Foundations of Cryptography

CS60088, Spring 2025, LTP: 3-1-0

Class Timings THUR: 15:00--16:55; FRI: 14:00--15:55
Venue CSE 107
Instructors Satrajit Ghosh and Somindu Chaya Ramanna
Teaching assistants Anubhav Dhar and Jitendra Kulaste


We assume basic familiarity with probability theory, algebraic structures (groups, rings, fields), linear algebra and algorithms. Some exposure to computational complexity is useful as well. These topics will not be covered in the course. No prior exposure to cryptography is necessary.

Syllabus (Tentative)



The evaluation for this course will be based on the mid-sem, end-sem examinations and a term paper. Details are below.
40%: end-sem exam
30%: mid-sem exam
30%: (quiz + scribe + attendance)


[Questions will be uploaded here.]


Tutorial 1: Perfect Secrecy