simple file object; even it cannot delete empty directory.
Directory utilities
	boolean mkDir(File newDir)- This method creates a directory, returning true on success and false on failure; failure indicates that the path specified in the file object already exists, or that the directory cannot be created because the path does not exist yet.
	boolean mkDirs(File newDir) - This will return true after creating a directory where  path of the directory may not exist. It not only creates a directory, but will also create all the parents of the directory.
	String[]list( ) - This method returns the list of all file names in a directory.
The following Illustration 8.1 is to illustrate the use of the few methods.

Illustration 8.1 			
/* Reading data from keyboard using DataInputStream class */


class Demonstration_121 {
	public static void main(String args[ ] ) 	{
	   double principalAmount;
	   double rateOfInterest;
	   int numberOfYears;
	   try {
	   DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(;
	   String tempString;	  
       System.out.print("Enter Principal Amount: ");
	   tempString = in.readLine();
	   principalAmount = Float.valueOf(tempString);
	   System.out.print("Enter Rate of Interest: ");

	  tempString = in.readLine();
	  rateOfInterest = Float.valueOf(tempString);
	  System.out.print("Enter Number of Years:");
      tempString = in.readLine();
	  numberOfYears =Integer.parseInt(tempString);
	 }catch (Exception e){}
     // Input is over: calculate the interest
	int interestTotal =principalAmount*rateOfInterest*numberOfYears;
     System.out.println("Total Interest = " + 	interestTotal);

Because class File does not let you read or write files, other classes will have to provide this functionality. To read/write files, one can use one of the two approaches - using the class RandomAccessFile, and using I/O stream classes, namely, InputStream and OutputStream. Out of these two approaches, latter is more powerful. We will restrict ourselves into the last approach only.

Input Stream

Input stream is a flow of data from an input source to the application under execution. Or in other words, reading bytes of data from some kind of data source. Such a stream of inputs can be managed by a number of methods which are defined in public abstract class InputStream which is in package. Here is a brief synopsis of the methods in InputStream :

	int read( ) - returns an integer representation of the next available byte of input.
	int read(byte b[ ] ) - attempts to read upto  b.length bytes into b and returns the actual number of bytes that were successfully read. 
	int read(byte b [  ], int off, int len) - attempts  to read upto len bytes into b starting at b[off],returning the number of bytes successfully read.
	long skip(long  n) - skips over n bytes of input returning the number of bytes skipped. 
	int available( ) - returns the number of bytes of input currently  available for available for reading. 
	void close( ) - close the input source; further  read attempt on a closed input will generate an IO Exception.
	synchronized void mark(int read limit ) - places mark at the current point in the input steam that will remain valid until readlimit bytes are read.
	synchronized void reset()- returns the input pointer to the previously set mark. 
	boolean markSupported() - returns true if mark/reset supported on this stream.

All of the above methods in this class will throw an IOException on error condition.

From the class InputStream, number of classes inherited which are useful to define the process of getting input from an input source. Here is a layout of the file input class hierarchy (Figure8.1).

Figure 8.1 :InputStream class hierarchy
We will just give a synopsis of each class and illustrate the use of FileInputStream class.

FileInputStream : The FileInputStream class uses actual data files as the basis for an InputStream. An object of this class represents a text file which can be accessed in sequential order, byte by byte. Also, you can choose to access one byte, several bytes, or the entire file.
Following is the Illustration 8.2 to show the input stream using FileInputStream.

/* Java FileInputStream : Reading a single character from a file */

public class Demonstration_124 {  
     public static void main(String args[]){    
			FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream("D:\\testout.txt");   //create testout.txt 

		  }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}    

It can be noted that a FileInputStream object can be opened either by any two of the following ways :

	FileInputStream = fin; 	
	fin = new FileInputStream ( String name ); 	      // The name includes the input source file name.
	or , 	
	File  myFile ;
	FileInputStream = fin; 
	myFile = new File (String name );
	fin = new FileInputStream (myFile);
The other sub classes in the InputStream class are the same, only their constructor let you specify a data source in variety of ways. For example, ByteArrayInputStream is an implementation of an input stream that uses a byte array as the source. A string buffer input stream is identical to a ByteArrayInputStream except that the internal buffer is a string instead of a byte array. SequenceInputStream class supports the novel utility of concatenating multiple input stream into a single one. There is FilteredStream class which extends the basic streams by providing synchronization.

Illustration 8.3			 

/* Java FileInputStream : Reading a text from a file */


public class Demonstration_125 {  
     public static void main(String args[]){    
			FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/testout.txt");    //create testout.txt
            int i=0;    
          }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}    

Output Stream

Package 's second main hierarchy branch consists of all stream classes concerned with flow of data from program to output sources. The root for this hierarchy is called OutputStream class. The output hierarchy is shown is figure 8.2.

In Java, output streams are even simpler than input streams; following methods are known in order to handle output streams :

	void write (int b) - writes out one byte at a time.
	void write(byte b[ ] ) - writes out entire byte array i.e. a block of bytes at a time.
	void write (byte b[ ], int off, int len) - writes out len number of bytes from the block of bytes b starting at offset off.
	void flush ( ) - to flush the file buffer.
	void close ( ) - close the out put stream; further write attempt on a closed  output stream will generate an IOException

Figure 8.2 :OutputStream hierarchy

The following discussion is to examine the FileOutputStream class only. Discussion of other classes is beyond the scope of this Chapter.

The FileOutputStream objects are useful for writing out some text to a file. As with input files, here also, you must open the file first, then you can write out your text. There are two constructors analogous to the FileInputStream, which are used to open FileOutputStream objects :

	FileOutputStream fout ;			// fout is the output stream object name
	fout = new FileOutputStream (String name)       // name is the output source file
	File = myFile;
	FileOutputStream fout; 
	myFile = new File(String name); 
	fout = new FileOutputStream (myFile);

Illustration 8.4			 

/* Java FileOutputStream : Write a byte into a file */


public class Demonstration_122a {  
	public static void main(String args[]){    
			FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/test.txt");    
			System.out.println("File writing is over...");    
		catch(Exception e){

Illustration 8.5		 

/* Java FileOutputStream : Write a byte into a file */


class Demonstration_122b {
	public static void main(String args[]) {  
		byte cities[]={'D','E','L','H','I',' ','M','A','D','R','A','S',' ','L','O','N','D','O', 'N','\n'};
		FileOutputStream outfile=null; //create an output file stream
		try  { 
			outfile = new FileOutputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/city.txt");
			// Connect the outfile stream to "city.txt" 
			outfile.write(cities); //Write data to the stream 
		catch(IOException ioe)   { 

Illustration 8.6			 

/* Java FileOutputStream Write a string into a file */


public class Demonstration_123 {  
	public static void main(String args[]){    
			FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/testout.txt");    
			String s="Welcome to NPTEL!";    
			byte b[]=s.getBytes();
			//converting string into byte array    
			System.out.println("File writing is over...");    
		}catch(Exception e){
Following is an illustration to use the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream to make a duplicate of a given file.

