CS60004 : HARDWARE SECURITY (LTP: 3 0 0, Credits 3)

Course Outline
This course will focus on the importance of addressing different security threats on modern hardware design, manufacturing, installation, and operating practices. In particular, the threats would be shown to be relevant at scales ranging from a single user to an entire nation's public infrastructure. Through theoretical analyses and relevant practical world case studies, the threats would demonstrated, and then state-of-the-art defense techniques would be described. The course would borrow concepts from diverse fields of study such as cryptography, hardware design, circuit testing, algorithms, and machine learning.

Detailed Syllabus:

Overview of Different Issues of Hardware Security

Preliminaries: Algebra of Finite Fields, Basics of the Mathematical Theory of Public Key Cryptography, Basics of Digital Design on Field-programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Classification using Support Vector Machines (SVMs)

Useful Hardware Security Primitives: Cryptographic Hardware and their Implementation, Optimization of Cryptographic Hardware on FPGA, Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), PUF Implementations, PUF Quality Evaluation, Design Techniques to Increase PUF Response Quality

Side-channel Attacks on Cryptographic Hardware: Basic Idea, Current-measurement based Side-channel Attacks (Case Study: Kocher’s Attack on DES), Design Techniques to Prevent Side-channel Attacks, Improved Side-channel Attack Algorithms (Template Attack, etc.), Cache Attacks

Testability and Verification of Cryptographic Hardware: Fault-tolerance of Cryptographic Hardware, Fault Attacks, Verification of Finite-field Arithmetic Circuits

Modern IC Design and Manufacturing Practices and Their Implications: Hardware Intellectual Property (IP) Piracy and IC Piracy, Design Techniques to Prevent IP and IC Piracy, Using PUFs to prevent Hardware Piracy, Model Building Attacks on PUFs (Case Study: SVM Modeling of Arbiter PUFs, Genetic Programming based Modeling of Ring Oscillator PUF)

Hardware Trojans: Hardware Trojan Nomenclature and Operating Modes, Countermeasures Such as Design and Manufacturing Techniques to Prevent/Detect Hardware Trojans, Logic Testing and Side-channel Analysis based Techniques for Trojan Detection, Techniques to Increase Testing Sensitivity Infrastructure Security: Impact of Hardware Security Compromise on Public Infrastructure, Defense Techniques (Case Study: Smart-Grid Security)

Text Books:

Debdeep Mukhopadhyay and Rajat Subhra Chakraborty, "Hardware Security: Design, Threats, and Safeguards", CRC Press

Reference Books:

Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and David Naccache (eds.): Towards Hardware-intrinsic Security: Theory and Practice, Springer.

Ted Huffmire et al: Handbook of FPGA Design Security, Springer.

Stefan Mangard, Elisabeth Oswald, Thomas Popp: Power analysis attacks - revealing the secrets of smart cards. Springer 2007.

Doug Stinson, Cryptography Theory and Practice, CRC Press.

Presentations for the class:

Materials for the class:

Introduction To Hardware Security

Fault Attacks and Countermeasures

Biased Fault Attacks on Traditional Redundancy-Based Countermeasures

Fault Space Transformation

Infective Countermeasures against Fault Attacks

Cache Timing Attacks on AES

Branch Prediction Attacks using Hardware Performance Counters

Physically Unclonable Functions

IC Camoflaging (Presentation) (Paper for Reference)

List of Primitive Polynomials

Trace_1 for Assignment

Trace_2 for Assignment

Trace_3 for Assignment

Trace_4 for Assignment

Trace_5 for Assignment

Trace_6 for Assignment

Trace_7 for Assignment

Trace_8 for Assignment

Trace_9 for Assignment