CS21002 Switching Circuits and Logic Design


 Swagato Sanyal


 Venue: NC231 (Nalanda classroom complex). Timings: Monday (10:00-10:55), Tuesday (8:00-8:55, 9:00-9:55), Thursday (10:00-10:55)


 Class-tests and other class activities (teacher's assessment)- 30%, Mid-sem - 30%, End-sem - 40%


 Class test 1 on 05/02/20.

      -Time: 6.15 - 7.15 pm.

      -Venue: CSE department, rooms 107, 108. If they fill up, approach room 302.

      -Syllabus: All topics covered till 16/01/2020.

 Class test 2 on 01/04/20.


Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3


Date Topics Reference
02/01/20 Introduction and course logistics.
06/01/20 Number systems, inter-conversions between representations in various bases, (r-1)'s and r's complements, subtraction of unsigned numbers using complements.
08/01/20 Various signed representations, addition and subtraction of signed numbers, switching algebra, identities, expressions, De Morgan's theorems, switching functions, canonical sum of products (and product of sum) representations.
09/01/20 Shannon's expansion theorem, properties of XOR, functionally complete (universal) sets, propositional calculus, binary codes, weighted codes (BCD, 2420,642-3).
13/01/20 The shift and add-3 algorithm (double-dabble algorithm) for converting binary to BCD.
15/01/20 Self-complementing codes, cyclic codes, Gray code, Single error detecting codes: parity check and 2-out-of-5.
16/01/20 Single error correction: Hamming code. Excess-3 code.
20/01/20 Tutorial.
22/01/20 Tutorial (contd.), Karnaugh map.
23/01/20 Karnaugh map.
27/01/20 Quine-McClauskey's method.
30/01/20 Petrick's method.
03/02/20 Branching method.
05/02/20 Combinational circuits: comparator, decoder, encoder, priority encoder, multiplexer.
06/02/20 Half-adder, full-adder, ripple carry adder, carry look-ahead adder.
10/02/20 Multi-leve carry look-ahead adder, sequential design: serial adder, SR-latch.
12/02/20 T-latch, JK-latch, D-latch, Master-slave fliop flop, 1's catching, edge-triggered flip-flop. Design of sequential circuits: sequence detector, binary counter.
13/02/20 Sequential control unit design.
26/02/20 Discussion of mid-sem paper.
27/02/20 Tutorial.
02/03/20 Tutorial (contd.), sequential circuits: recognizing string patterns, outputting 2's complement.
04/03/20 Mealy and Moore machine and their equivalence, minimization of fully specified FSM.
05/03/20 Registers with parallel load, ripple counters, synchronous up counter.
11/03/20 Shift registers, serial transfer, serial addition, up-down and BCD counters.
-- Barrel shifter Lec1,
-- Asynchronous sequential circuits Lec1,
-- Hazards Lec1,
Notes from Section-2,
Hazard free minimization
-- Race Lec1,
Slides from the University of Waterloo
Slides for Lec1
Slides for Lec2
-- Burst-mode synthesis Lecture video
-- Algorithmic State Machine Lecture-1

Prof. Chittaranjan Mandal's course webpage: Click here


  1. M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
  2. Zvi Kohavi and Niraj K. Jha, Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.