CS60045 Artificial Intelligence Autumn 2021, L-T-P: 3-0-0


Instructors     Prof. Pallab Dasgupta
Prof. Partha Pratim Chakrabarti
Timing     WED (10:00–10:55 AM), THU (9:00–9:55 AM), FRI (11:00–11:55 AM)
Venue     MS Teams (Team code: nz9boz9)
Teaching Assistants     Briti Gangopadhyay (briti_gangopadhyay@iitkgp.ac.in),
Sumanta Dey (sumanta.dey@iitkgp.ac.in),
Somnath Hazra (sommnathsh@gmail.com),
Ritikesh Gupta (ritikeshkgp@iitkgp.ac.in)
Kshitiz Sharma (kshitizs2809@iitkgp.ac.in)
Bagde Ankit (ankit2000.bagde@iitkgp.ac.in)


1. Tutorial on 28th August at 10:00 AM
2. Class Test 1 on 4th September at 10:00 AM
3. Please mail Sumanta Dey if you did not receive any mail from him regarding Moodle account.
4. Tutorial on 11th September at 9:00 AM
5. Class Test 1 (re-test) on 17th September at 6:30 PM
6. Class Test 2 on 25th September at 9:30 AM
7. Class Test 3 on 8th October
8. Class Test 4 on 5th November at 6:00 PM


Introduction     Course Introduction, Motivation.     [1 hour]    
Problem solving by search     State Space, Problem Reduction, Game Playing, Constraint Satisfaction.     [7 hours]    
Automated Reasoning     Proposition and first order logic, inference and deduction, resolution refutation, answer extraction, knowledge based systems, logic programming and constrained logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning.     [6 hours]    
Planning     State-space, plan space and partial order planning, planning algorithms.     [4 hours]    
Reasoning under uncertainty     Probabilistic reasoning, belief networks     [5 hours]    
Learning     Inductive learning, decision trees, logical approaches, computational learning theory, neural networks, reinforcement learning, Intelligent agents, natural language understanding, Applications.     [8 hours]    

Books and References

[1]     Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial intelligence : A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, Fourth edition, 2020.
[2]     Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1998.
[3]     Judea Pearl, Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1984.
[4]     Biere, A., Heule, M., Van Maaren, H., Walsh, T., Handbook of Satisfiability, IOS Press, 2009.

Online Material

    Week        Topic        Chapter        PDF        PDF(Annotated)        YouTube Video        Tutorial        Attendance    
Week 1 Introduction Introduction Introduction Link 11th August
Automated Problem Solving Automated Problem Solving Automated Problem Solving Automated Problem Solving Link 12th August
State Space Search State Space Search State Space Search Link 13th August
Week 2 Heuristic Search Heuristic Search Heuristic Search Link 18th August
19th August
Week 3 Game Trees Game Trees Game Trees Link 28th August Tutorial 25th August
26th August
Local Search Local Search Link 27th August
Week 4 Logic and Deduction Propositional logic Propositional Logic Propositional Logic Link 1st September
Propositional Logic to Predicate Logic Propositional Logic to Predicate Logic Propositional Logic to Predicate Logic Link 2nd September
Predicate Logic Fundamentals Predicate Logic Fundamentals Predicate Logic Fundamentals Link 3rd September
Week 5 Resolution Refutation Inference Using Resolution Refutation Inference Using Resolution Refutation Link 11th September Tutorial 8th September
9th September
Constraint Satisfaction Problems Constraint Satisfaction Problems Constraint Satisfaction Problems Link 10th September
Week 6 Planning in AI Planning in AI Part 1 Planning in AI Part 1 Planning in AI (Combined) Link 15th September
Planning in AI Part 2 Planning in AI Part 2 Link 16th September
Planning in AI Part 3 Planning in AI Part 3 Link 17th September Tutorial
17th September
Week 7 Reasoning Under Uncertainty Reasoning Under Uncertainty Part 1 Reasoning under Uncertainty Part 1 Reasoning under Uncertainty (Combined) Link 22nd September
Reasoning Under Uncertainty Part 2 Reasoning Under Uncertainty Part 2 Link 23rd September
Reasoning Under Uncertainty Part 3 Link 29th September Tutorial
24th September
Week 8 Learning Machine Learning Fundamentals Machine Learning Fundamentals Link 30th September
1st October
Week 9 Learning Decision Trees Learning Decision Trees Link 6th October
7th October
Week 10 Neural Networks Neural Networks and Deep Learning Link 20th October
Deep Learning Fundamentals Neural Networks and Deep Learning Link 21st October
Reinforcement Learning Fundamentals Reinforcement Learning Link 29th October Tutorial
22nd October
Week 12 Building Trusted AI Building Trusted AI

Previous course pages: 2020 | 2019 | 2018

 CS60045 Artificial Intelligence Autumn 2021, L-T-P: 3-0-0