Illustration 8.7			 

/* Using class File to check the file status */

class Demonstration_126  {
	public static void getPaths (File f ) throws IOException {
		System.out.println ("Name : " + f. getName( ) );
		System.out.println ("Path : " + f. getPath ( ) );
		System.out.println ("Parent : " + f.getParent ( ) );
    public static void getInfo (File f ) throws IOException  {
		if (f.exists() ) {
			System.out.print ("File exists ");
			System.out.println (f.canRead( ) ? "and is readable" : "");
			System.out.println ( f.canWrite( ) ? "and is writable" : "");
			System.out.println("File is last modified:" + f.lastModified( ));
			System.out.println("File is " + f.length( ) + "bytes" );
			System.err.println (" File does not exist." );
	public static void main (String args [ ] ) throws IOException {
		File  fileToCheck;
		if (args.length > 0 ) {
		   for (int i = 0; i < args.length;i++ ) {
				fileToCheck = new File(args[ i ]);
			System.out.println (" Usage : Java file test ");	 

Illustration 8.8			 

/* Copying a file into another file using CharacterStream Class */

class Demonstration_127 {
	public static void main (String args[]){ 
		//Declare and create input and output files 
		File inFile = new File("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/input.dat"); 
		File outFile = new File("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/output.dat"); 
		FileReader ins = null; // Creates file stream ins 
		FileWriter outs = null;
		// Creates file stream outs
		try {
			ins = new FileReader (inFile); 	
			// Opens inFile 
			outs = new FileWriter (outFile); 	
			// Opens outFile 
			int ch; // Read and write till the end 
			while ((ch = != -1){
				outs.write(ch) ;
		} catch(IOException e) {
		}  finally{    //Close files
			try { 
			catch (IOException e) { }
	}  // main
} // class

Illustration 8.9		 
/* Copying a file into another file using ByteStream Class */

	class Demonstration_128{ 
	public static void main (String args[]){ 
		//Declare input and output file streams 
		FileInputStream infile = null ;     //Input stream         
		FileOutputStream outfile = null ;  //Output stream 

		byte byteRead; //Declare a variable to hold a byte

		try  { 
			//Connect infile to in.dat 
			infile = new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/input.dat"); 
			//Connect outfile to out.dat 
			outfile = new FileOutputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/out.dat");

			//Reading bytes from in.dat and writing to out.dat 
			byteRead = (byte);
			while(byteRead != -	1){ 
				byteRead = (byte);
		catch(FileNotFoundException e) { 
			System.out.println("File not found"); 
		catch(IOException e) { 
		finally{ 	//Close files 
			try { 
			catch(IOException e){}

Illustration 8.10			 

/* Example of BufferedOutputStream class for writing into a file */

public class Demonstration_129{    
	public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{    
	FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/testout1.txt");    
		 BufferedOutputStream bout=new BufferedOutputStream(fout);    
		 String s="Welcome to NPTEL!";    
		 byte b[]=s.getBytes();    

Illustration 8.11			 

/* Example of Java BufferedInputStream for reading from a file */
public class Demonstration_1210 {    
	 public static void main(String args[]){    
				FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/out.dat");    
				BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(fin);    
				int i;    
		  }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}    

Illustration 8.12			 

/* Java SequenceInputStream Example : Reading sequence of files */

class Demonstration_1211 {    
	public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{    
		FileInputStream input1=new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/input1.txt");    
		FileInputStream input2=new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/input2.txt");    
		SequenceInputStream inst=new SequenceInputStream(input1, input2);    

		int j;    

Illustration 8.13			 


class Demonstration_1212{
	public static void main (String args[]) throws 	IOException	{
		//Declare file streams 
		FileInputStream file1 = null; 
		FileInputStream file2 = null; 
		SequenceInputStream file3 = null; //Declare file3 to store combined files 
		//Open the files to be concatenated
		file1 = new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/input1.txt"); 	
		file2 = new FileInputStream("D:/Demonstration/Demonstration-XII/input2.txt"); 	
		file3 = new SequenceInputStream(file1,file2) ; //Concatenate filel and file2 	
		//Create buffered input and output streams 
		BufferedInputStream inBuffer = new 	BufferedInputStream(file3); 
		BufferedOutputStream outBuffer = new 	BufferedOutputStream(System.out); 
		//Read and wri te till the end of buffers 
		int ch; 
		while((ch = != -1)			

Illustration 8.14			 
/* Handling a random access file */

class Demonstration_1213{
	public static void main (String args[]) 
	   RandomAccessFile file = null; 
	   try { 
	        file = new RandomAccessFile("rand.dat","rw");
	       	// Writing to the file 
		 (0); // Go to the beginning 
          	// Reading from the file 
			System.out.println(file.readDouble());; // Go to the second item 
			// Go to the end and append false to the file; 
			file.writeBoolean(false); ; 							
		catch(IOException e)

Networking in Java

Java makes the networking easy and at the same time powerful. It provides package containing number of classes to support networking. Java supports Internet' s TCP/ IP Protocol. Let us give a quick look about what do we mean Internet's TCP/IP. TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol - the two data communication protocols. TCP presents a connection-oriented service (like the telephone network. Here, we have to establish a connection between two communicating processes and as soon as the connection is established, data can be transferred. This protocol thus allows to send or receive arbitrary amount of data without any boundaries. TCP guarantees delivery of data.

On the other hand, IP is a connection-less transport service. It is a datagram protocol which means that data should be sent and received in individual packets. Each IP packet travels its own, like an individual letter in a postal network; here thus, delivery is not guaranteed, packets may be duplicated , lost, or arrive in a different order to that in which they were sent.

The other subtle difference between TCP and IP is that IP allows you to send a packet to an individual machine on the Internet i.e. only single destination address is allowed; whereas, using TCP, one can add more than one destination address.

Although, IP is not reliable but it is more efficient than TCP. There is one more TCP/IP protocol which builds on IP to achieve its functionality : UDP (User Datagram Protocol). This came from the fact that - IP is theoretically limited to sending a 64k byte packet, which would be insufficient for sending many files or even many large GIF images embedded in web pages. One way to solve this problem by breaking up the user's data stream into separate IP packets, numbering them and then reassembling them on arrival. UDP is thus like a cross reference between IP and TCP- it is a data gram protocol with the same 64k packet size limit of IP, but also allows port addresses to be specified.
Java supports both the TCP and UDP protocol families.

Internet addressing method in Java

Java looks the whole Internet as a collection of host machines - each host is identified by a number called port number. But Internet names are in the form of user readable strings like "" instead of raw numbers. Java handle this situation nicely. In package there is InetAddress class that allows you to specify an address in a high level fashion "host.subdomain.domain"; this class then converts this textual name into 32 bits binary string form (for e.g., (expressed in decimal)).

The InetAddress class has no visible constructors. In order to create an InetAddress object, you have to use one of the available factory methods. Factory methods are simply static methods that return an instance of the class they reside in. In this case, InetAddress has three such methods - whose structures are stated below:

	public static InetAddress getLocalHost ( );
	public static InetAddress getByName (String host );
	public static InetAddress [ ] getAllByName (String host );
The getLocalHost() method simply returns the InetAddress object that represents the local host (i.e of your own machine). The getByName() method returns an InetAddress object for a host name passed in. On the Internet, it is quite possible for a single name to be used to represent several machines. The getAllByName() factory method returns an array of InetAddresses that a particular name resolve to. These methods throw UnknownHostException in case of an error.

The InetAddress class also has a few non-static methods, which can be used on the objects returned by the methods are mentioned below :

	public string getHostName( ) - returns a string that represents the host name associated with the InetAddress object.      
	public byte[ ] getAddress ( ) - returns a four elements byte array that represents the object InetAddress in  " Network byte order ".

	public String toString ( ) - returns a string that lists the host name.

Communication using UDP

Java implements the low level communication with TCP/ IP UDP protocol using two classes : DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket . The DatagramPacket object is the data container, while the DatagramSocket is the mechanism used to send or receive the DatagramPackets.

DatagramPackets can be created using one of the two constructors  as stated below :
	public DatagramPacket (byte ibuf [ ], int length);
	public DatagramPacket (byte ibuf [ ], int length, InetAddress iaddr, int iport);
The first constructor uses only a byte buffer and a length. It is used for receiving data over a DatagramSocket. The second constructor adds target address and port number, which are used by DatagramSocket to determine where the data in the packet will be sent.

