Computational Foundations of Cyber Physical Systems (CS61063)

General Information

  • Midsem (30) - Dynamical Systems and Platform Scheduling
  • Endsem (50) - Learning, Reasoning, and Security aspects of CPS
  • Group based Project with Demo (20 marks)
  • Group Project 1 - Autonomous Driving in F-1/10 vehicle
  • Group Project 2 - Autonomous Driving in Carla/ROS
  • Group Project 3 - Co-operative driving of connected vehicles
  • Group Project 4 - Vehicular attack detection using AI
  • Group Project 5 - Smartgrid pricing/AGC attacks
  • Group Project 6 - Multi-hop 2.4 GHz Networked CPS
Course Credit: (L-T-P: 3-1-0)
Level of the Subject: PG level
Sujbect Type :: Autumn Elective
Prerequisite course(s) for the subject : None
Instructors: Dr. Soumyajit Dey
TA: Sunandan, Ashiqur, Anik
Location: CSE 107
Time: MON(10:00-11:00) , WED(08:00-10:00) , THURS(10:00-11:00)
Study Materials:
  1. “Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems” - Rajeev Alur
  2. "Introduction to Embedded Systems – A Cyber–Physical Systems Approach" - E. A. Lee, Sanjit Seshia

Useful links

Course Description

Cyber-physical systems, which consist of physical systems tightly integrated and/or controlled by software, are ubiquitous in many safety critical domains, including automotive, avionics, railways, healthcare, atomic energy, power, and industrial automation. The principles of design and implementation of cyber-physical systems are remarkably different from that of other embedded systems because of the tight integration of real valued and dense time real time systems with software based discrete automated control. The objective of this course is to develop an exposition of the challenges in implementing a cyber-physical system from a computational perspective, but based equally on the principles of automated control. The course aims to expose the student to real world problems in this domain and provide a walk through the design and validation problems for such systems.

"CPS addresses the close interaction and deep integration between the cyber components such as sensing systems and the physical components such as varying environment and energy systems. The exemplary CPS research areas include the theory and practice of data sensing and manipulation, the engineering foundation of the cyber-physical interactions, the design and verification of embedded computing systems, and the application of CPS methodologies in various areas such as smart energy systems, smart cities, automotive systems, medical prosthetics, wearable devices, internet of things, etc." - IEEE Techincal committee on CPS


Day wise Plan