CS13002 PDS Lab, Spring 2003, Section 1/A

Evaluation Scheme

Here are the guidelines on the evaluations of weekly lab assignments and lab test answers. A perfect print-out (i.e., a print-out for which none of the following penalties are applicable) will deserve full credit (marks). Specified amounts of marks will be deducted in case of failures to follow the instructions.


Weekly lab assignments

Each day's assignment will be evaluated at 20. The total marks will be equally distributed to each individual problem in a day. Half of the marks go to the source, the remaining to the output.

Exercise-independent penalties

Penalties on Source Penalties on Output Miscellaneous penalties
Indentation VerboseInvisible inputWide line LateMultiple print-outJunk print-outTalk/copy penaltyDishonesty penalty
2 (with effect from Assignment 5) Left to the discretion of the evaluator 5 Left to the discretion of the evaluator and the seriousness of the information loss `Full' or `half' of the total marks according as whether the solutions are posted in the course page at the time of submission or not. 5 for each additional copy 5 for each junk copy Left to the conductors of the lab sessions Left to the conductors of the lab sessions

Exercise-specific penalties

Exercise Total marks Penalties on Source Penalties on Output
Bad sourceDocumentation IncorrectIncomplete
Assignment 1.3 10 No specific guidelines 0 5 5 (No credit for finding only one or two roots. All of the three roots must be printed.)
Assignment 1.5 10 No specific guidelines 0 5 5 (It is necessary and sufficient to print the number of seconds.)
Assignment 2.1 10 2 if (overflow is not properly handled) 0 5 5 (only the smallest t is to be printed)
Assignment 2.2 10 5 (if one or more of the functions asked to implement is/are missing) 0 5 2 (if either i or pi is not output), 5 (if both are absent)
Assignment 3.1 10 5 (if one or more of the functions asked to implement is/are missing) 0 2 (if one of the methods gives incorrect result), 4 (if two of the methods give incorrect results), 5 (if all of the methods give incorrect results). 5 (if one or more of the methods are missing and/or if the timing figures are absent)
Assignment 3.2 10 2 (if degeneracy is not checked), 2 (if the function is not implemented) 0 5 5
Assignment 4.1 10 No specific guidelines 0 Half mark on each test input Half mark on each test input
Assignment 4.2 10 5 (if the Eratosthenes sieve is not implemented) 0 5 (if the desired prime is not correctly computed or if the bound reported is incompatible with the prime) 5 (if the Eratosthenes sieve is not implemented and/or if the desired prime or the bound is not reported)
Assignment 5 20 4 (if math library is used), 2 (if repetition of arguments is not taken into consideration), 2 (if the zero polynomial is not treated properly), 2 (if Horner's rule is not used for evaluation of a polynomial) If any data structure for polynmials other than what is suggested is used, you must explain it. Poor and/or no explanation in this case will be penalized according to the discretion of the evaluator. 3 for Parts 1+2, 5 for Parts 3+4+5, 2 for Part 6. 3 for Parts 1+2, 5 for Parts 3+4+5, 2 for Part 6. (Use of binomial coefficients instead of repeated polynomial multiplication will render Parts 3+4+5 invalid.)
Assignment 6 20 2 (if the matrix and/or vector structures are not used), 2 (if an additional routine for checking the singularity of A (e.g., for the computation of det A) is implemented, unless an algorithm is used where this routine is essential), 2 (if random numbers are not used to generate A) If any algorithm other than what is suggested is used, you must explain it. Poor and/or no explanation in this case will be penalized according to the discretion of the evaluator. (A linear system can be solved using (presumably) thousands of algorithms. You must clearly indicate your algorithm, if it happens to differ from ours.)

(Note: We didn't ask you to implement pivoting. But that doesn't mean implementing it will be a discredit. On the other hand, we mean that not implementing pivoting is no discredit.)

