
Course Contents

Grading Policy




Student List

CS 60042: Advances in Compiler Construction


A student registered for the course is expected to:
  • Attend each class,
  • Participate in discussion,
  • Read the text (books, study material from Internet),
  • Work all the assignments,
  • Do project work,
  • Follow professional ethics, and
  • Academic Honesty (A zero for the first timer, a fail grade for a repeat occurance.)

 Overall Evaluation Policy:

  • Marks would be awarded on solutions which have step-by-step algorithmic/logical approach to problem solving.
  • Solution having a direct answer would get a duck.

 Weightage: A flexible approach based on an individual's attention in project work:

Tiny Take-Home Assignments (5+) 10%
Theory Assignments / Tests (2+) 10%
Programming Assignments (2+) 10%
Ind. Study: Term Paper 10% to 20%
Mid Sem. 24% (downto 20%)
End Sem. 36% (downto 30%)

 Assignment Evaluation Policy:

  • There would be a series of miniatute take-home-assignments. These will be evaluated on a 2 Grade Point Scale.
  • There would be programming assignments. These will be evaluated on 5 Grade Point Scale.
  • Late assignments may be accepted by obtaining prior permission. There is a penalty @ 10% per day of delay.
  • Finally, a weighted sum of all such Grade Points will be taken.

 Project Evaluation Policy:

 Finally, A Realtive Grading:-

Based on aggregate marks and the following guidelines:
  • Ex Grade : Very Good performance in all components,
  • A Grade : Very Good to Good performance in all components,
  • B Grade : Good to average performance in almost all components (wide window),
  • C Grade : Average to below average (Average minus StdDev.) performance in aggregate (wide window),
  • D Grade : Below average performance in aggregate,
  • P Grade : Participation in almost all components, and
  • F Grade : Poor in participation as well as performance.

 Boundary Cases:-

Class attendance is as per Institutes's policy. Classroom participation will be used to determine boundary cases.

 Slip Days:

    Each student has five (5) slip days that can be used for any homework assignments (excluidng THTs) during the semester, exams excluded. An assignment that is submitted up to one day late will be accepted at the cost of one slip day. Similarly, an assignment that is submitted up to two full days late will be accepted at the cost of two slip days. A day consists of 24 hours; weekend days are included.

    If a student has no slip days left, late submissions will not be accepted. If there are any extraordinary circumstances, please try to let us know in advance. Save your slip days until the end of the term when the assignments are longer and more challenging.

 Policy for auditing:

  • A student who wishes to attend the classes for learning purposes may freely do so.
  • A student who wishes to get a certificate at the end of the course should
    • register for the course as a zero-credit,
    • attend the classes, do all the assignments, and appear in all the evaluation components: quizes, mid-sem and end-sem examinations.