

7.Re-assemble the Queue
There are n people standing in a queue and everyone knows their own height and the number of person standing ahead who are taller. If the queue is dispersed for lunch then after they come back how will they again form the queue in the exact same way as before?
Tag: Logic

Two men start form the same point in a plane field (assume plane field is a perfect two dimensional plane that is ignore the curvature of earth), one goes 20KM in north east direciton and the other one first goes 16KM east and then 12KM north. Will they reach at the same location?
Tag : Logic

9.Same Value Game
We have n positive integers and we are doing some jugglery with them. It goes like this :

    If all the numbers are equal, then stop
        Select two numbers which are unequal
        Subtract the smaller number from the larger number
        Replace the larger number with the result from above

We know that this always terminates and we also know that for a given sequence of positive integers, this will always terminate on the same value, no matter what two number we select in step 3. Given a sequence find the value at which this will terminate.
Tag : Elementary Maths

10.Strange Sequence
Consider the following sequences
1  1
2  1
1  2  1  1

Can you tell the next sequence?
Tag: Logic

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