Most Read Articles | ![]() |
These are the most downloaded papers for the 30 days preceding April 13, 2011.
1. | Quaternary Structure of SecA in Solution and Bound
to SecYEG Probed at the Single Molecule Level Ilja Kusters, Geert van den Bogaart, Alexej Kedrov, Victor Krasnikov, Faizah Fulyani, Bert Poolman, Arnold J.M. Driessen Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
2. | ePMV
Embeds Molecular Modeling into Professional Animation Software
Environments Graham T. Johnson, Ludovic Autin, David S. Goodsell, Michel F. Sanner, Arthur J. Olson Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
3. | Mechanism-Based Strategies for Trapping and
Crystallizing Complexes of RNA-Modifying Enzymes Amandine Guelorget, Béatrice Golinelli-Pimpaneau Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
4. | The Contribution of Entropy, Enthalpy, and
Hydrophobic Desolvation to Cooperativity in Repeat-Protein
Folding Tural Aksel, Ananya Majumdar, Doug Barrick Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
5. | Heat Maps for Intramolecular Communication in an
RNP Enzyme Encoding Glutamine Annia Rodríguez-Hernández, John J. Perona Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
6. | Alternate Modes of Cognate RNA Recognition by Human
PUMILIO Proteins Gang Lu, Traci M. Tanaka Hall Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
7. | The Mechanisms of HAMP-Mediated Signaling in
Transmembrane Receptors Hedda U. Ferris, Stanislaw Dunin-Horkawicz, Laura García Mondéjar, Michael Hulko, Klaus Hantke, Jörg Martin, Joachim E. Schultz, Kornelius Zeth, Andrei N. Lupas, Murray Coles Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
8. | X-ray Crystal Structure of the UCS
Domain-Containing UNC-45 Myosin Chaperone from Drosophila
melanogaster Chi F. Lee, Arthur V. Hauenstein, Jonathan K. Fleming, William C. Gasper, Valerie Engelke, Banumathi Sankaran, Sanford I. Bernstein, Tom Huxford Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
9. | Structural Characterization of the Boca/Mesd
Maturation Factors for LDL-Receptor-Type β Propeller
Domains Mark N. Collins, Wayne A. Hendrickson Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
10. | Combining Bayes Classification and Point Group
Symmetry under Boolean Framework for Enhanced Protein Quaternary Structure
Inference Pralay Mitra, Debnath Pal Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
11. | Two Structural and Functional Domains of MESD
Required for Proper Folding and Trafficking of LRP5/6 Jianglei Chen, Chia-Chen Liu, Qianqian Li, Christian Nowak, Guojun Bu, Jianjun Wang Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
12. | Intrinsic Bending of Microtubule
Protofilaments Andrea Grafmüller, Gregory A. Voth Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
13. | The physiological structure of human C-reactive
protein and its complex with phosphocholine Darren Thompson, Mark B Pepys, Steve P Wood Summary
15 February 1999 7(2) |
14. | Interferon-Inducible Protein 16: Insight into the
Interaction with Tumor Suppressor p53 Jack C.C. Liao, Robert Lam, Vaclav Brazda, Shili Duan, Mani Ravichandran, Justin Ma, Ting Xiao, Wolfram Tempel, Xiaobing Zuo, Yun-Xing Wang et al. Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
15. | Beyond the Random Coil: Stochastic Conformational
Switching in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Ucheor B. Choi, James J. McCann, Keith R. Weninger, Mark E. Bowen Summary
13 April 2011 19(4) |
16. | Crystal Structure of a Human Cleavage Factor
Complex Provides an Insight into Poly(A) Site Recognition and RNA
Looping Qin Yang, Molly Coseno, Gregory M. Gilmartin, Sylvie Doublié Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
17. | Structural and Energetic Determinants of Apo
Calmodulin Binding to the IQ Motif of the NaV1.2
Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channel Michael D. Feldkamp, Liping Yu, Madeline A. Shea Summary
24 March 2011 |
18. | The Structure of MESD45–184 Brings Light into the
Mechanism of LDLR Family Folding Christian Köhler, Janet K. Lighthouse, Tobias Werther, Olav M. Andersen, Annette Diehl, Peter Schmieder, Jianguang Du, Bernadette C. Holdener, Hartmut Oschkinat Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |
19. | Peering Down the Barrel of a Bacteriophage Portal:
The Genome Packaging and Release Valve in P22 Jinghua Tang, Gabriel C. Lander, Adam Olia, Rui Li, Sherwood Casjens, Peter Prevelige, Gino Cingolani, Timothy S. Baker, John E. Johnson Summary
13 April 2011 19(4) |
20. | Pumilio RNA Recognition: The Consequence of
Promiscuity Sean P. Ryder Summary
9 March 2011 19(3) |