#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXLEN 256 typedef struct { char element[MAXLEN][MAXLEN]; int tos; } stack; void init ( stack *S ) { (*S).tos = -1; } void push ( stack *S , char *a ) { if (++(*S).tos == MAXLEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in push : Stack overflow...\n"); exit(1); } strcpy((*S).element[(*S).tos],a); } void pop ( stack *S , char *a ) { if ((*S).tos < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in pop : Stack underflow...\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(a,(*S).element[(*S).tos]); (*S).tos--; } int isOperator ( char c ) { if ( (c=='+') || (c == '-') || (c == '*') || (c == '/') || (c == '%') ) return(1); return(0); } void evaluate ( char expr[] ) { int i; stack S; char operand1[MAXLEN], operand2[MAXLEN], result[MAXLEN]; init(&S); for (i=strlen(expr)-1;i>=0;i--) { if (isOperator(expr[i])) { pop(&S,operand1); pop(&S,operand2); sprintf(result,"(%s%c%s)",operand1,expr[i],operand2); } else sprintf(result,"%c",expr[i]); push(&S,result); } if (S.tos != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in evaluate: ill-formed expression...\n"); exit(1); } printf("The infix notation for this expression is :\n%s\n",S.element[0]); } int main () { char expr[MAXLEN]; printf("Input an arithmetic expression in prefix notation :\n"); scanf("%s",expr); evaluate(expr); }
Input an arithmetic expression in prefix notation : +*5+*5+*5+*5+*5UVWXYZ The infix notation for this expression is : ((5*((5*((5*((5*((5*U)+V))+W))+X))+Y))+Z) Input an arithmetic expression in prefix notation : /++*ac*bd*i-*bc*ad+*cc*dd The infix notation for this expression is : ((((a*c)+(b*d))+(i*((b*c)-(a*d))))/((c*c)+(d*d))) Input an arithmetic expression in prefix notation : +++++abcd---efg**hi/jk Error in pop : Stack underflow... Input an arithmetic expression in prefix notation : /ab**cde---fghi++++jklmn Error in evaluate: ill-formed expression... Input an arithmetic expression in prefix notation : +a/1+b/1+c/1+d/1+e/1+f/1+h/1+i/1+j/1+k/1l The infix notation for this expression is : (a+(1/(b+(1/(c+(1/(d+(1/(e+(1/(f+(1/(h+(1/(i+(1/(j+(1/(k+(1/l))))))))))))))))))))
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXLEN 256 typedef struct { char element[MAXLEN][MAXLEN]; int tos; } stack; void init ( stack *S ) { (*S).tos = -1; } void push ( stack *S , char *a ) { if (++(*S).tos == MAXLEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in push : Stack overflow...\n"); exit(1); } strcpy((*S).element[(*S).tos],a); } void pop ( stack *S , char *a ) { if ((*S).tos < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in pop : Stack underflow...\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(a,(*S).element[(*S).tos]); (*S).tos--; } int isOperator ( char c ) { if ( (c=='+') || (c == '-') || (c == '*') || (c == '/') || (c == '%') ) return(1); return(0); } void evaluate ( char expr[] ) { int i,l; stack S; char operand1[MAXLEN], operand2[MAXLEN], result[MAXLEN]; init(&S); l = strlen(expr); for (i=0;i<l;i++) { if (isOperator(expr[i])) { pop(&S,operand2); pop(&S,operand1); sprintf(result,"(%s%c%s)",operand1,expr[i],operand2); } else sprintf(result,"%c",expr[i]); push(&S,result); } if (S.tos != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in evaluate: ill-formed expression...\n"); exit(1); } printf("The infix notation for this expression is :\n%s\n",S.element[0]); } int main () { char expr[MAXLEN]; printf("Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation :\n"); scanf("%s",expr); evaluate(expr); }
Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : 77777a*b+*c+*d+*e+*f+ The infix notation for this expression is : ((7*((7*((7*((7*((7*a)+b))+c))+d))+e))+f) Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : AC*BD*+IBC*AD*-*+CC*DD*+/ The infix notation for this expression is : ((((A*C)+(B*D))+(I*((B*C)-(A*D))))/((C*C)+(D*D))) Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : abcde++++fghi---jkl**mn/ Error in evaluate: ill-formed expression... Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : ab/cd**efg---hijk+++++ Error in pop : Stack underflow... Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : a1b1c1d1e1f1g1h1j1k1l/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+ The infix notation for this expression is : (a+(1/(b+(1/(c+(1/(d+(1/(e+(1/(f+(1/(g+(1/(h+(1/(j+(1/(k+(1/l))))))))))))))))))))
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