Hardware Security (CS60004) Spring 2020-21

This course will focus on the importance of addressing different security threats on modern hardware design, manufacturing, installation, and operating practices. In particular, the threats would be shown to be relevant at scales ranging from a single user to an entire nation's public infrastructure. Through theoretical analyses and relevant practical world case studies, the threats would demonstrated, and then state-of-the-art defense techniques would be described. The course would borrow concepts from diverse fields of study such as cryptography, hardware design, circuit testing, algorithms, and machine learning. See the course schedule for details.


Teaching Assistants

Course Information

Prerequisites We will use broad concepts from Algorithms, Mathematics, and Discrete Structures. Concepts on cryptography, statistics, ML, and hardware and software implementations will be built in the course.
Lectures Lecture timings are:

Monday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Thursday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

However, this semester we will conduct the course online with a mix of live lectures, pre-recorded course videos and online doubt clearing sessions. Please keep and eye on the Schedule page for the latest updates. 
Textbook We will be using:

1. Hardware Security: Design, Threats, and Safeguards, CRC Press, by Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Rajat Subhra Chakraborty
Reference Books:
1. Hardware Security: A Hands-on Learning Approach by Swarup Bhunia, Mark Tehranipoor
2. Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security: Foundations and Practice by Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza, Naccache, David (Eds.)
3. Handbook of FPGA Design Security by Huffmire, T., Irvine, C., Nguyen, T.D., Levin, T., Kastner, R., Sherwood, T.
4. Power Analysis Attacks - Revealing the Secrets of Smart Cards by Mangard, Stefan, Oswald, Elisabeth, Popp, Thomas
5. Cryptography Theory and Practice, Third Edition, by Douglas Stinson
Coursework The coursework for all students consists of semi-regular quizzes/vivas and take-home assignments.

Communication We will update the course schedule regularly throughout the course.

Assignment / Scribes / Quizzes

  • Current plan is to both distribute and collect the regular quizzes via CSE Moodle. Please join the course there. Use the access code mentioned in class.

Live lectures / recordings

  • Note that you NEED TO join the Microsoft teams classroom titled "Hardware Security" for this course. We will also share the recordings (as well as recorded lectures) of the lectures via Microsoft Teams. Drop the instructors an email ASAP if you cannot access the Microsoft teams classroom.
  • Live lectures will be delivered via Zoom. We will use with the "live lecture" channel on Microsoft teams for live lecture related announcements (e.g., the zoom id/password). Please check that channel regularly.
  • We will also include links to pre-recorded lectures in the "Required Readings and Videos" section of the course schedule. Please check it regularly.

General discussion

  • We'll use Microsoft Teams for general discussion and questions about course material.
  • You should already have the account username and password to log into Microsoft teams. If you cannot access the  Microsoft teams classroom titled "Hardware Security" please let the instructors know as soon as possible.
  • If you need to reach out to the instructors (e.g., pertaining to an illness or other events that might be impacting your performance in class), please send a private chat on Microsoft Teams visible only to the instructors. Please use the Microsoft teams chatroom (and channels) to discuss publicly with your peers in real-time.
  • Please try to keep all course-related communication to Microsoft Teams rather than email.
Late policy We will accept the take home assignments/scribes 24 hours late with a 15% penalty. Assignments more than a day late will not be accepted without a previously approved extension.

Of course, in exceptional circumstances related to personal emergencies, serious illness, wellness concerns, family emergencies, and similar, please make the course staff aware of your situation and we will do our best to find a mutually agreeable solution.