Formal Analysis of Railway Interlocking Data

M.Tech thesis (ongoing)


Railway interlocking system is responsible for guaranteeing that no conflicts occur in a railway yard. The data on which the railway interlocking system operates is the dependency relation between various objects in a railway yard. This data is expressed using ladder logic which is manually prepared from the control table. This leaves room for error in the ladder logic. We automate the process of constructing ladder logic to create a model of the interlocking system. Properties are extracted from the ladder logic model which are verified on the given interlocking system. We also plan to do an equivalence checking between the model and the given interlocking system if both use the same relays



Achieving Energy Efficiency using Data Buffering in
Sensor Networks


In Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks, there are several independent nodes that have energy, range, storage, co-operation and delay constraints. In this proposal we begin to address the constraint of energy while considering the energy of the entire network as a whole. We use a greedy approach that optimizes the decisions made by each single node individually, in the hope that this produces an overall network energy saving. Here each node has a choice when it needs to send a packet of information. The node can either buffer the packet for later, hence
optimizing routing overheads, possible retransmission overheads and hence reducing failure rates of transmission; or the node could choose to transmit the packet along with the already buffered data to its next hop neighbor; depending on what minimizes the overall network energy wastage. We make two-way decision using a Markov Decision Process.


Personalised Bluetooth Marketing

B.Tech Project


Advertising to Mobile phones using Bluetooth Marketing methodology is one of the new ways to get ahead of your competitors. Bluetooth Marketing reduces costs and increases the return on investment compared to the usual advertising techniques.When using Proximity Marketing via Bluetooth it is possible to target potential customers in a local area like a Club or Conference center and because nearly every person in India has a mobile phone and most of the mobiles are Bluetooth enabled you can send out Calendar events, Address information, Images, Audio or Event Video.Our goal will be to show people the best ads, the ones that are the most relevant timely, and useful. That is personalization, the server will send those advertisements to the customer which they are looking for or those advertisements which they frequently browWe need to understand exactly what people are looking for, then give them exactly the information they want. A mobile application will be installed to the customer’s Bluetooth enabled mobile phone, the application will help them to see the advertisements, the user can download or buy the application from various app store or app market.With a range of 100m it is possible to scan for Bluetooth enabled mobile phones within proximity of the server and then depending on what you are trying to achieve with your campaign, send a small text voucher to bring customers to a particular shop, send audio or video to sell products or service or create brand awareness. The units will also communicate with each other so that they work together creating a larger proximity.