Theory of Computation

CS41001, Autumn 2022, LTP: 3-1-0

Class Slots MON: 12:00-12:55; TUE: 10:00-11:55; THUR: 08:00-08:55
Venue Section 1: NC243
Section 2: NC341
Instructors Section 1: Somindu Chaya Ramanna
Section 2: Dr. Sudeshna Kolay
Teaching assistants Aniket Deroy, Tutan Nama, Nandini Jalan, Rajdeep Das, Rohan Meena

Notices and Announcements


CS21004 Formal Languages and Automata Theory. (Here is a recap of what you learnt in this course.)



  1. Automata and Computability by Dexter Kozen. (main text)

  2. Computational Complexity by S. Arora and B. Barak. (main text)

  3. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation by John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman. (reference for some topics covered in class)

  4. Introduction to Computability by Fred C. Hennie.

  5. Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser. (reference for some topics covered in class)

  6. Elements of the Theory of Computation by H. Lewis and C. Papadimitriou.

  7. Computational Complexity by C. H. Papadimitriou.

  8. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness by Michael Garey and David S. Johnson.

Evaluation Plan (Tentative)

The evaluation for this course will be based on


Tutorial 1 Recursive and R.E. Sets, (Un)Decidability, Rice’s Theorem

Tutorial 2 Undecidable Problems about CFLs, PCP

Tutorial 2 Recursive Function Theory

Tutorial 4 Incompleteness Theorem, Type-0 Grammars


Class Test 1

Mid-Sem Exam

Policy on Plagiarism

Academic integrity is expected of all the students. Ideally, you should work on the assignments consulting only the material we share with you. You are required to properly mention/cite anything else you look at. Any student found to have submitted plagiarised solutions will be penalised heavily. Repeated violators of our policy will be deregistered from the course.

Possibly Useful Links



Complexity Zoo: a compilation of all existing complexity classes; the pdf version

General/Expository Articles: