Abhik Jana Abhik Jana

About me

I have completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, in Sept 2019, under the guidance of Dr. Pawan Goyal. I am currently appointed as Post-doctoral Research Associate in Language Technology group of University of Hamburg, working with Chris Biemann. My basic interest lies in the study of Natural Language Processing, Cognitive aspects of Natural Language Processing.


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Networks for Lexical Semantics
Lexical semantics focuses on semantic understanding of lexical units like words, sub-words, phrases, etc. Dealing with lexical semantics is one of the basic steps towards natural language understanding. Being motivated by the idea of using networks (graphs) to represent the language units and their relationships, researchers have applied network theory in NLP tasks like evaluating machine generated summaries, detection of ambiguity in a text, part-of-speech (POS) induction, word sense induction, etc. My focus is to explore the scope of utilizing networks for improving semantic understanding of lexical units. We attempt this investigation using two types of networks: i) external networks like Wikipedia network, citation network, etc., ii) networks prepared from the given corpus like distributional thesaurus network, hierarchical hyponym-hypernym network, etc.

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Date modified: April 4, 2020