There are several methods in this class DatagramPacket for accessing the internal state. They can be called to get the destination address and port number of a packet, as well as the raw data and its length. Following is a summary of each of them.

	public InetAddress getAddress ( ) - returns the destination InetAddress. It is typically used for sending.
	public int getport ( ) - returns the integer destination port number. It is typically used for sending.
	public byte [ ] getData ( ) - returns the byte array of data contained in the datagram. It is used to retrieve data from the datagram after it has been received.
	public int getLength ( ) - returns the length of the valid data contained in the byte array that would be returned from the getData() method.
As one can note that the there is no method in DatagramPacket class to send or receive any data grams; this functionality is the responsibility of a companion class DatagramSocket. It has following two constructors :
	public DatagramSocket ( );
	public DatagramSocket ( int port );
The first constructors is used to make communication between two ports in the local machine whereas the second constructor is useful to do communication between two non-localized ports. This class has the following methods :
	public void send (DatagramPacket pkt) - takes a DatagramPacket object and sends the datagram's data to the previously defined host and port address. 
	public synchronized void received (DatagramPacket pkt) - takes a DatagramPacket object as a recipient for data gram to be received.
	public synchronized void close( ) - to close the DatagramSocket that established when the communication is completed.
Following is an example to exercise the Data , Data gram Packet and Data gram socket classes.

Illustration 8.15 			// Communication using UDP //

	import*;		// Include the package 
	class CommnUDP {
		public static int server port = 666; 		// A port 666 is decided as sever port 
		public static int client port = 999; 		// Another port 999 is decided as client port .
		public static int size = 1024 ;		// For the buffer limit
		public static DatagramSocket ds; 		// Socket instance for communication 
		public static byte buffer [ ] = new byte [size] ; 	// buffer is to store  a content 
		public static void theServer( ) {
		int i =0; 
		while (true) 				// run till the end of session 
			int c= ( ); 		// read from keyboard 
			switch ( c) { 	
				case -1 :
					System.out.println (" Server quits : ");

				case '\n'  :		// Message entered for transmission 
				    ds.send (new DatagramPacket (buffer, i,  InetAddress.getLocalHost( ),clientPort ));
						i =  0;
				default :
						buffer [i++ ] = byte( c );
		public static void theClient ( ) {
				while(true) {
					DatagramPacket pkt = new DatagramPacket (buffer, buffer.length);
					ds.receive (pkt) ;
					System.out.println (new String (pkt.getData ( ), 0, 0, pkt.getLength( ))));
		public static void main (String args [ ] ) 	{
				if (args.length == 1) {
					ds = new DatagramSocket (serverPort );
					theServer (  ); 			// sending message from server 
				} else {
					ds = new DatagramSocket (clientPort );
					theClient ( ); 		// Receiving message in client 

This example illustrates the DatagramSocket constructor to perform the communication between two ports on the local machine. To use this program, run Java commnUDP in one window; this will be the client. Then run Java commnUDP abc; this will be the server. Anything that is typed in the server window will be sent to the client window after a new line is entered.

Next Illustration 8.16 is to use UDP protocol to make a dialog between two distant machines in the Internet

Illustration 8.16 				// Communication using UDP outside  //

	class DialogUDP {
		public static int hostPort = 999; 		// Port No. of the distant machine is assumed
		public static void main (String args [ ] )
			DatagramSocket 	ds;
			DatagramPacket 	pkt;
			InternetAddress hostAddress;
			byte buffer [  ] = new byte [ 1024];
			ds = new DatagramSocket ( ); 		// Establish a socket in  your machine
			hostAddress = InetAddress getByName ("" );					// If you are ready to send a message for me.
			//   Phase  I :  To transmit a message 
			// Code for loading some message into buffer array 	// 
			pkt = new DatagramPacket (buffer, buffer.length, hostAddress, hostPort);
			// Data gram packet for sending  message
			ds.send ( pkt) ;			// message is transmitted for the host machine.
			// Phase II : To receive some message from host. 
			pkt = new DatagramPacket (buffer, buffer.length );
			ds. receive (pkt);			// data gram  as a receiving packet 	
			String message = new String (pkt.getData ( ), 0);
			System.out.printin (" Message : "  + message );
			ds.close ( );

This program is a two phased dialogue. In the first phase a message from the user's machine will be delivered to the host machine "www.", and if the host send some message that will be received in the second please.

Communication Using TCP

TCP communication based on the concept of Client/Server model. It allows bi-directional point-to-point, stream based connection between two machines one of which is termed as sever and other being the client. This is implemented using two core classes : Socket and ServerSocket. These two classes are to establish socket connections between client and server. Sockets in Java are end points of communication links between processes (which are under run in two machines). The Socket class is to create a socket for client and the ServerSocket is for server. Let us visit these two classes before proceeding further :

Socket class is having two constructor as below :

	public Socket (String host , int port ) - creates a socket connecting the local host to the named    host and port. 
	public Socket (InetAddress  address, int port) - creates a socket using pre-exiting InetAddress object and a port.

The Socket class also contains methods to examine addresses and port information associated with it at any time.

	public  InetAddress getInetAddress( ) - returns the  InetAddress associated with the socket object .
	public int get.port ( ) - returns the remote port with which socket object is connected to.
	public int getLocalPort () - returns the local port of  the socket object is connected to.

Once the Socket object is created, it then can gain access to the input and output streams associated with it. Each of these next methods in Socket class are to do this :

	public InputStream getInputStream( ) - returns the InputStream associate with this socket.
	public void close ( ) - close both the InputStream and OutputStream. 

Similar to the Socket class, ServerSocket class is to create a socket connection for server. Two constructors are available  here as :
	public ServerSocket (int port ) - creates a ServerSocket on the specified port.
	public ServerSocket (int port, int count ) - creates a server socket on the  specified port waiting "count"  milliseconds if the port is in use.
It has the methods getInetAddress(), getLocalPort() and close() very similar to the method in Socket class. Another extra method namely public Socket accept() is very important which initiates communication for waiting clients and then returns with a normal socket.

The communication process is shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3 :Client-Server model for TCP communication

With this discussion, we can establish a TCP connection. Suppose, we want to write a server system as SimpleServer. Using any one constructors in ServerSocket we can create a new socket (listening ) on our machine that can accept incoming connections from clients across the network. The port number we have to select between 0 - 65535 uniquely (0 -1023 is reserved for standard Internet ports ). Suppose, we select a port number for our SimpleServer as 9876 (we have chosen arbitrarily for testing purpose ). This is sufficient to create a new ServerSocket object in our machine. Once a new ServerSocket object is created, it is then ready to listen on its port form client requests to arrive. This can be initiated by invoking the accept ( ) method on the SeverSocket object.

Following is the Illustration 8.17 to create a SimpleServer in our machine. This server will send a message "Hello Net world!" whenever a client connects to it.

Illustration 8.17 				// Minimal TCP/ IP Sever // 

	class SimpleServer {
		public static void main (String args [ ] )  	{
		ServerSocket server;
		Socket socket;
		String msg = "Hello Net world !";
		OutputStream oStream;
		DataOutputStream dataOut; 
		try { 				// To create a ServerSocket object 
			Server = new ServerSocket (9876);	
		} catch (IOException e ) 	{  }
				// 	Run the Server to attend the clients for ever 
		while (true) {
			try {
				socket = server.accept (  ); 	// Wait here and listen for a connection.
				oStream = socket getOutputStream( ); //Get a communication stream for output 
				dataOut = new DataOutputStream(oStream);   // DataStream out in binary 
				dataOut.writeUTF(mag);            // Send message to the client 
				dataOut.close ( );         // Close the Stream object when message is transmitted 
				oStream.close ( );		// Close the output Stream or the current socket 
				socket.close ( );		// Close the current socket connection 
				}  catch (IOException e )	{  }
			  }	// listen for other clients if any 
			}	// main (  )
		}	// Simple Server

Note : that this Application uses DataOutputStream to send message in binary bit string format for portability only. The writeUTF(String) is a function defined in DataOutputStream class to write a string object.

Following illustration 8.18 is the simple example for a client program.

