Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests:
Time-varying network, Information diffusion, Dynamic networks
Ph.D. Computer science and engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 2012 - present
B-Tech. Computer science and engineering, Institute of Engineering and Management, 2008 - 2012
Department of computer science and engineering (CSE), 2012 - present
Awards and Honors
Awarded STEP Fellowship, 2015 - 2016
Awarded Microsoft travel grant for attending NetSciCom 2015
Awarded SIGIR student travel grant for attending JCDL 2017
Awarded Merit scholarship by Govt. of West Bengal at Higher secondary level
Ranked 15th (among 650,000) in the state of West Bengal at in Secondary examination
Teaching Experience (TA)
2016/2017 Information retrieval
2016/2017 Social computing
2015/2016 Formal language and automata theory
2015/2016 Smartphone computing and applications
2014/2015 Programming and data structure theory
2014/2015 Smartphone computing and applications
2013/2014 Programming and data structure lab
2013/2014 Programming and data structure lab
2012/2013 Programming and data structure lab
Room no: 205 // sandipansikdar[at]cse[dot]iitkgp[dot]ernet[dot]in //
Postal: Dept. CSE // IIT Kharagpur // West Bengal // India