
AUTOSAFE WORKSHOP: Design of High Assurance Automotive Control       |       Date: December 19, 2015       |       Venue: Gargi Auditorium, Vikramshila Complex, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, INDIA 721302

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Who Can Attend?

Interested Personnel from both academia and industry, including professors, engineering students, research scholars and engineers, can attend the workshop. Though the primary application domain may be  automotive software, but the topics to be discussed will be applicable to anyone interested in studying timing and safety properties of cyber-physical systems. Engineering students from disciplines like electrical, electronics, control and computer science with an interest in cyber-physical systems should find the workshop interesting.

Date and venue:

Date : 19th December, 2015
Venue : Gargi Auditorium, Vikramshila Complex, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

FEE details:

There is NO fee for participation.


Participants will be provided suitable accommodation in the Institute Guest House.

Important Dates:

Last Date for receiving application: 12th December 2015
Intimation to Participants latest by : 15th December 2015
Workshop Date : 19th December 2015.

Application for Workshop (not required for invited guests):

Please follow the following two steps in order to apply for the workshop:
1. Please fill in the application form available here: Registration Closed
2. Please send your resume to the following email address (This step is mandatory for student participants)
    Email :

Note: Intimation regarding eligibility of participation will be communicated to the applicants after 15th December 2015