Illustration 8.18				// Minimal TCP/IP  client  // 

	class SimpleClient  {
		public static void main (String args [ ] ) throws IOException 	{
			int c;
			Socket socket;
			InputStream iStream;
			DataInputStream dataIn;
			socket = new Socket ("New Server", 9876 ); 			    // Create socket to connect the server "New Server" at port 9876
			iStream = socket getInput.Stream ( );
			dataIn  = new dataInputStream ( iStream);         // Get an input stream in binary 
			String mag = new String (dataIn.readUTF( ) );   //      Read the string in Distream 
					// When done just close the connection and exit
			dataIn.close ( );
			iStream.close ( );
			socket.close ( ); 			// Close the connection 
		}	// SimpleClient program 

Practice Questions

Practice 8.1 
	class FileInOut{
	   public static void main (String args []) 	{
		byte[] buffer = new byte [512] ;                  // A temp buffer to store text 
		int i = 0, size = 0;
		FileOutputStream fout; 
			int  c = 0; 
		   while (( c = ( ) )!=-1 )  {       // Read from keyboard till ctrl+Z
			buffer[i] = (byte) c;
		   size= i;                    		// Number of bytes read 
		   fout = new FileOutputStream (args[0]);
		   fout.write (buffer,0,size); 		// Write whole buffer into the file 
		   fout.close ( ); 	
		   catch(IOException ee) {}
		   catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { }

Practice 8.2 
		class InterestCalculator
		public static void main(String args[ ] ) {
		   Float principalAmount = new Float(0);
		   Float rateOfInterest = new Float(0);
		   int numberOfYears = 0;
		   DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(;
		   String tempString;
		   System.out.print("Enter Principal Amount: ");
		   tempString = in.readLine();
		   principalAmount = Float.valueOf(tempString);
		   System.out.print("Enter Rate of Interest: ");
		   tempString = in.readLine();
		   rateOfInterest = Float.valueOf(tempString);

		   System.out.print("Enter Number of Years: ");
		   tempString = in.readLine();
		   numberOfYears = Integer.parseInt(tempString);
		catch(IOException e) {}
		   // Input is over: calculate the interest
		   float interestTotal =  principalAmount*rateOfInterest*numberOfYears*0.01f;
		   System.out.println("Total Interest = " + interestTotal);

Practice 8.3 

class FileTest  {
   public static void main (String args [ ] ) throws IOException {
	File fileToCheck;
	if (args.length > 0 ) {
	   for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) {
		fileToCheck = new File(args[ i ]);
		getNames (fileToCheck );
 	    System.out.println ("Usage : Java file test ");	 
 public static void getNames (File f ) throws IOException {
	System.out.println ("Name : " + f. getName( ) );
	System.out.println ("Path : " + f. getPath ( ) );
	System.out.println ("Parent : " + f.getParent ( ) );

    public static void getInfo (File f ) throws IOException  {
	if (f.exists() ) {
	    System.out.print ("File exists ");
	    System.out.println (f.canRead( ) ? "and is readable" : "");
	    System.out.println ( f.canWrite( ) ? "and is writable" : "");
	    System.out.println ("File is last modified : " + f.lastModified( ));
	    System.out.println ("File is " + f.length( ) + "bytes" );
	    System.err.println (" File does not exist." );

Practice 8.4 

	class InputStreamTest 	{
	   public static void main (String args [ ] ) {
		int size;
			// To open a file input stream.
		FileInputStream fin;
		 fin = new FileInputStream ("");
		 size = fin.available( );		// returns the number of bytes available
			System.out.println("Total bytes ::" + size);

			System.out.println ( " First ¼ is displayed : Using read( )");
			for (int i = 0; i < size /4 ; i++ ) 	{
			   System.out.println ((char) ) );
			System.out.println (" Remaining bytes :" + fin.available( ) );
			System.out.println ("Next ¼ is displayed : Using read( b[ ] )");
			byte b[] = new byte[size/4];
			if ( (b) != b.length ) 
			System.err.println ("File reading error : ");
			else {
				String temp = new String (b, 0, 0, b.length );	 // Convert the bytes into string
				System.out.println (temp) ; 			// display text string.

				System.out.println ( " Still available : " + fin.available( ) );
				System.out.println ( " skipping ¼ : Using skip ( )" );
				System.out.println (" File remaining for read ::" + fin.available( ) );
		   fin.close ( ); 	
			// Close the input stream
			catch(FileNotFoundException e1) { System.out.println ("File not found"); }
			catch(IOException e) { System.out.println ("IO Exception"); }

practice 8.5 
//Copying characters from one file into another

	class CopyCharacters 
		public static void main (String args[]) 
			//Declare and create input and output files 
			File inFile = new File("input.txt"); 
			File outFile = new File("output.txt"); 
			FileReader ins = null; // Creates file stream ins 
			FileWriter outs = null; // Creates file stream outstry {
			ins = new FileReader (inFile) ; // Opens inFile 
			outs = new FileWriter (outFile) ; // Opens outFile 
		   // Read and write till the end 
		   int ch;
			   while ((ch = != -1) 
				  outs.write(ch) ;
			catch(IOException e) {
		  finally		//Close files
			try { 
		 catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e);  }	
	  }  // main
	} // class
practice 8.6 

	class WriteBytes {
		public static void main(String args[]) {
			//Declare and initialize a byte array
			byte[] cities ={'D','E','L','H','I','\n','M','A','D','R','A','S','\n','L','O','N','D','O','N','\n'};
			//create an output file stream
			FileOutputStream outfile=null;
				// Connect the outfile stream to "city.txt" 
				outfile = new FileOutputStream("city.txt"); 
				//Write data to the stream 
			catch(IOException ioe)  { 
practice 8.7 
	class ReadBytes {
		public static void main (String args[])  { 
			// Create an input file stream 
			FileInputStream infile = null; 
			int b; 
			try  { 
				// Connect infile stream to the required file 
				infile = new FileInputStream(args[0]); 
				// Read and display data 
				while((b = != -1)  { 
			catch(IOException ioe)  { 
practice 8.8 
	class CopyBytes 
		public static void main (String args[]) 
			//Declare input and output file streams 
			FileInputStream infile = null; //Input stream 
			FileOutputStream outfile = null; //Output stream 
			//Declare a variable to hold a byte 
			byte byteRead; 
			try  { 
			   //Connect infile to input.txt 
			   infile = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); 
			   //Connect outfile to output.txt 
				outfile = new FileOutputStream("output.txt"); 
			   //Reading bytes from input.txt and 
			   //writing to output.txt  
				   byteRead = (byte); 
				while(byteRead != -1); 
			 catch(FileNotFoundException e) { 
			   System.out.println("File not found"); 
			 catch(IOException e) { 
			 finally 	//Close files 
			   try {
			   catch(IOException e){}

practice 8.9 
	class ReadWritePrimitive 
		public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException
			File primitive = new File("prim.dat");
			FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(primitive);
			DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
			//Write primitive data to the "prim.dat" file
			//Read data from the "prim.dat" file
			FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(primitive);
			DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
practice 8.10

	class ReadWriteIntegers
		public static void main (String args[]) 
			//Declare data streams 
			DataInputStream dis = null; 		//Input stream 
			DataOutputStream dos = null; 		//Output stream
			//Construct a file 
			File intFile = new File("rand.dat"); 
			//Writing integers to rand.dat file 
				//Create output stream for intFile file 
				dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(intFile)); 
				for(int i=0;i<20;i++) 
					dos.writeInt ((int) (Math. random () *100)); 
		   catch(IOException ioe) 
				catch(IOException ioe) { } 
			 //Reading integers from rand.dat file 
			try { 
				//Create input stream for intFile file 
				dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(intFile)); 
				for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { 
					int n = dis.readInt(); 
					System.out.print(n + " ");
			catch(IOException ioe) {
			finally {
				try {
				catch(IOException ioe) { }
practice 8.11 

