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About me

Hi! I am Abyayananda Maiti, presently working as a Junior Project Assistant and as a MS scholar in Department of CSE, IIT Kharagpur, India. My MS supervisor is Dr. Niloy Ganguly. I am a member of "Complex Network Research Group (CNeRG)" headed by Dr. Niloy Ganguly at CSE, IIT Kharagpur. I have recently submitted my MS thesis. I am goinig to defend my thesis possibly by April, 2010. I am a student member of ACM. Before joining CSE, IIT Kharagpur in September, 2006, I was working in different industries as a software professional for more than three years. Core area of my job was to develope tools for large scale database integration using Java technologies. Prior to join the industry I had worked as a Project personel at Centre for Educational Technology (CET), IIT Kharagpur. I received B. Tech(H) in Computer Science and Engineering from Haldia Institute of Technology, Vidyasagar University, India in 2001.

Research area

My research spans through two major network research areas: Complex networks and delay-tolerant networks. Main topics of my current research interest are as follows.

  • Information spreading in delay-tolerant networks
  • Broadcasting and routing algorithm in delay-tolerant networks
  • Modeling Complex Network growth
  • Bioinspired networking

Latest update

  • 14 January, 2010 - Submitted my MS thesis. Downloadable from here.
  • A paper accepted in Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement of SSIC 2009. "Alphabetic Bipartite Network (α-BiN): Theory and Case Study", downloadable from here.

CNeRG - Dept of CSE - IIT Kgp - Complex Network - Epidemic Model - DTN

"Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail" - Anonymous