






5 Years of work experience. I worked…

  • As a Trainee Engineer for 8 months (Nov 2004 to June 2005) and as an Associate Software Engineer for 2 months (July 2005 to August 2005) in the development of Qualnet Network Simulator in Matrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata.
  • As a Lecturer in CSE Dept. of Haldia Institute of Technology (WBUT), Haldia, Midnapur (East), West Bengal for 6 months (Sept 2005 to Feb 2006) and in KNSIT (VTU), Bangalore, Karnataka for 1 year(March 2006 to Feb 2007).
  • As a Senior Project Officer in ILMT project in Communication Empowerment Lab, IIT KGP, Kharagpur, for 2 year 4 month(March, 2007 to June 2009) and currently (last 8 months) as SPO in TBT project in Communication Empowerment Lab, IIT KGP, Kharagpur, West Bengal.

Project Details

01.   At Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Project Name The Bangla Treebank (TBT)
Project Undertaken Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL-Mysore)
Description of the project

The objective of this project is to build a Bengali Treebank. The project duration is 3 years long. The project is started with a Bengali Dependency tagset preperation and a guideline for tagging data. It will lead to developing a Bengali Statistical Parser.

Responsibility 1. Building an interface for parse tagging Bengali data.
2. Coordinating the Annotation and guideline preperation.
3. Developing a Bengali Parser with the Treebank.
Duration From : July 2009            To: Till Date

02.   At Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Project Name Indian Language to Indian Language Machine Translation System(IL-ILMT)
Description of the project

The objective of this project is to develop machine translation technology from Indian languages to Indian languages. The systems based on the technology would be real-life systems, with a given level of translation accuracy and they would be capable of further improvement using machine learning techniques. It will also lead to the development of basic tools and lexical resources for Indian languages such as POS taggers, chunkers, morph analyzers, bilingual dictionaries, annotated corpora etc. A combination of linguistic as well as statistical machine learning techniques will be used to build translation capability. It would include building the language analyzers and generators, and the transfer component. The machine learning techniques would be based on annotated monolingual corpus for a language.

Responsibility 1. Developing the Morphological Generator.
2. Coordinating the Annotation and Bilingual Dictionary creation.
3. Executing other Engines developed by other groups of the project.
Duration From : March 2007            To: June 2009

03.   At Matrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd.:

Project Name Development of Qualnet Network Simulator.
Project Undertaken Scalable Network Technologies (SNT)
Description of the project
QualNet is the best predictive high-fidelity modeling tool for wireless and wired networks. It is a powerful tool to efficiently test and roll out new networking technologies. This back-end engine is the fastest one on the market for real-time traffic modeling. It supports a large set of network protocols. The simulation allows you to run actual code on top of a simulated network stack. Simulator is extremely scalable, accommodating high-fidelity models of networks with more than 10,000 network nodes.
1. In General Training Session the role was Trainee Engineer. The training was on the performance of the project, how it was working and developed. The session was consisted of small assignments.
2. Then as Associate Software Engineer my responsibility was to help and to develop the software.
Duration From : Nov 2004 To: August 2005

04.   ME Final Year Project

Project Name Extraction of Digital Straight Line Segments (DSSs) from Digital Curves (Image Processing)
Project Undertaken M.E. Final Year Project Under the guidance of Partha Bhowmik.
Description of the project
This is a part of Image processing research. I have started taking Digital Curves as input. There was one algorithm for extracting exact Digital Straight line Segments (DSSs) from Digital Curves. That algorithm is implemented in the first phase of the project. In the Second phase another algorithm for extracting approximate DSSs from those curves was proposed. And Compared these two with the percentage of errors and efficiency. By these project I extracted those straight lines which are not perfect but seems to be a straight line.
1. Implemented the algorithm to extract the exact Straight line Segments.
2. Modified the Algorithm and implemented the modified algorithm.
3. Compared these two results.
4. Gave presentation of the part and full project.
5. Regular Communication with the Project Guide.
Duration From : Feb 2004 To: Jun 2005

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