	class SequenceBuffer 
		public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException
			//Declare file streams 
			FileInputStream file1 = null; 
			FileInputStream file2 = null; 
			//Declare file3 to store combined files 
			SequenceInputStream file3 = null; 
			//Open the files to be concatenated 
			file1 = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); 
			file2 = new FileInputStream("output.txt"); 
			//Concatenate file1 and file2 into file3 
			file3 = new SequenceInputStream(file1,file2) ; 
			//Create buffered input and output streams 
			BufferedInputStream inBuffer = new BufferedInputStream(file3); 
			BufferedOutputStream outBuffer = new BufferedOutputStream(System.out); 
			//Read and wri te till the end of buffers 
			int ch; 
			while((ch = != -1) 

practice 8.12 
	class RandomIO 
		public static void main (String args[]) 
			RandomAccessFile file = null; 
				file = new RandomAccessFile("rand.txt","rw");
				// Writing to the file 
				file.writeDouble(3.1412); (0); // Go to the beginning // Reading from the file 
				System.out.println(file.readDouble());; // Go to the second item 
				// Go to the end and append false to the file; 
				file.writeBoolean(false); (4) ; 
			catch(IOException e)

practice 8.13 
	class RandomAccess
		static public void main(String args[])
			RandomAccessFile rFile;
				rFile = new RandomAccessFile("city.txt","rw");;  // Go to the end
				rFile.writeBytes("MUMBAI\n"); //Append MUMBAI	
			catch(IOException ioe)

practice 8.14 
import java. util. *; // For using StringTokenizer class 
	class Inventory 
		static DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(; 
		static StringTokenizer st; 
		public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException 
			DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("invent.txt")); 
			// Reading from console 
			System.out.println("Enter code number"); 
			st = new StringTokenizer(din.readLine()); 
			int code = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); 
			System.out.println("Enter number of items"); 
			st = new StringTokenizer(din.readLine()); 
			int items = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); 
			System.out.println("Enter cost"); 
			st = new StringTokenizer(din.readLine()); 
			double cost = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
			// Writing to the file "invent.txt" 
			// Processing data from the file 
			DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("invent.txt")); 
			int codeNumber = dis.readInt(); 
			int totalItems = dis.readInt(); 
			double itemCost = dis.readDouble(); 
			double totalCost = totalItems * itemCost; 
			// Writing to console 
			System.out.println("Code Number : " + codeNumber); 
			System.out.println("Item Cost         : " + itemCost); 
			System.out.println("Total Items     : " + totalItems);  
			System.out.println("Total Cost       : " + totalCost); 

practice 8.15 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 

class StudentFile extends Frame implements ActionListener
	// Defining window components 
	TextField number, name, marks; 
	Button enter, done; 
	Label numLabel, nameLabel, markLabel; 
	DataOutputStream dos;
	// Initialize the Frame 
	public StudentFile()
		super("Create Student File"); 
   // Setup the window 
	public void setup() 
		resize(400, 200); 
		setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
		// Create the components of the Frame 
		number = new TextField(25); 
		numLabel = new Label("Roll Number"); 
		name = new TextField(25); 
		nameLabel = new Label ("Student Name"); 
		marks = new TextField(25); 
		markLabel = new Label("Marks"); 
		enter = new Button("ENTER"); 
		done = new Button("DONE");
        // Add the components to the Frame 
		// Show the Frame 
        // Open the file 
			dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("student.txt"));
		catch(IOException e) 
   // Write to the file 
	public void addRecord() 
		int num; 
		Double d; 
		num = (new Integer(number.getText())).intValue(); 
			d = new Double(marks.getText()); 
		catch(IOException e) { }
		// Clear the text fields 
		number.setText(" "); 
		name.setText(" "); 
		marks.setText(" "); 
    // Adding the record and clearing the TextFields 
	public void cleanup() 
		if(!number.getText(). equals(" ")) 
		catch(IOException e) { } 
    // Processing the event 
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
	      Button source = (Button)e.getSource();
          if(source.getLabel() == "DONE"){
          if(source.getLabel() == "ENTER")

	// Execute the program 
	public static void main (String args[]) 
		StudentFile student = new StudentFile();

practice 8.16 
	import java.awt.*; 
	import java.awt.event.*; 

	class ReadStudentFile extends Frame implements ActionListener
		// Defining window components 
		TextField number, name, marks; 
		Button next, done; 
		Label numLabel, nameLabel, markLabel; 
		DataInputStream dis; 
		boolean moreRecords = true; 
		// Initialize the Frame 
		public ReadStudentFile() 
			super("Create Student File"); 
		// Setup the window 
		public void setup() 
			setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
			// Create the components of the Frame 
			number = new TextField(25); 
			numLabel = new Label ("Roll Number"); 
			name = new TextField(25); 
			nameLabel = new Label ("Student Name"); 
			marks = new TextField(25); 
			markLabel = new Label("Marks"); 
			next = new Button("NEXT"); 
			done = new Button("DONE");
			// Add the components to the Frame 
			// Show the Frame 
			// Open the file 
				dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("student.txt")); 
			catch(IOException e) 
		// Read from the file 
		public void readRecord() 
			int n; 
			String s; 
			double d; 
				n = dis.readInt(); 
				s = dis.readUTF(); 
				d = dis.readDouble(); 
			catch(EOFException e) 
				moreRecords = false; 
			catch(IOException ioe) 
				System.out.println("IO ErrorN"); 
	   // Closing the input file 
		public void cleanup() 
			catch(IOException e) { } 
		// Processing the event 
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
			  Button source = (Button)e.getSource();
			  if(source.getLabel() == "DONE"){
			  if(source.getLabel() == "NEXT")

		// Execute the program 
		public static void main (String args[]) 
			ReadStudentFile student = new ReadStudentFile(); 
			student.setup() ;
Practice Questions –(JDBC)

1.	Download “mysql-connector-java-5.1.20-bin.jar” in your present directory.
2.	Change IP address of database server as instructed during lab.
3.	Give table name same as your name for all occurrences.
4.	Run your jdbc program as 
java –cp .: mysql-connector-java-5.1.20-bin.jar < Name of program> practice 8.17 // This program illustrates how to connect to ‘test’ database. import java.sql.*; public class Connect { public static void main (String[] args) { Connection conn = null; try { String userName = "guest"; String password = "guest"; String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance (); conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password); System.out.println ("Database connection established"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server"); } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close (); System.out.println ("Database connection terminated"); } catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ } } } } }
practice 8.18 
// This program illustrates how to create a table.

	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;

	public class CreateTableJavaDataBase
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			   Connection conn = null;
			   Statement stmt = null; 
			   ResultSet rs = null;
			   String TableName;
			  String userName = "guest";
			  String password = "guest";
			  String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
			  Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
			  conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
		   // System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			stmt.execute("show tables");
			  rs = stmt.getResultSet();
		   System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result Before Create Table ---------\n");
			while ( {
				   TableName = rs.getString("Tables_in_test");  // change this field name
			   System.out.println("Table Name: = "+TableName+"\n");
				} //end while
		// Crate a table called JavaCourse.  
		stmt.execute("create table JavaCourse(Roll Integer primary key, Name  
		  Varchar(30), Marks Integer not null, Grade Varchar(2))");
		  stmt.execute("show tables");
		  rs = stmt.getResultSet();
		System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result After Create Table ---------\n");
		while ( {
			 TableName = rs.getString("Tables_in_test"); // change this field name
		   System.out.println("Table Name: = "+TableName+"\n");
		  } //end while
		catch (SQLException ex){
				 // handle any errors
			  System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
			  System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
			  System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
		catch (Exception e)
			 System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
		finally {
			  // it is a good idea to release
			  // resources in a finally{} block
			  // in reverse-order of their creation
			  // if they are no-longer needed
			  if (rs != null) {
			   try {
			   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				 rs = null;
			  if (stmt != null) {
			   try {
			  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
practice 8.19 
// This program illustrates how to insert a record in a table.

