[Evaluation of arithmetic expressions in postfix notation]
In the usual infix notation for writing arithmetic expressions one writes the operator between the two operands, as in a+b or ((a+b)*c)/d-(c*b). In the postfix notation one writes the operands first (the first and the second in that order) and then the operator. Some examples are given below:
infix postfix a a a+b ab+ (a+b)*c ab+c* ((a+b)*c)/d ab+c*d/ ((a+b)*c)/d-(e*f) ab+c*d/ef*- (((a-5)*c+3)/2)-(a-8*c) a5-c*3+2/a8c*--Irrespective of the precedence of the operators the postfix notation does not require brackets. For example, the infix expression a-8*c is interpreted as a-(8*c) and not as (a-8)*c. This is because the operator * has more binding capacity than - and hence binds (the common operand) 8 more tightly than - does. But the postfix notations for a-(8*c) and (a-8)*c are different, namely a8c*- and a8-c*.
Given a postfix expression the corresponding (bracketed) infix expression can be obtained using a stack. Start with an initially empty stack and then loop:
Read the input string character-by-character (from beginning to end). If a non-operator (a digit or a variable) is read, push it to the stack. If an operator is read, pop the stack twice, apply the operation on the two popped entries and push the result back to the stack.
If the input is a proper postfix expression, the stack contains the corresponding infix expression at the top of the stack (which should also be the bottom of the stack), after the entire input is read. The following examples illustrate this algorithm. Here the stack grows towards left.
Input 1: ab+c*d/cb*- Read Operator Stack operation Stack content a No push a b No push b,a + Yes pop,pop,push (a+b) c No push c,(a+b) * Yes pop,pop,push ((a+b)*c) d No push d,((a+b)*c) / Yes pop,pop,push (((a+b)*c)/d) c No push c,(((a+b)*c)/d) b No push b,c,(((a+b)*c)/d) * Yes pop,pop,push (c*b),(((a+b)*c)/d) - Yes pop,pop,push ((((a+b)*c)/d)-(c*b)) Input 2: a+bc- Read Operator Stack operation Stack content a No push a + Yes pop,pop,push The second pop fails Input 3: abc- Read Operator Stack operation Stack content a No push a b No push b,a c No push c,b,a - Yes pop,pop,push (b-c),a End of input: ill-formed input expression (stack is too big)
#define MAXLEN 256 typedef struct { char element[MAXLEN][MAXLEN]; int tos; } stack;Write three functions realizing the three stack operations:
77777a*b+*c+*d+*e+*f+ AC*BD*+IBC*AD*-*+CC*DD*+/ abcde++++fghi---jkl**mn/ ab/cd**efg---hijk+++++ a1b1c1d1e1f1g1h1j1k1l/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+
Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : ab+c*d/cb*- The infix notation for this expression is : ((((a+b)*c)/d)-(c*b)) Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : a+bc- Error in pop : Stack underflow... Input an arithmetic expression in postfix notation : abc- Error in evaluate: ill-formed expression...
The following built-in C functions may prove to be useful for your implementation:
Copy the string b to the string a.
sprintf is similar to printf except that the printing is done in the string a (rather than to the terminal).
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