Teaching Assistant at IIT Kharagpur

  1. Algorithmic Game Theory (CS60025); Autumn 2019
  2. Programming and Data Structure Lab (CS19001); Autumn 2016, Autumn 2017, Spring 2019
  3. Algorithms-I Lab (CS29003); Autumn 2018
  4. Software Engineering Lab (CS29006); Spring 2017, Spring 2018
  5. Software Engineering (CS20006); Spring 2017
  6. Advanced Network Technologies (IT60106); Spring 2016

Faculty at BCET Durgapur

  • Autumn 2014
    1. Data Structure
    2. Data Structure LAB
    3. Operating System
    4. Operating System LAB
  • Spring 2015
    1. Formal Language & Automata Theory
    2. Computer Networking
    3. Computer Networking LAB

Summer Intern at IIT BHU [ 2011 ]

During this summer internship, I worked under the supervision Dr. K. D. Rai at Computer Center (BHU). I developed a web based portal for online student management system, which can be used by the university for managing the information about the enrolled students. This portal meant for nullifying the paper use, and provide the transparency among the student and university.