	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;

	   public class InsertJavaDataBase
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			   Connection conn = null;
			 Statement stmt = null; 
			 ResultSet rs = null;
			   String NameString, RollString, MarksString, GradeString;
				   String userName = "guest";
				   String password = "guest";
				   String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
				   Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
				   conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
			  // System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			   stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			   stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				   rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			   System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result Before Insert---------\n");
				 while ( {
					 NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				 RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				 MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				 GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");				 
					 System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					 "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
				} //end while
			 //Insert four rows into JavaCourse Table
		   stmt.execute("INSERT INTO JavaCourse values (01,'Debasish Kundu', 75, 'A')");
		   stmt.execute("INSERT INTO JavaCourse values(02,'Saikat Das', 85, 'EX')");
		   stmt.execute("INSERT INTO JavaCourse values(03,'Sandeep Banerjee', 65, 'B')");
		   stmt.execute("INSERT INTO JavaCourse values(04,'Raju Chatterjee', 78, 'A')");
		   stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
			 rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			 System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result After Insert---------\n");
		   while ( {
					 NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				   RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				 MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				 GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");				 
					 System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					 "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
				} //end while
		catch (SQLException ex){
				// handle any errors
			   System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
			   System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
			   System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
		catch (Exception e)
			   System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
		finally {
			  // it is a good idea to release
			  // resources in a finally{} block
			  // in reverse-order of their creation
			  // if they are no-longer needed
			  if (rs != null) {
			   try {
			   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				 rs = null;
			  if (stmt != null) {
			   try {
			  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
practice 8.20 
	// This program illustrates how to insert a record in a table with input // taking from user.
	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;
	import java.util.Scanner;

	   public class InsertJavaDataBase1
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			 Connection conn = null;
			 PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
			 Statement stmt = null; 
			 ResultSet rs = null;
			   String Name, Grade, NameString, RollString, MarksString, GradeString;
			 int Roll;
			 int Marks;
				   String userName = "guest";
				   String password = "guest";
				   String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
				   Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
				   conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
				// System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			   System.out.println("\n\n ------- Results before Insert ---------\n");
			   stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			   stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				   rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			   while ( {
					 NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				 RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				 MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				 GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");
					  System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					  "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
				   } //end while
	System.out.println("\n\n ------- Input for the entries of table (JavaCourse) \n");
		 Scanner in = new Scanner(;
		 System.out.println("\n Enter Name: \t");
		 Name = in.nextLine();
		 System.out.println("\n Enter Grade: \t");
		 Grade = in.nextLine();			   
		 System.out.println("\n Enter Roll: \t");
		 Roll = in.nextInt();
		 System.out.println("\n Enter Marks: \t");
		 Marks = in.nextInt(); 
	// Insert into database
	String QryString = "INSERT INTO JavaCourse (Roll,Name,Marks,Grade) VALUES(?,?,?,?)";
	pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(QryString);
	pstmt.setInt(1, Roll); 
	pstmt.setString(2, Name);
	pstmt.setInt(3, Marks); 
	pstmt.setString(4, Grade);

	System.out.println("\n\n ------- Results after Insert ---------\n");
	stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
	rs = stmt.getResultSet();
	while ( {
	   NameString = rs.getString("Name");
	   RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
	   MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
	   GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");
	  System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: 
	  = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = "+GradeString+"\n");
	 } //end while
	catch (SQLException ex){
	 // handle any errors
	   System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
	   System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
	   System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
	catch (Exception e)
	   System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
	finally {
	   // it is a good idea to release
	   // resources in a finally{} block
	   // in reverse-order of their creation
	   // if they are no-longer needed
	   if (rs != null) {
		   try {
			   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				 rs = null;
			  if (stmt != null) {
			   try {
			  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
			   if (pstmt != null) {
				try {
					  pstmt.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
practice 8.21 
// This program illustrates how to update a record in a table.

	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;

	public class UpdateJavaDataBase
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			   Connection conn = null;
			 Statement stmt = null; 
			 ResultSet rs = null;
			   String NameString, RollString, MarksString, GradeString;
				   String userName = "guest";
				   String password = "guest";
				   String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
				   Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
				   conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
			   // System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			   stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			   stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				   rs = stmt.getResultSet();
				 System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result Before Update ---------\n");
			   while ( {
					 NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				 RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				 MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				 GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");				 
					 System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					 "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
					} //end while
				// Update a row
				stmt.execute("update JavaCourse set Marks=85, Grade='Ex' where 
				  Name='Debasish Kundu'");
				  stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				  rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			  System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result After Update ---------\n");
			  while ( {
					  NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				  RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");				 
					  System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					  "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
					} //end while
			 catch (SQLException ex){
				 // handle any errors
				 System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
				 System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
				 System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
			catch (Exception e)
				   System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
			 finally {
			  // it is a good idea to release
			  // resources in a finally{} block
			  // in reverse-order of their creation
			  // if they are no-longer needed
			  if (rs != null) {
			   try {
			   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				 rs = null;
			  if (stmt != null) {
			   try {
			  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
practice 8.22 
// This program illustrates how to process the data stored in a table.
	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;
	public class ProcessJavaDataBase
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			   Connection conn = null;
			 Statement stmt = null; 
		   ResultSet rs = null;
		   int TotalMarks=0, Num_Student=0; 
		   float Avg_Marks;
			 String NameString, RollString, MarksString, GradeString;
				 String userName = "guest";
				 String password = "guest";
				 String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
				 Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
				 conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
			   // System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			 // Compute avarage marks
			 stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			 stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				 rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			System.out.println("\n\n ------- Results  ---------\n");
			while ( {
					 NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				 RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				 MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				 GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");	
					 TotalMarks = TotalMarks + Integer.parseInt(MarksString);
					 System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					 "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
				} //end while
			Num_Student = rs.getRow();
			Avg_Marks = TotalMarks / Num_Student; 
			  System.out.println("\n\n ------- AVERAGE Marks = "+Avg_Marks+"--------");
		  catch (SQLException ex){
				// handle any errors
				 System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
				 System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
				 System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
		  catch (ArithmeticException e) {
				  System.out.println("Division by zero.");
		  catch (Exception e)
			   System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
		  finally {
			  // it is a good idea to release
			  // resources in a finally{} block
			  // in reverse-order of their creation
			  // if they are no-longer needed
			  if (rs != null) {
			   try {
			   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				 rs = null;
			  if (stmt != null) {
			   try {
			  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
practice 8.23 
// This program illustrates how to delete records in a table.

	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;

	public class DeleteJavaDataBase
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			   Connection conn = null;
			 Statement stmt = null; 
			 ResultSet rs = null;
			   String NameString, RollString, MarksString, GradeString;
				   String userName = "guest";
				   String password = "guest";
				   String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
				   Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
				   conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
			   // System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			   stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			   stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				   rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			   System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result Before Delete ---------\n");
				 while ( {
				   NameString = rs.getString("Name");
			   RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
			   MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
			   GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");				 
				   System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
				   "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
					} //end while
			 // delete all rows
			 stmt.execute("delete from JavaCourse");
				 stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM JavaCourse");
				 rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			   system.out.println("\n\n ------- Result After Delete ---------\n");
			 while ( {
					  NameString = rs.getString("Name");
				  RollString = rs.getString("Roll");
				MarksString = rs.getString("Marks");
				GradeString = rs.getString("Grade");				 
					  System.out.println("Name: = "+NameString+"\t\t"+"Roll: = 
					  "+RollString+"\t\t"+"Marks: = "+MarksString+"\t\t"+"Grade: = 
				   } //end while

			  catch (SQLException ex){
				 // handle any errors
				 System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
				 System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
				 System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
			catch (Exception e)
				   System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
			 finally {
			  // it is a good idea to release
			  // resources in a finally{} block
			  // in reverse-order of their creation
			  // if they are no-longer needed
			  if (rs != null) {
			   try {
			   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				 rs = null;
			  if (stmt != null) {
			   try {
			  } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }

practice 8.24 
// This program illustrates how to delete a table.

