Teaching Assistantship

All Research Scholars need to perform some mandatory teaching assistantship every semester. Duties include

  • Helping out with assignments
  • Creating tutorials
  • Guiding the students regarding specific problems
  • Grading assignments

These are all the courses that helped out with.

  • Spring 2020 - Computer Networks Lab
  • Autumn 2019 - Programming and Data Structures
  • Spring 2019 - Computer Networks Lab
  • Autumn 2018 - Image Processing
  • Spring 2018 - Computer Networks Lab
  • Autumn 2017 - Computing Lab I
  • Spring 2017 - Programming and Data Structure Lab
  • Autumn 2016 - Performance Modeling of Computer Networks
  • Spring 2016 - Internet Architecture and Protocols
  • Autumn 2015 - Programming and Data Structure Lab