Date : 15/04/2016
Subject : End-Spring Semester Examination (Revised and Final)
The End-Spring Semetser Examination will be held on as per the following:

Date: 24 April 2016 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 hrs
Duration: 180 minutes
Syllabus: Solving optimization problems (Post-Mid Semetser coverage only)

SIT Seminar Room
  • Please note that the official schedule is in C-slot (25.04.2016 (AN) has been rescheduled to 24.04.2016 (FN).
  • Date : 08/04/2016
    Subject : End-Spring Semester Examination
    The End-Spring Semetser Examination will be held on as per the following:

    Date: 23 April 2016 (Saturday)
    Time: 10:00 - 13:00 hrs
    Duration: 180 minutes
    Syllabus: Solving optimization problems (Post-Mid Semetser coverage only)

    SIT Seminar Room
  • Please note that the official schedule is in C-slot (25.04.2016 (AN) has been rescheduled to 23.04.2016 (FN).
  • Date : 22/03/2016
    Subject : Class Test - II of Soft Computing Applications
    The Class Test - II of the course Soft Computing Application will be held on as per the following:

    Date: 08 April 2016 (Friday)
    Time: 18:00 hrs
    Duration: 20 minutes
    Syllabus: Solving Optimization Problems

    SIT Class Room 1 (for all students having odd registration numbers)
    SIT Class Room 2 (for all students having even registration numbers)

  • The regular lecture will be held immediately after the class test is over.
  • All students are advised to occupy their seats latest by 17:50PM in their respective class rooms.
  • Date : 09/02/2016
    Subject : Mid Spring Semester Examination
    The Mid-Spring Semester Examination will be held on as per the following:

    Date: 21 February 2016 (Sunday)
    Time: 11:00 - 13:00 hrs
    Duration: 120 minutes
    Syllabus: Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks

    SIT Seminar Room

    Date : 06/02/2016
    Subject : Class Test - I of Soft Computing Applications
    The Class Test - I of the course Soft Computing Application will be held on as per the following:

    Date: 13 February 2016 (Saturday)
    Time: 20:30 hrs
    Duration: 30 minutes
    Syllabus: Fuzzy Logic + Artificial Neuran Network

    SIT Class Room 1 (for all students having odd registration numbers)
    SIT Class Room 2 (for all students having even registration numbers)

    Date : 16/01/2016
    Subject : A special class on 22.01.2016
    There will be a special class as per the schedule given below.
    Date: 22.01.2016 (Friday), 09:30-11:30
    Date : 15/01/2016
    Subject : A special class on 16.01.2016
    There will be a special class as per theschedule given below.
    Date: 16.01.2016, 18:00-20:00
    Date : 11/01/2016
    Subject : Class on 12.01.2016 stands cancelled
    I shall be out of station during 11-12 January, 2016. Hence, there will be no class on 12.01.2016. The next class will be held on 15.01.2016 (Friday) from 18:00-20:00 hrs in SIT Seminar Room.
    Date : 05/01/2016
    Subject : Class on 05.01.2016 stands cancelled
    The class of Soft Computing Applications on 05.01.2016 will not be held. The next class will be held on 07.01.2016 at 18:00 hrs in SIT Seminar Room.
    Date : 03/01/2016
    Subject : First class of Soft Computing Applications
    The first class of Soft Computing Applications will be held on Monday 4th January, 2016 at 10:00am in SIT Seminar Room.