Programming and Data Structures Tutorial and Laboratory (CS19101)

Autumn semester 2019-20


Swagato Sanyal (swagato @ cse . iitkgp . ac . in)

Teaching Assistants:

Nidhi Pathak (nidhipathak002 @ gmail . com), Abdul Shamnar (, Himanshu Agarwal (, Telang Onkar Ajay (, Arun Jose (, Bachau Prasad (, Sudipta Paria (, Anindya Ganguly (

Course Timing: Wednesday 8 am - 12 pm

Class venue: CIC Lab

Course evaluation will be based on

(1) Assignments

(2) Lab Test 1

(3) Lab Test 2

The relative weights will be decided later. Lab Tests will have higher weightage than assignments.


  1. Every student should create an account on Moodle submission system of CSE department. Go to this link and follow the link "Moodle". Create a new account for yourself, giving username, password, email id. After creating an account, login to the system, and follow the link "Spring Semester (2018-19)". Choose the course "CS19101_SwS_SEC14 PDS TUTORIAL AND LABORATORY - SEC-14". Join this course as "Student"; use Student Enrolment Key "PDS14STU". On your Moodle account, there is a field "ID number" (under My profile > Edit profile > Optional) - specify ID number as your PC number

  2. Students should sit at the PCs according to their serial numbers in this list.

  3. If a student misses a session, s/he must produce evidence of valid reason, failing which s/he is awarded zero score in that assignment. If evidence of valid reason is presented, s/he will be awarded average of his/her scores in previous three lab sessions.

  4. If a student is found to have copied, or have allowed somebody else to copy his/her code, s/he will be awarded zero score. No investigation will be made as to who copied from whom. Deciding what constitutes plagiarism is entirely at the discretion of the instructor and the teaching assistants.

Groups and mentors:

Group name Serial numbers Mentor TA
Group 1 01-09 Nidhi Pathak
Group 2 10-18 Abdul Shamnar
Group 3 19-28 Himanshu Agarwal
Group 4 29-40 Telang Onkar Ajay
Group 5 41-47 Arun Jose
Group 6 48-56 Bachau Prasad
Group 7 57-66 Sudipta Paria
Group 8 67-76 Anindya Ganguly


Assignment number Date Topic Assignment Grading responsibility distribution
1 31/07/2019 Introduction Write, save, compile and run a program that prints "Hello world!" --
2 07/08/2019 Expressions and Conditional statements click here click here
3 14/08/2019 Iterations (while, for) click here click here
4 21/08/2019 Functions click here click here
5 28/08/2019 1D arrays and functions click here click here
04/09/2019 Lab test-1 Odd PC
Even PC
problem 1: Nidhi, problem 2: Sudipta3. problem 3: Anindya
[Even PC]
problem 1: Mr. Prasad, problem 2: Onkar, problem 3: Arun
6 11/09/2019 2d arrays, strings and pointers click here click here
7 25/09/2019 Structures click here click here
8 16/10/2019 Files click here click here
9 23/10/2019 Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked Lists click here click here
10 30/10/2019 Stacks and queues click here click here
06/11/2019 Lab test-2
11 13/11/2019 Miscellaneous


  1. Linux commands summary: pdf
  2. GNU Debugger tutorials: tutorial 1, tutorial 2, tutorial 3 (pdf)