- New (short) paper in India HCI 2021: "Quantifying Students' Involvement during Virtual Classrooms: A Meeting Wrapper for the Teachers".
- Ayan Bhowmick successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on Sep 27, 2021. Congratulations Ayan!
- Organizing Young Researchers’ Symposium @ CODS-COMAD 2022, Bangalore, Jan 2022. Submit your papers!
- Rohit Verma received the Best Ph.D Thesis Award from COMSNETS Association. Congratulations Rohit!
- New (Work-in-Progress) paper in PerCom 2021: "Non-intrusive Continuous User Identification from Activity Acoustic Signatures".
- New (short) paper in ACM IUI 2021: "Exploring Smartphone Keyboard Interactions for Experience Sampling Method driven Probe Generation" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- New paper in ICWSM 2021: "On the Role of Micro-categories to Characterize Event Popularity in Meetup" with Microsoft.
- Organizing Doctoral Symposium @ ICDCN 2021, Nara, Japan, Jan 2021. Submit your papers!
- New paper in ICMI 2020: "LASO: Exploiting Locomotive and Acoustic Signatures over the Edge to Annotate IMU Data for Human Activity Recognition" with University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA.
- New paper (Late-Breaking Work) in MobileHCI 2020: "Note-on-Watch: Live Scribing from Board-works to Class-notes" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- Rohit Verma successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on June 1, 2020. Congratulations Rohit!
- New (short) paper in ICWSM 2020: "On the Splitting Dynamics of Meetup Social Groups" with Microsoft.
- Surjya Ghosh successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on Feb 17, 2020. Congratulations Surjya!
- New paper (Late-Breaking Work) in CHI 2020: "Towards Improving Emotion Self-report Collection using Self-reflection" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- New paper in IEEE Percom 2020: "Detecting Mobility Context over Smartphones using Typing and Smartphone Engagement Patterns".
- New paper in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems: "A Smartphone-based Passenger Assistant for Public Bus Commute in Developing Countries".
- New paper in WSDM 2020: "LouvainNE: Hierarchical Louvain Method for High Quality and Scalable Graph Embedding" with UPMC Paris and University of La Rochelle, France.
- Organizing International Workshop on Smart Sensing and Doctoral Symposium jointly with ICDCN 2020, Kolkata, Jan 2020. Submit your papers!
- Subhendu Khatuya successfully defended his MS thesis on July 4, 2019. Congratulations Subhendu!
- New (short) paper in ACII 2019: "Representation Learning for Emotion Recognition from Smartphone Keyboard Interactions" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- Organizing IndoSys 2019 at IISc Bangalore in July 2019. Submit your papers!
- Soumajit Pramanik successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on June 4, 2019. Congratulations Soumajit!
- Our Edited Book Volume "Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks III: Machine Learning and Statistical Physics Approaches", Published by Springer Nature.
- New paper in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies: "Emotion Detection from Touch Interactions during Text Entry on Smartphones" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- New paper in IEEE TKDE: "Deep Learning driven Venue Recommender for Event-based Social Networks" with Microsoft.
- New paper in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems: "Temporal Sequence of Retweets Help to Detect Influential Nodes in Social Networks" with University of Namur and Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
- New paper in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing: "Designing An Experience Sampling Method for Smartphone based Emotion Detection" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- New paper in Computer Communications: "Listen to Me, My Neighbors or My Friend? Role of Complementary Modalities for Predicting Business Popularity in Location Based Social Networks".
- New paper in IEEE Percom 2019: "Avoiding Stress Driving: Online Trip Recommendation from Driving Behavior Prediction".
- Received NetApp Faculty Fellowship (NFF). Media coverage here.
- New paper in PAKDD 2019: "On the Network Embedding in Sparse Signed Networks".
- New (short) paper in ACM IUI 2019: "Does Emotion Influence the Use of Auto-suggest during Smartphone Typing?" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- New paper in IEEE TMC: "GroupSense: A Lightweight Framework for Group Identification".
- New paper in ICWSM 2019: "On the Migration of Researchers across Scientific Domains" with Northeastern University, USA.
- New paper in IEEE BigData 2018: "Constructing Influence Trees from Temporal Sequence of Retweets: An Analytical Approach".
- New (short) paper in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018: "Mining Spatio-temporal Data for Computing Driver Stress and Observing Its Effects on Driving Behavior".
- Two poster papers in ACM MobiCom 2018.
- Organizing Doctoral Symposium@ICDCN 2019, Bangalore, Jan 2019. Submit your proposals!
- Organizing Dynamics on and of Complex Networks XI (DOOCN 2018), A satellite workshop of CCS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep 2018.
- New paper in IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 : "An Unsupervised Model for Detecting Passively Encountering Groups from WiFi Signals".
- New paper in ACM RecSys 2018: "ComfRide: A Smartphone based System for Comfortable Public Transport Recommendation".
- New paper in Journal of Data Science and Analytics: "Easy-Mention: A Model Driven Mention Recommendation Heuristic to Boost Your Tweet Popularity" with University of La Rochelle and UPMC Paris, France.
- New paper in PAKDD 2018: "GBTM: Graph Based Troubleshooting Method for Handling Customer Cases Using Storage System Log" with NetApp.
- New paper in IEEE INFOCOM 2018: "ADELE: Anomaly Detection from Event Log Empiricism" with NetApp.
- New paper in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017: "Smart-phone based Spatio-temporal Sensing for Annotated Transit Map Generation".
- New paper in Social Network Analysis and Mining: "Modeling Cascade Formation in Twitter amidst Mentions and Retweets" with University of La Rochelle and Telecom ParisTech, France.
