High Level Synthesis of Higher Order Continuous Time State Variable Filters with Minimum Sensitivity and Hardware Count
Soumya Pandit, Sougata Kar, Chittaranjan Mandal, Amit Patra

The sensitivity of the response of an analog system to circuit parameter variations is a vital performance metric for evaluation of its quality. This paper proposes a unified high level synthesis methodology for higher order continuous time state variable filters, considering the optimization of this metric. Minimization of the hardware count, which is another important issue, has also been taken into account at a much earlier stage of design. The entire methodology is illustrated with the case study of a state variable low pass filter and the benefits of the approach are clearly brought out.

Keywords: Analog Synthesis, Higher Order Continuous Time State Variable Filters, Minimum Sensitivity, Hardware Count

chitta@iitkgp.ac.in [Full paper and publications list]