10 (The correctness of your algorithm will be checked by comparing the original and the reconstructed b. Huge difference means incorrect output.) 10 (If the reconstructed b is missing.)
Assignment 7 20 5 (if dynamic memory is not used), 3 (if more memory than required is allocated to the pointers). You are required to use the binary tree and adjacency matrix in the manner described, failing which you will be penalized 5 to 10 depending on the evaluator. 0 3 (incorrect display of the binary tree), 3 (incorrect display of the original tree), 4 (incorrecr display of the adjacency matrix) 10 (if the test input is not used), 3 (not displaying the binary tree), 3 (not displaying the original tree), 4 (not displaying the vertex order and/or the adjacency matrix)
Assignment 8 20 5 (not using dynamic arrays), 3 (for allocating more memory than needed), 6 (absence of the enumerative method), 2 (absence of the recursive method), 2 (absence of the iterative method) 0 6 (incorrect results by the enumerative method), 2 (incorrect results by the recursive method), 2 (incorrect results by the iterative method). 6 (incomplete/missing results by the enumerative method), 2 (incomplete/missing results by the recursive method), 2 (incomplete/missing results by the iterative method).

Lab Test 1

 Total marks20
SourceTotal marks for source10
Bad source penalty5 for not implementing each part, 2 for not implementing a function for gcd.
Poor indentation penalty0
Poor documentation penalty0
OutputTotal marks for output10
Incorrect output penalty2 for each part in each set of test inputs
Incomplete output penalty2 for absence of output to each part in each set of test inputs
Verbose penaltyLeft to the discretion of the evaluator
Invisible input penalty4
Wide line penaltyDepending on the situation
MiscellaneousLate penalty0
Multiple print-out penalty1
Junk print-out penalty1
Marks obtainedOn sourceM1 = max(0,10 - total penalty on source)
On outputM2 = max(0,10 - total penalty on output)
Totalmax(0, M1 + M2 - sum of miscellaneous penalties)
Note: Penalties are additive but limited to a maximum of total marks.

Lab Test 2

 Total marks25
SourceTotal marks for source10
Bad source penalty5 for not implementing each part, 5 for using recursive calls in Part II, 3 for not recording counts of recursive calls, 3 for not handling the proper sequence of evaluation of An, Bn and Cn in the iterative method, 2 for inefficient use of memory or time.
Poor indentation penalty0
Poor documentation penalty0
OutputTotal marks for output15
Incorrect output penalty2 for each of A25, B25 and C25 in each part.
Incomplete output penalty2 for absence of each of A25, B25 and C25 in each part, 5 for the absence of call counts.
Verbose penaltyLeft to the discretion of the evaluator.
Invisible input penaltyNo input is needed for this program. If one uses inputs and does not echo, the penalty will be 5.
Wide line penalty2 to 5 depending on the amount of loss of data
MiscellaneousLate penalty5
Multiple print-out penalty5
Junk print-out penalty5
Talk/Copy penaltyLeft to the discretion of the invigilators.
Dishonesty penaltyLeft to the discretion of the invigilators.
Marks obtainedOn sourceM1 = max(0,10 - total penalty on source)
On outputM2 = max(0,15 - total penalty on output)
Totalmax(0, M1 + M2 - sum of miscellaneous penalties)
Note: Penalties are additive but limited to a maximum of total marks.

Lab Test 3

 Total marks30
SourceTotal marks for source20
Bad source penalty10 (for not implementing Part I), 10 (for not implementing Part II), 5 (for not using data types as suggested. However, use of dynamic memory instead of static arrays will not be a discredit.)
Poor indentation penalty5
Poor documentation penalty0
OutputTotal marks for output10
Incorrect output penalty2 for each test input
Incomplete output penalty2 for each test input
Verbose penaltyLeft to the discretion of the evaluator.
Invisible input penalty5
Wide line penalty2 to 5 depending on the amount of loss of data
MiscellaneousLate penalty5
Multiple print-out penalty5
Junk print-out penalty5
Talk/Copy penaltyLeft to the discretion of the invigilators.
Dishonesty penaltyLeft to the discretion of the invigilators.
Marks obtainedOn sourceM1 = max(0,20 - total penalty on source)
On outputM2 = max(0,10 - total penalty on output)
Totalmax(0, M1 + M2 - sum of miscellaneous penalties)
Note: Penalties are additive but limited to a maximum of total marks.

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