CS13002 PDS Lab, Spring 2003, Section 1/A

Lab Test 1 -- Solutions

For students with odd PC numbers

The program

/***** Start of odd.c *****/
#include <stdio.h>

int gcd( int m, int n )
   int r;

   if ((m == 0) && (n == 0)) {
      printf("Exception: gcd(0,0) is undefined\n");

   if (m < 0) m = -m;
   if (n < 0) n = -n;
   while (n != 0) {
      r = m % n;
      m = n;
      n = r;

int main ()
   int a, b, c, d, g;
   int sum, diff, prod, denom;

   printf("Input a : "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("%d\n",a);
   printf("Input b : "); scanf("%d",&b); printf("%d\n",b);
   if (b <= 0) {
      printf("Error: Positive denominator expected\n");
   printf("Input c : "); scanf("%d",&c); printf("%d\n",c);
   printf("Input d : "); scanf("%d",&d); printf("%d\n",d);
   if (d <= 0) {
      printf("Error: Positive denominator expected\n");

   sum = a * d + b * c;
   diff = a * d - b * c;
   prod = a * c;
   denom = b * d;

   printf("\nRaw output:\n");
   printf("(a/b)+(c/d) = %d/%d\n",sum,denom);
   printf("(a/b)-(c/d) = %d/%d\n",diff,denom);
   printf("(a/b)*(c/d) = %d/%d\n",prod,denom);

   printf("\nReduced output:\n");
   g = gcd(sum,denom); printf("(a/b)+(c/d) = %d/%d\n",sum/g,denom/g);
   g = gcd(diff,denom); printf("(a/b)-(c/d) = %d/%d\n",diff/g,denom/g);
   g = gcd(prod,denom); printf("(a/b)*(c/d) = %d/%d\n",prod/g,denom/g);

/***** End of odd.c *****/

Output on test inputs

Input a : -377
Input b : 481
Input c : -899
Input d : 1147

Raw output:
(a/b)+(c/d) = -864838/551707
(a/b)-(c/d) = 0/551707
(a/b)*(c/d) = 338923/551707

Reduced output:
(a/b)+(c/d) = -58/37
(a/b)-(c/d) = 0/1
(a/b)*(c/d) = 841/1369

Input a : -100
Input b : 31753
Input c : 125
Input d : 19951

Raw output:
(a/b)+(c/d) = 1974025/633504103
(a/b)-(c/d) = -5964225/633504103
(a/b)*(c/d) = -12500/633504103

Reduced output:
(a/b)+(c/d) = 25/8023
(a/b)-(c/d) = -21225/2254463
(a/b)*(c/d) = -12500/633504103

For students with even PC numbers

The program

/***** Start of even.c *****/
#include <stdio.h>

int gcd( int m, int n )
   int r;

   if ((m == 0) && (n == 0)) {
      printf("Exception: gcd(0,0) is undefined\n");

   if (m < 0) m = -m;
   if (n < 0) n = -n;
   while (n != 0) {
      r = m % n;
      m = n;
      n = r;

int main ()
   int a, b, c, d, g;
   int real1, imag1, denom1;
   int real2, imag2, denom2;

   printf("Input a : "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("%d\n",a);
   printf("Input b : "); scanf("%d",&b); printf("%d\n",b);
   if ( (a == 0) && (b == 0) ) {
      printf("Error: Non-zero complex number expected\n");
   printf("Input c : "); scanf("%d",&c); printf("%d\n",c);
   printf("Input d : "); scanf("%d",&d); printf("%d\n",d);
   if ( (c == 0) && (d == 0) ) {
      printf("Error: Non-zero complex number expected\n");

   real1 = a * c + b * d;
   imag1 = b * c - a * d;
   denom1 = c * c + d * d;

   real2 = real1;
   imag2 = -imag1;
   denom2 = a * a + b * b;

   printf("\nRaw output:\n");
   printf("(a+ib)/(c+id) = (%d/%d)+i(%d/%d)\n",real1,denom1,imag1,denom1);
   printf("(c+id)/(a+ib) = (%d/%d)+i(%d/%d)\n",real2,denom2,imag2,denom2);

   printf("\nReduced output:\n");
   printf("(a+ib)/(c+id) =");
   g = gcd(real1,denom1); printf("(%d/%d) + i",real1/g,denom1/g);
   g = gcd(imag1,denom1); printf("(%d/%d)\n",imag1/g,denom1/g);
   printf("(c+id)/(a+ib) =");
   g = gcd(real2,denom2); printf("(%d/%d) + i",real2/g,denom2/g);
   g = gcd(imag2,denom2); printf("(%d/%d)\n",imag2/g,denom2/g);

/***** End of even.c *****/

Output on test inputs

Input a : 37
Input b : -33
Input c : -2
Input d : 35

Raw output:
(a+ib)/(c+id) = (-1229/1229)+i(-1229/1229)
(c+id)/(a+ib) = (-1229/2458)+i(1229/2458)

Reduced output:
(a+ib)/(c+id) =(-1/1) + i(-1/1)
(c+id)/(a+ib) =(-1/2) + i(1/2)

Input a : -15163
Input b : 11387
Input c : 6667
Input d : -4189

Raw output:
(a+ib)/(c+id) = (-148791864/61996610)+i(12399322/61996610)
(c+id)/(a+ib) = (-148791864/359580338)+i(-12399322/359580338)

Reduced output:
(a+ib)/(c+id) =(-12/5) + i(1/5)
(c+id)/(a+ib) =(-12/29) + i(-1/29)

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