In the existing practice of railway signalling, especially in India, the route control
chart (RCC) is prepared manually from the signal interlocking plan (SIP).
Electronic interlocking (EI) is programmed with the data prepared manually from
the RCC along with the relay circuit schematics by railway design engineers.
These procedures are prone to human errors and can lead to violations of
signalling safety which may cause for unfortunate incidents. As the number of
routes increase for larger yards, the complexity of RCC and relay logic circuit
preparation grow significantly. In this thesis, methods to reconcile the problems
indicated above are described. Graph-based representation has been used to
capture a SIP using a tool with a suitable graphical user interface. Graph
traversals are performed to extract a variety of information for RCC generation.
Algorithms have been developed and analysed for route identification, overlap
identification, route conflict identification, route isolation. Thereafter, logic
generation is carried out using railway specified standard circuit schematics. These
are represented in XML using suitably defined iterator constructs. Iterators are
used to extract the relay specific information using suitable queries. Finally, formal
methods are applied for yard layout validation and logic circuit verification.
Necessary safety properties for yard validation and logic verification have been
coded in LTL. Models have been developed based on the graph representation of
the yard and the relay logic definitions. The NuSMV model checker has been used.
A number of subsidiary tasks have also been carried out, such as GUI development
for SIP capture and a rendering mechanism to display ladder logic circuits
equivalent to relay logic circuits. All tools and techniques have been satisfactorily
tested on actual railway yards.
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