- New paper in IEEE DSAA 2017: "Discovering Community Structure in Multilayer Networks" with University of La Rochelle and UPMC Paris, France.
- New paper in ACII 2017: "Evaluating Effectiveness of Smartphone Typing as an Indicator of User Emotion" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- Offering a course on Smartphone Computing & Application (CS60009) in Autumn 2017.
- New paper in Pervasive and Mobile Computing: "Evolution of Superpeer Topologies --- An Analytical Perspective".
- Ayan Bhowmick won the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE MDM 2017, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, May 2017.
- New (short) paper in ASONAM 2017: "Temporal Pattern of (Re)tweets Reveal Cascade Migration" with Universite catholique de Louvain and University of Namur, Belgium.
- Organizing Dynamics on and of Complex Networks X (DOOCN 2017), A satellite workshop of NetSci 2017, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2017.
- New paper in MobileHCI 2017: "TapSense: Combining Self-Report Patterns and Typing Characteristics for Smartphone based Emotion Detection" with Georgia Southern University, USA.
- New poster paper in IEEE MDM 2017: "UDAT: User Discrimination using Activity-Time Information"
- New paper in IEEE MDM 2017: "Effect of Information Propagation on Business Popularity: A Case Study on Yelp"
- Offering a course on Complex Networks (CS60078) in Spring 2017.
- New (short) paper in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016: "Unsupervised Annotated City Traffic Map Generation"
- Organizing Dynamics on and of Complex Networks IX (DOOCN 2016), A satellite workshop of CCS 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2016.
- New paper in IEEE DSAA 2016: "On the Role of Mentions on Tweet Virality" with University of La Rochelle and UPMC Paris, France.
- New paper in ASONAM 2016: "Can I Foresee the Success of my Meetup Group?" with Microsoft.
- New paper in MobiSys 2016 workshop WPA: "Margdarshak: A Mobile Data Analytics based Commute Time Estimator cum Route Recommender".
- New paper in MobiSys 2016 workshop IoT of Health: "SleepSensei - An Automated Sleep Quality Monitor and Sleep Duration Estimator".
- New short paper in ICWSM 2016: "Predicting Group Success in Meetup" with Microsoft.
- New paper in IEEE INFOCOM 2016: "UrbanEye: An Outdoor Localization System for Public Transport".
- Organizing Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom), Jointly with IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Fransisco, CA, USA, April 2016. Submit your paper!
- Offering a new course on Ubiquitous Computing (CS60055) in Autumn 2015.
- New paper in UbiComp 2015 workshop MCSS: "Impact of Experience Sampling Methods on Tap Pattern based Emotion Recognition" with
SUNY Korea.
- Organizing Dynamics on and of Complex Networks VIII (DOOCN 2015), A satellite workshop of NetSci 2015, Zaragoza, Spain, June 2015.
Poster papers in NetSci 2015. Talks in satellite workshop Networks of Networks.
- New paper in PAKDD 2015: "Complementary usage of Tips and Reviews for Location Recommendation in Yelp" with Microsoft.
- New paper in ACM SIGCHI 2015: "ActivPass: Your Daily Activity is Your Password" with UIUC. Media coverage here.
- New paper in IKDD CODS 2015: "'Whom-to-Interact' : Does Conference Networking Boost Your Citation Count?".
- Organizing International Workshop on Machine Learning and Complex Networks (MLCN 2015) at Dept. of CSE, IIT Kharagpur, Feb-March 2015. Please register here (deadline January 15, 2015).
- New US Patent titled "Method and Apparatus for Detecting Malware and Recording Medium Thereof" with Samsung Electronics.
- New paper in COMSNETS 2015: "Aggregating Inter-App Traffic to Optimize Cellular
Radio Energy Consumption on Smartphones" with SUNY Korea.
- Organizing Dynamics on and of Complex Networks VII (DOOCN 2014), A satellite workshop of ECCS 2014, Lucca, Italy, September 2014. Poster paper in ECCS 2014. Talks in satellite workshops CSS, Multiplex Networks etc.
- New paper in Network Science Journal: "Data-driven Traffic and Diffusion Modeling in Peer-to-Peer Networks: A Real Case Study" with UCL Belgium and UPMC Paris.
- Received the DAAD-IIT Faculty Exchange Fellowship to visit and collaborate with Technological University, Dresden, Germany.
- Our work "Influence of Interactions on the Evolving Citation Network" (with Soumajit Pramanik) won Best Poster Award at XRCI Open 2014, Bangalore, India.
- Received the Indo-French collaborative project "Evolving Communities and Information Spreading" to work with Dr. Jean-Loup Guillaume, Dr. Matthieu Latapy, UPMC Paris, France.
- Tutorial Speaker at the National Conference on Communications, IIT Kanpur, February 2014.
- Invited Speaker at the Workshop on Introduction to Opportunistic Mobile Networks, NIT Durgapur, January 2014.
- Tutorial Speaker at the National Systems Conference, IIT Jodhpur, December 2013.
- New paper in COMSNETS 2014: "(Stable) Virtual Landmarks: Spatial Dropbox to enhance Retail Experience".
- Received the NSF TCPP Early-Adopter Award
for Fall-13 along with Prof. Niloy Ganguly and Prof. Animesh Mukherjee.
- Our Edited Book Volume
"Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2:
Applications to Time-Varying Dynamical Systems", Published by Birkhauser, Springer.
- Organizing Dynamics on and of Complex Networks VI (DOOCN 2013), A satellite workshop of ECCS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, September 2013.