The IndoSys 2020 committee has decided to cancel the event this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This decision has been made keeping in mind the safety, and well-being of our members and all our attendees and serves as the reason for our decision to cancel this edition of the IndoSys 2020.
The seventh Indian Symposium on Computer Systems Research (Indosys) will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) on 18 and 19 July, 2020. The symposium aims to be a forum to discuss state-of-the-art research into computer systems through position papers and invited talks from leading experts. This will help network with their peers and help establish collaborations.
IndoSys also fosters mentoring of early career faculty and their students working in this research domain through work in progress papers. This provides an opportunity for the faculty to engage with leading research groups in the country and conduct high quality research leading to a competitive publications. Technical tutorials on contemporary tools and platforms will also be featured.
Past editions of IndoSys were hosted at IISc, Bangalore (2019), IIT, Hyderabad (2018), IIT, Bombay (2017), IIT, Madras (2016), IIIT, Hyderabad (2015), and CDAC, Bangalore (2014).
We invite faculty from institutions in India, accompanied by 1-2 of their student(s), to submit a 4-page work in progress paper on a research problem they are currently solving. The paper should include sections on (1) the problem description, (2) novelty of the problem and existing literature, (3) the technical solution proposed and its impact, (4) current progress and early results, and (5) future work and any mentorship required.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Design of Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- Middleware and Runtime Systems for HPC, Commodity clusters and Clouds
- Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management Techniques
- High Performance Computing, Cloud computing, Edge computing and Internet of Things
- Accelerators and Power-Efficient Architectures
- Big Data platforms and Systems
- Scientific Computing Applications
- Data-driven Applications and Analytics
- Graph Analytics, Processing and Management
- Systems design, measurement, and performance analysis for machine learning
The position paper will be evaluated by a program committee for their technical strength, prior preparation and outcomes, and the potential for being mentored into a good quality research paper. Selected teams will be invited to attend the IndoSys symposium for presenting their work, and engaging with experts to advance their ideas. Submissions may be accepted for oral presentation or as a poster.
Faculty whose position paper is accepted for oral presentation or as a poster presentation must register and attend IndoSys during 18-19 July 2020 at IIT Kharagpur. One to two of their students are also encouraged to attend. For the oral presentation, the team will have the chance to present their problem during a short 15 minute presentation, followed by a 10 minute discussion. Based on the potential of the research work presented, they may be assigned a mentor for further discussion and refinement of the topics. Teams selected for poster presentation will have a chance to display their poster and interact with the experts during the breaks. All selected papers should print and bring their own posters. Easels and pushpins will be provided.
Faculty are strongly encouraged to bring up to two students or research scholars supervised by them to attend the symposium, and benefit from the discussions. However, students unaccompanied by faculty, are not permitted to attend.
Submission Instructions
Submitted manuscripts should be in the IEEE two-column conference format and may not exceed 4 pages including figures, tables and references. A PDF version of the manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the Easychair website.
Registration will be invited for authors of accepted papers and posters. The faculty co-author for each accepted paper or poster MUST register and present the paper/poster. They are also encouraged to register and bring along up to two student co-authors. The registration link will be sent along with the paper notification email.
IndoSys charges a nominal registration fee to cover basic costs of food and logistics, thanks to our sponsors and volunteers. Participants may be provided with partial travel support.