Research Projects
- Stability Analysis of Real-World P2P Networks - Ongoing
Supervisor: Dr. Niloy Ganguly, Deptarment of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
- Developed Generalized Analytical Framework to study the impact of node removals on the P2P network topology
using Complex Networks Theory
- Identified parameters tuning which resilience towards node removals can be increased
- FEcST: A Hybrid Routing Algorithm for MANET
Supervisor: Susmit Maity, Deptarment of Computer Science & Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology
- Developed a Routing Algorithm using the concept of reliability of a path and controlled flooding
- Developing Test-benches & Performance Evaluation for Testing Soft-keyboard Interfaces
Supervisor: Dr. Debashis Samanta, Deptarment of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
- Addressed the issue of selecting text chunks from a large text corpus, using Information Theory
- Developed a soft-keyboard for physically challenged users
- Developed metrics for performance evaluation of the soft-keyboard
Development Works
- Recommendation System plugin for Mozilla Firefox
At Yahoo! HackU Contest 2011
- Developed a firefox plugin that can retrieve the main idea of a web-page being surfed on the
fly and can identify the user's interests
- Developing WIA2.0(Windows Image Acquisition) Minidriver
At Wipro Technologies
- Developed a Scanner device driver that can be integrated with Windows Vista and above
- Enabled the driver to work over Wi-FI
- Developing WIA1.0(Windows Image Acquisition) Microdriver
At Wipro Technologies
- Developed a minimal Scanner device driver that can be integrated to windows XP and above