Debi Prosad Dogra
Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering
IIT Kharagpur

Previous Research Works

  • During my stay in South Korea as a researcher in the Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute(ETRI), I worked in multimedia streaming applications. Various streaming protocols and their performances were analyzed on devices with limited memory and processing power. I was then working on optimization of GStreamer which is a open source platform for building multimedia applications.
  • Uncompressed Voice Transmission over High Speed LAN: This was a final year project done by my students. They designed a model for transmitting uncompressed voice over LAN without even using protocols like RTP and RTSP.
  • Designing of filters for TCP/IT packets in Linux environment: A content based packet filter to restrict TCP/IP packets. Various restrictions were put to test the filter performances and we found that, application specific filters can be designed for securing networks.
  • Isolated Diphone Recognition for Indian Languages with Multiple Speakers: In my M.Tech thesis, I worked on recognizing Indian languages spoken by individuals. Primarily, I was focusing on discretely spoken phonemes. We used Hidden Markov Model (HMM) models.