	import java.sql.*;
	import java.sql.ResultSet;

	public class DeleteTableJavaDataBase
		   public static void main (String[] args)
			   Connection conn = null;
			 Statement stmt = null; 
			 ResultSet rs = null;
			   String TableName;
				  String userName = "guest";
				  String password = "guest";
				  String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
				  Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
				  conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
				// System.out.println ("Database connection established");
			  stmt = conn.createStatement();  
			  stmt.execute("show tables");
				  rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			  System.out.println("\n\n ---- Result Before Delete Table ---------\n");
				  while ( {
					 TableName = rs.getString("Tables_in_test"); // change this field name
				 System.out.println("Table Name: = "+TableName+"\n");
				  } //end while
			  // Crate a table called JavaCourse.  
			   stmt.execute("drop table JavaCourse");
				 stmt.execute("show tables");
				 rs = stmt.getResultSet();
			 System.out.println("\n\n ------- Result After Delete Table ---------\n");
			  while ( {
					 TableName = rs.getString("Tables_in_test"); // change this field name
				 System.out.println("Table Name: = "+TableName+"\n");
				 } //end while
			catch (SQLException ex){
				 // handle any errors
				 System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
				 System.out.println("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState());
				 System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
			 catch (Exception e)
				   System.err.println ("Cannot connect to database server");
			 finally {
				 // it is a good idea to release
				 // resources in a finally{} block
				 // in reverse-order of their creation
				 // if they are no-longer needed
				 if (rs != null) {
				  try {
				   } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				   rs = null;
				if (stmt != null) {
				try {
				} catch (SQLException sqlEx) { } // ignore
				stmt = null;
			  if (conn != null) {
				try {
					  conn.close ();
					  // System.out.println ("Database connection terminated");
					catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }

Practice 8.25
	// This program illustrates communications using UDP.

	/* To use this program, run “java commnUDP” in one window; this will be the client. Then run “java commnUDP abc” in another window; this will be the server. Anything that is typed in the server window will be sent to the client window after a new line is entered.*/

	import*;	// Include the package 
	class CommnUDP {

	public static int serverPort = 666;  // A port 666 is decided as sever port 
	public static int clientPort = 999; // Another port 999 is decided as client port .
	public static int size = 1024 ;		// For the buffer limit
	public static DatagramSocket ds; 		// Socket instance for communication 
	public static byte buffer [ ] = new byte [size] ; 	// buffer is to store  a content
	public static void theServer( ) {
	int i =0; 
	while(true) {				// run till the end of session 
		int c= ); 		// read from keyboard 
		switch (c) { 	
			case -1:
				 System.out.println ("Server quits : ");
				case '\n'  :		// Message entered for transmission 
		  ds.send(new DatagramPacket(buffer, i, InetAddress.getLocalHost(), clientPort ));
			i =  0;
			 default :
			buffer [i++ ] = (byte) c;
		catch(UnknownHostException ee){System.out.println("Host not found"); }
		catch(IOException e){System.out.println("IO error"); }
	public static void theClient ( ) {
		while(true) {
			DatagramPacket pkt = new DatagramPacket (buffer, buffer.length);
			ds.receive (pkt) ;
			System.out.println(new String (pkt.getData(), 0, 0, pkt.getLength()));
			catch(IOException e){System.out.println("IO error"); }
	public static void main (String args [ ] ) 	{
			if (args.length == 1) {
				ds = new DatagramSocket (serverPort );
				theServer(); 	// sending message from server 
			} else {
				ds = new DatagramSocket (clientPort );
				theClient ( ); 		// Receiving message in client 
			catch(SocketException eee){ System.out.println("Socket Error"); }

Practice 8.26
// This program illustrates how server sends a message “Hello Net world!” to a client using TCP/IP. 
	// TCP/IP Sever program  // 

	class SimpleServer {
		public static void main (String args [ ] )  {
		ServerSocket server;
		Socket socket;
		String msg = "Hello Net world !";
		OutputStream oStream;
		DataOutputStream dataOut; 
		try { 				// To create a ServerSocket object 
		 server = new ServerSocket (9876);	
		  // 	Run the Server to attend the clients for ever 
			while (true) {
			socket = server.accept (  ); 	// Wait here and listen for a connection.
			oStream = socket.getOutputStream( ); //Get a communication stream for output 
			dataOut = new DataOutputStream(oStream);   // DataStream out in binary 
			dataOut.writeUTF(msg);            // Send message to the client 
			dataOut.close();     // Close the Stream object when message is transmitted 
			  oStream.close ( );		// Close the output Stream or the current socket 
			socket.close ( );		// Close the current socket connection 
		  catch(IOException e)	{  }
		   // listen for other clients if any 
	   }	// main (  )
	}	// Simple Server

	// TCP/IP Client program //

	class SimpleClient  {
		public static void main (String args [ ] ) throws IOException 	{
			int c;
			Socket socket;
			InputStream iStream;
			DataInputStream dataIn;
			socket = new Socket ("localhost", 9876 ); 
				// Create socket to connect the server “New Server” at port 9876
			iStream = socket.getInputStream();
			dataIn  = new DataInputStream (iStream);    // Get an input stream in binary 
			String msg = new String (dataIn.readUTF( ) );   // Read the string in Distream 
			// When done just close the connection and exit
			dataIn.close ( );
			iStream.close ( );
			socket.close ( ); 	// Close the connection 
	}	// SimpleClient program

Practice 8.27
Following is an application that opens a connection to a Web server and adds two numbers from the server connection. This is treated as the Web server as iterative, that is, the server processes one client’s request at a time.
	// Client Side Program (Simple Web Client)//


	public class SimpleWebClient {
		static	DataOutputStream outbound;
		static	DataInputStream inbound;
		static	InputStreamReader reader;
		static	BufferedReader br;
		public static void main(String args[])
				// Open a client socket connection
				Socket clientSocket1 = new Socket("localhost", 2000);
				System.out.println("Client1: " + clientSocket1);
			String choice="y";
			reader = new InputStreamReader(; 
			br = new; 

				outbound = new DataOutputStream(
				clientSocket1.getOutputStream() );

				inbound = new DataInputStream(
				clientSocket1.getInputStream() );

					int num1, num2, result;
					System.out.println("Enter first Number");
					num1 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

					System.out.println("Enter second Number");
					num2 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

						  result = inbound.readInt();
					System.out.println("Sum = " + result);
					System.out.print("Want to add more (y/n) : ");
					// Clean up
			 catch (UnknownHostException uhe)
				System.out.println("UnknownHostException: " + uhe);
		   catch (IOException ioe)
				System.err.println("IOException: " + ioe);

	// Sever Side Program (Simple Web Sever)//

	import java.lang.*;

	class SimpleWebServer 
		public static void main(String args[]) 
			ServerSocket serverSocket = null; 
			Socket clientSocket = null; 
			ServiceClient sock;
			int connects = 0; 
				// Create the server socket 
				serverSocket = new ServerSocket(2000, 5); 
				System.out.println("server started");
				while (connects < 5) 

					clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); 
					sock = new ServiceClient(clientSocket); 
				System.out.println("Closing server");

			catch (IOException ioe) 
				System.out.println("Error in SimpleWebServer: " + ioe); 


	class ServiceClient extends Thread 
			Socket client;
			 DataInputStream inbound ; 
			DataOutputStream outbound ;
			ServiceClient(Socket clnt)
			public void run()               
			{           inbound = null;   
					 outbound = null; 
				// Acquire the streams for IO 
				inbound = new DataInputStream( client.getInputStream()); 
				outbound = new DataOutputStream( client.getOutputStream()); 

				int num1, num2,result;

