Smiley face


Some of the Industrial and Research Projects that I've contributed to are :

TITLE: Cache-access based attack on AES-128.
  • The main objective is to rectify flaws that end up revealing secret key for AES-128 upon Cache-attacks.
  • Currently working on access driven cache-attack using a spy process .
TITLE: Semi-structured data analytics driven application maintenance & support in cloud operating environment.
  • Integrated Log Analytics into cloud operating environment as a service.
  • Developed server-side scripts using Node.js platform, ensuring the availability, maintainability & reliability of the SaaS.
TITLE: Tweet Sentiment Analyzer.
  • Proposed, conceptualized and implemented an algorithm for opinion mining of Tweets on Big Data and created UI for it.
TITLE: News Classifier.
  • Implemented Naive Bayes algorithm for classification of RSS feeds on Big Data into categories and created UI for it.
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