Publications |
MS Thesis:
- Modeling, Analysis and Applications of Growth of Alphabetic Bipartite Network (defended on 14th May of 2010).
Supervisor: Dr. Niloy Ganguly
University: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Journal Papers:
- M. Choudhury, N. Ganguly, A. Maiti, A. Mukherjee,
L. Brusch, A. Deutsch and F. Peruani.,
“Modeling discrete combinatorial systems as alphabetic bipartite
networks: Theory and applications”, Physical Review E, 81, 036103, 2010 abstract
- A. Maiti, and N. Ganguly,
“Alphabetic Bipartite Network (α-BiN) : Theory and Case Study”,
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement, 3,2,335, 2010
- F. Peruani, A. Maiti, S. Sadhu, H. Chate,
R. R. Choudhury and N. Ganguly,
“Modeling Broadcasting using Omnidirectional and Directional Antenna in
Delay Tolerant Networks as an Epidemic Dynamics”,
special issue on Bio-Inspired Networking in IEEE Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications (IEEE-JSAC), 28, 4, 524, 2010
Conference Papers: |
- A. Mukherjee, F. Peruani, M. Choudhury, A. Maiti,
A. Deutsch and N. Ganguly.,
“Theory of α-BiN: Alphabetic Bipartite Networks”
Dynamics on and of Complex Networks, ECCS, Jerusalem, Israel, 2008.
- A. Maiti,F. Peruani, R. R. Choudhury, and N. Ganguly,
“Broadcasting using Directional Antenna in DTN as an Epidemic Dynamics”
Phd forum of International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN),
Kolkata, India, 2010. (Selected 2nd best presentation in Phd forum)
Conference Posters: |
- A. Maiti,F. Peruani, R. R. Choudhury, and N. Ganguly,
“Broadcasting in DTN as an Epidemic Dynamics.”
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM),
Beijing, China, 2009. (Selected for ACM student research competition)
- A. Maiti, F. Peruani, L. Brusch, N. Ganguly, and A. Deutsch,
“Modeling Biological Evolution Using Codon-Gene Bipartite Network Growth.”
European conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB),
Edinburgh, UK, 2008.