					//Accept two numbers
				num1 = inbound.readInt();
				num2 = inbound.readInt();

				//Send the result to client

		catch(Exception e)

				// Clean up 
				System.out.println("Cleaning up connection: " + client); 
					catch(Exception r)



Practice 8.28
Following is an application for concurrent server.
	/******************* Client-side code **********************/


	 * An application that opens a connection to a Web server and adds two numbers from the server connection.

	public class SimpleWebClient1 {
		static	DataOutputStream outbound;
		static	DataInputStream inbound;
		static	InputStreamReader reader;
		static	BufferedReader br;
		public static void main(String args[])

				// Open a client socket connection
				Socket clientSocket1 = new Socket("localhost", 2000);
				System.out.println("Client1: " + clientSocket1);
			String choice="y";
			reader = new InputStreamReader(; 
			br = new; 

				outbound = new DataOutputStream(
				clientSocket1.getOutputStream() );

				inbound = new DataInputStream(
				clientSocket1.getInputStream() );


				int num1, num2, result;
				System.out.println("Enter first Number");
				num1 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
				System.out.println("Enter second Number");
				num2 = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
					result = inbound.readInt();
				System.out.println("Sum = " + result);
				System.out.print("Want to add more (y/n) : ");
			// Clean up
			catch (UnknownHostException uhe)
				System.out.println("UnknownHostException: " + uhe);
			catch (IOException ioe)
				System.err.println("IOException: " + ioe);

	/******************* Server-side code **********************/

	import java.lang.*;

	class SimpleWebServer1 
		public static void main(String args[]) 
			ServerSocket serverSocket = null; 
			Socket clientSocket = null; 
			ServiceClient sock;
			int connects = 0; 
				// Create the server socket 
				serverSocket = new ServerSocket(2000, 5); 
				System.out.println("server started");
				while (connects < 5) 
					clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); 
					sock = new ServiceClient(clientSocket); 
				System.out.println("Closing server");
			catch (IOException ioe) 
				System.out.println("Error in SimpleWebServer: " + ioe); 


	class ServiceClient extends Thread 
		  Socket client;
			DataInputStream inbound ; 
		  DataOutputStream outbound ;
		  ServiceClient(Socket clnt)
			public void run()               
				  inbound = null;   
			  outbound = null; 
				 // Acquire the streams for IO 
				 inbound = new DataInputStream( client.getInputStream()); 
				 outbound = new DataOutputStream( client.getOutputStream()); 

				 int num1, num2,result;

					// Accept two numbers
				   num1 = inbound.readInt();
				   num2 = inbound.readInt();
					 //Send the result to client
			  catch(Exception e)
					// Clean up 
					System.out.println("Cleaning up connection: " + client); 
					catch(Exception r)




Crate a swing application to take input from users, execute sql query, and show the results.


What are the types of Streams and classes of the Streams?
There are two types of Streams and they are
Byte Streams: provide a convenient means for handling input and output of bytes.
Character Streams: provide a convenient means for handling input and output of characters.
Byte stream classes: are defined by using two abstract classes, namely InputStream and OutputStream.
Character Streams classes: are defined by using two abstract classes, namely Reader and Writer.
What is serialization and deserialization?
Serialization is the process of writing the states of an object to byte stream.
Deserialization is the process of restoring these objects.
What is object serialization?
Serializing an object involves encoding its state in a structured way within a byte array.
Once an object is serialized, the byte array can be manipulated in various ways; it can be written to a file, sent over a network using a socket based connection or RMI, or persisted within a database as a BLOB.
The serialization process encodes enough information about the object type within the byte stream, allowing the original object to be easily recreated upon deserialization at a later point in time.
How many methods in the externalizable interface?
There are two methods in the externalizable interface.
You have to implement these two methods in order to make your class externalizable.
These two methods are read external() and write external().
What class allows you to read objects directly from a stream?
The ObjectInputStream class supports the reading of objects from input streams..
What is a transient variable?
A transient variable is a variable that may not be serializable.
If you don't want some field to be serialized, you can mark the field transient or static..
What is the purpose of the file class?
The File class is used to create objects that provide access to the files and directories of a local file system.
What happens to the object references included in the object?
The serialization mechanism generates an object graph for serialization.
Thus it determines whether the included object references are serializable or not, this is a recursive process.
Thus when an object is serialized, all the included objects are also serializable along with the original object.
What happens to the static fields of a class during serialization?
  • There are three exceptions in which serialization does not necessarily read and write to the stream.
  • These are Serialization ignores static fields, because they are not part of any particular state.
  • Base class fields are only handled if the base class itself is serializable.
  • Transient fields.
  • Q:
    How do you represent a URL in Java programming language?
    The Java API provides the URL class which can be used to represent the URL address. You can create the URL object if you have the URL address string. The URL class provides getter methods to get the components of the URL such as host name, port, path, query parameters etc.
    String urlString = '';
     URL url = new URL(urlString);
    What are the key steps in reading from a URL connection?
    1. Create the URL object
    2. Create URLConnection object
    3. Open connection to URL
    4. Get input stream from connection
    5. Read from input stream
    6. Close input stream
    What are the key steps in writing to a URL connection?
    1. Create the URL object
    2. Create URLConnection object
    3. Open connection to URL
    4. Get output stream from connection
    5. Write to output stream
    6. Close output stream.
    What is the difference between TCP and UDP protocols?
    TCP is a protocol that provides a reliable, point-to-point communication channel that client-server application use to communicate with each other. To communicate over TCP, a client program and server program must first establish a connection to each other through sockets at each end of the communication channel. To communicate, the client and server reads from and writes to the sockets bound to the connection.
    Like TCP, UDP is protocol that provides a communication channel that client-server applications use to communicate with each other. But unlike TCP, the message content and arrival time of communication sent via UDP are not guaranteed. In UDP messages are sent via datagrams, which are independent, self-contained packets of data..
    How do you broadcast datagrams to multiple clients?
    Using UDP protocol, a server can send or broadcast datagrams to multiple clients. Java programming language provides which can be used to broadcast datagrams to multiple client programs.
    What is a network interface?
    A network interface is the point of interconnection between a computer and a private or public network. A network interface is generally a network interface card (NIC). Network interfaces can either have a physical form or can be implemented in software.
    The Java networking API provides the class which represents both these types of interfaces..
    How do you get a list of IP addresses that are assigned to a network interface?
    You can get a list of IP addresses that are assigned to a network interface using the NetworkInterface class. You can obtain this information from a NetworkInterface instance by using one of two methods.
    1. getInetAddresses() - returns an Enumeration of InetAddress.
    2. getInterfaceAddresses() - returns a list of instances. This method is used when you need more information about an interface address beyond its IP address such as it subnet mask..
    What are the key interfaces and classes of the JDBC API?
    JDBC API provides the following key interfaces and classes.
    Driver - The interface that every driver class must implement.
    Driver Manager - Loads and manages database drivers.
    Connection- Creates connection to a specific database. Connection interface provides methods for creating statements and managing connections and their properties.
    Statement - Used for executing a static SQL statement and returning the results.
    ResultSet - Represents the database results after executing the SQL statement.
    SQLException - Base exception that provides information on a database access error or other SQL errors.
    What are the key steps to connect to a database using JDBC API?
    There are two key steps to connecting to a database using Java JDBC API
    1. Load JDBC Driver - Every database that can be connected using JDBC API must have a corresponding JDBC Driver class that implements java.sql.Driver interface. Before you can make a connection to the database you must load the driver. From JDBC 4.0 onwards any JDBC driver found in the classpath is automatically loaded. Prior to JDBC 4.0 you have to load the driver specifically using Class.forName(JDBC Driver).
    2. Open database connection - After loading the driver, you can open a connection to the database by calling getConnection() method on DriverManager class and passing the database connection URL, user id and password as arguments.