Program Committee Members

  1. International Conference on Information Systems Security, ICISS 2010
  2. International Conference on Cryptology in India, Indocrypt 2007-2008
  3. Tutorial Chair of Indocrypt 2008
  4. 23rd International Conference on VLSI Design and 9th International Conference on Embedded Systems, VLSI 2010
  5. International Conference on Information Systems Security, ICISS 2009
  6. International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT-2009)


  1. IEEE Transactions on VLSI
  2. Journal of Cellular Automata
  3. International Journal of Network Security
  4. Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier)
  5. VLSI Design Conference
  6. International Conference on Language and Automata Theory 2009
  7. Symposium on VLSI Design and Test 2009
  8. Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded System (CHES) 2009


  1. Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI)