
CS31202 Operating Systems

(Spring Semester 2025)

Bivas Mitra
Abhijit Das

Bivas Mitra
Abhijit Das

Teaching Assistants
Salma Mandi salmamandi [AT]
Arpan Dam ARPANDAM1 [AT]
Harsh Borse harshzf2 [AT]


02.01.2024 First class: January 2, 2025, Thursday. Venue: NC 244, Time: 12.00 noon. Students with EVEN roll number should join this class.


       Class Notes


       Study Materials


General Information

Lectures : Wed (12:00-13:00), THU (11:00-12:00), Fri (9:00-11:00)
Room # : NC 244

Units : 3-1-2
Credits : 3 (Theory)
Contact : Room #322 (CSE), Phone 82358

Class attendance is mandatory! Any time your attendance falls below 85%, you have 100% chance of being de-registered irrespective of your class performance, CGPA etc!

Attendance Policy

If you are not present in the class (or do not respond), when I call by your name (may be randomly or sequentially....surprise!), you will lose 1.5 credit (instead of one) for the attendance for that week. If that happens twice in a week, you will be marked as absent for the entire week (i.e. you will lose all the three credits for attendance for that week).

Text Books (Theory & Lab):

[1] Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Operating System Principles, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
[2] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Prentice-Hall.

[3] Stalling, William, Operating Systems, Maxwell McMillan International Editions.

[4] Dietel H. N., An Introduction to Operating Systems, Addison Wesle.

[5] Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the UNIX Operating System, Prentice-Hall, 1986.  

[6] Richard Stevens, Unix Network Programming, Volume 2, Second Edition: Interprocess Communications, Prentice Hall.


Teacher's Assessment : 20
Mid-sem : 30
End-sem : 50


Slides just contain very informal outlines of the topics; details will be discussed in the class.

1. Introduction.
2. Process Management.
3. Tutorial (semaphore), Tutorial (deadlock)

Laboratory (CS39002)

General Information

Lab venue and time : Software Lab (CSE), Wed (14.00-17.00)

Units : 3-1-2
Credits : 2 (Lab)
In case of lab assignment submission, code plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Once identified, you will get ZERO for all the preceding lab submissions without ANY further consideration.
Late submission policy: In case of post deadline submission, you will lose 10 marks per day.
Slides just contain very informal outlines of the code and concepts; details will be discussed in the class.

Study Materials

Slides just contain very informal outlines of the code and concepts; details will be discussed in the class.
1. Process
2. Process code

Lab Assignments

08.01.2025 - Assignment 1
15.01.2025 - Assignment 2
22.01.2025 - Assignment 3
05.02.2025 - Assignment 5