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CS 698 Y/Z: Topics in Object Oriented Language Implementation

 Project Guidelines

 Project Groups

 Reserve a Slot for Project Review

  1. Phase I: Submit Preliminary Project Proposal by Wed 12.02.14. The proposal should include:

    • Prob. definition with motivating examples,
    • State of art of the survey with references,
    • Examples from contemporary prog. lang. systems,
    • Scope and Objective of the project,
    • (Proposed) Plan of the work and techniques to be used,
    • Team Members and their role (with USPs),
    • (Proposed) Outcome of the project
    • References and web-links.
  2. Phase II: Review period from 31.03.14 to 05.04.14

    • Submit a revised and uptodate project report,
    • Reserve a slot for discussion, and
    • Discuss the project work.
  3. Phase III: Final Project Presentation and Review

    • TBA
    • . . .

  Everyone should skim through the follwing set of sample papers before starting the project work. These papers are on extending message dispatch in OOPL:

  1. Naik and Kumar: Efficient message dispatch in object-oriented systems, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 35 (3): 49-58, March 2000.
  2. Kumar, Agrawal and Mangolia: Realization of multimethods in single dispatch object-oriented languages, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 40 (5): 18-27, May 2005.
  3. Kumar and Agrawal: Multiple dispatch in reflective runtime environment, Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 33 (2): 60-78, July 2007.

 The followings are the broad areas to be covered in this course:

  1. The OO concepts and OO Programming,
  2. OO Analysis & Design,
  3. Virtual Execution Environment, and
  4. Synergy between Prog. Lang Design & Implementation (PLDI) and Software Engineering (SE) for trusted and reusable computing.
 Therefore, the representative project themes are the following (feel free to make your proposal beyond the following representtaive sets)
  1. Understanding of the existing stuff in the above areas, and do the following:
    • Analytical study,
    • Carry out the implementation (with a difference)
  2. Study of research monograms in the above areas, including the following:
    • Type system in OOPL
    • Dynamically typed system
    • Static and Dynamic Code Analysis
    • Reflective System
    • . .
  3. Extensions in the existing stuff in the above areas, for example,
    • Additional constructs in prog. lang. as extensions to the existing PLs
    • Inclusion of specific OOPL constructs in other OOPLs
    • Extensions to Pattern Design Space
    • Extending non-VEE with VEE
    • Extensions in VEE in PLs supporting VEE
    • Extensions in Meta-data for trusted computing
    • Extensions in VEE for reusable and trusted computing
    • . . .
  4. Investigatios into the above PL features

  5. Understanding of distinguished features in emerging OOPLs/Systems, for example,
    • x10 Programming Language
    • . . .
  6. There could be several such topics. You are free to choose your project topic beyond the above list, it should be within the areas to be covered in T-OOLI. Students should make the project proposal and discuss with the Instructor. Flexiblility in the start and finish; early to start and early to finish.