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Professional Activities |
- PMRF Nodal Subject Coordinator, IIT Kharagpur (2022-Present) | Member, Council of Dean of Students Affairs, IIT Kharagpur (2023-Present) | Faculty In-Charge, Software Lab, Dept. of CSE (2022-Present)
- Faculty In-Charge, Samsung Innovation Lab (2021-Present) | Member, Department Purchase Committee (2016-2022) | Department Representative, Under-Graduate Program Evaluation Committee (UGPEC) (2021-2022) | DPO, GATE-JAM 2021 | PO, GATE-JAM 2022.
- Faculty Advisor: CSE-Dual Degree 2015 batch
- Organizing Committee Co-Chair: ICDCN 2023, SmartSensing 2020, IndoSys 2019, IEEE NetSciCom 2016, DOOCN 2018, DOOCN 2017, DOOCN 2016, DOOCN 2015, DOOCN 2014
Doctoral Symposium Co-Chair: CODS-COMAD 2023, CODS-COMAD 2022, ICDCN 2021, ICDCN 2020, ICDCN 2019, ICDCN 2018, ICDCN 2017
Publication Co-Chair: COMSNETS 2021, COMSNETS 2020
Tutorial Co-Chair: ICDCN 2022
- Area Chair/Senior/Program Committee member: AAAI 2023, ICMI 2023, WSDM 2023, WWW 2022, CSoNet 2022, AAAI 2022, AIMLSystems 2021, AAAI 2021, ICWSM 2021, SASO 2019, Complex Networks 2019, ANTS 2017, IEEE NetSciCom 2017, SASO 2016, Complex Networks 2016, Comsnets 2016, Complex Networks 2015, IEEE SASO 2015, SASOST 2015, Xerox Open 2015, Complex Networks 2014, SISSY 2014, SASOST 2014, SocioAware 2013, Complex Networks 2013, SAOS 2013, CoNeD 2013, IEEE SASO 2012, Complex Networks 2012, InfoSecHiComNet 2011.
- Journal Reviewer: Physical Review E, Europhysics Letters (EPL), IEEE Transaction on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, ACM Computing Reviews, Computer Networks, Computer Communication, Ad Hoc Networks, Information Sciences, Machine Learning, Computers & Security, Social Network Analysis and Mining, Applied Network Science.
- Doctoral thesis jury member of (a) Maximilien Danisch, University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France (in 2015), (b) Sreenivasan Ramasamy Ramamurthy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA (in 2021).
- Session Chair, Dynamics on and of Complex Networks IV (DOOCN 2010), A satellite workshop of ECCS 2010, Lisbon University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2010.