CS60026: PARALLEL ALGORITHMS (LTP: 3 0 0, Credits 3)

Course Outline
Main purpose of parallel processing is to perform computation faster, than can be done with a single processor, by using a number of processors concurrently. Faster solutions, solutions for large-size problems arise from many applications: weather prediction, artificial intelligence, medicines, modeling of human organs, fluid dynamics and turbulence, wherever physical experiments are expensive, time consuming, may be unethical, or even impossible. High speed computation allows scientists to validate hypothesis by simulations: which are fast and accurate. Parallel computers emerged to cater to the need for parallel processing, mainly because of three factors: hardware cost has reduced drammatically, phenomenal development of VLSI integration, fastest compute time of a sequential machine of Von Neumann type processors are reaching fundamental limits. So, what is a parallel computer and how do we design and analyze algorithms for them? This course is an introduction to the discourse on answering these questions. It covers the most important techniques and paradigms for parallel algorithm design. A wide range of topics would be discussed in depth, including lists and trees, searching and sorting, graphs, pattern matching, and arithmetic computations. The formal model used is the shared-memory model, though all the algorithms are described in the work-time presentation framework, which is architecture independent. The performance would be measured in terms of two parameters: 1. the total number of operations, and 2. the parallel time. The framework is closely related to the data-parallel environment, which is shown to be effective on both SIMD or MIMD, shared memory or distributed memory architectures.

Detailed Syllabus:

The Idea of Parallelism: A Parallelised version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes

PRAM Model of Parallel Computation

Pointer Jumping and Divide & Conquer: Useful Techniques for Parallelization

PRAM Algorithms: Parallel Reduction, Prefix Sums, List Ranking, Preorder Tree Traversal, Merging Two Sorted Lists, Graph Coloring

Reducing the Number of Processors and Brent's Theorem

Dichotomoy of Parallel Computing Platforms

Cost of Communication

Parallel Complexity: The P-Complete Class

Mapping and Scheduling

Elementary Parallel Algorithms


Dictionary Operations: Parallel Search

Graph Algorithms

Matrix Multiplication

Distributed Algorithms: models and complexity measures.

Safety, liveness, termination, logical time and event ordering

Global state and snapshot algorithms

Mutual exclusion and Clock Synchronization

Distributed Graph algorithms

Text Books:

Michael J Quinn, Parallel Computing, TMH

Joseph Jaja, An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms, Addison Wesley

Reference Books/Notes:

To be annouced

Presentations for the class:

Overview: The Idea of Parallelism

Parallel Thinking: Sieve of Eratosthenes

PRAM Algorithms

Shared Memory Parallel Programming

Pointer Jumping and Preorder Tree Traversal

Merging, Brent's Theorem, Few Applications

Optimal Merging

List Ranking and Coloring

Independent Sets for List Ranking and Euler Tour Technique (Introduction)

Evaluating Tree Expressions: Tree Contraction and Raking

Evaluating Tree Expressions (contd.)

Programmer's View of Multi-core Processors and Compiler's role in writing efficient serial programs

Some Example Applications of Prefix-Sums to Solve Recurrences in Parallel

Parallel Search, Faster Merge

Pipelined Merge-Sort Algorithm

Distributed Programming with MPI

Bitonic Sort

Parallel Processor Organization

Mapping Parallel Algorithms to Parallel Platforms

Communications on Hypercube Platforms

Parallel Recursive Programs