
Course Contents

Grading Policy



Student List

CS 40017: Object Oriented System Design


A student registered for the course is expected to:
  • Attend each class,
  • Participate in discussion,
  • Read the text (books, study material from Internet),
  • Work all the assignments,
  • Do the lab / project work,
  • Follow professional ethics, and
  • Academic Honesty (A zero for the first timer, a fail grade for a repeat occurance.)

 Overall Evaluation Policy:

  • Marks would be awarded on solutions which have step-by-step algorithmic/logical approach to problem solving.
  • Solution having a direct answer would get a duck.


Tiny Take-Home Assignments 10%
Design / Prog. Assignments / Projects 20%
Mid Sem. 30%
End Sem. 40%

 Assignment Evaluation Policy:

  • There would be a series of miniatute take-home-assignments. These will be evaluated on a 2 Grade Point Scale.
  • There would be design and programming assignments. These will be evaluated on 5 Grade Point Scale.
  • Late assignments may be accepted by obtaining prior permission. There is a penalty @ 10% per day of delay.
  • Finally, a weighted sum of all such Grade Points will be taken.

 Finally, A Realtive Grading:-

Based on aggregate marks and the following guidelines:
  • Ex Grade : Very Good performance in all components,
  • A Grade : Very Good to Good performance in all components,
  • B Grade : Good to average performance in almost all components (wide window),
  • C Grade : Average to below average (Average minus StdDev.) performance in aggregate (wide window),
  • D Grade : Below average performance in aggregate,
  • P Grade : Participation in almost all components, and
  • F Grade : Poor in participation as well as performance.

 Boundary Cases:-

Class attendance is not necessary though Classroom participation will be used to determine boundary cases.

 Policy for auditing:

  • A student who wishes to attend the classes for learning purposes may freely do so.
  • A student who wishes to get a certificate at the end of the course should
    • register for the course as a zero-credit,
    • attend the classes, do all the assignments, and appear in all the evaluation components: quizes, mid-sem and end-sem examinations.