CS13002 Programming and Data Structures

Spring semester

Exercise set III

Note: Students are encouraged to solve as many problems from this set as possible. Some of these will be solved during the lectures, if time permits. We have made attempts to classify the problems based on the difficulty level of solving them. An unmarked exercise is of low to moderate difficulty. Harder problems are marked by H, H2 and H3 meaning "just hard", "quite hard" and "very hard" respectively. Exercises marked by M have mathematical flavor (as opposed to computational). One requires elementary knowledge of number theory or algebra or geometry or combinatorics in order to solve these mathematical exercises.

  1. Consider the data type complex discussed in the notes. Write a function that takes an array of complex numbers as input and sorts the array with respect to the absolute values of the elements of the array.

  2. Write a function that calls the arithmetic routines on the complex data type in order to compute the two complex square roots of a quadratic equation with complex coefficients.

  3. Define a structure to represent an (ordered) pair of integers. For two pairs (a,b) and (c,d) we say (a,b) < (c,d) if and only if either a < c or a = c and b < d. Write a function that sorts an array of integer pairs with respect to this ordering (called lexicographic ordering).

  4. A rational number is defined by a pair of integers (a,b) with b > 0 and is interpreted to stand for a/b. A rational number a/b is said to be in the reduced form if gcd(a,b)=1.
    1. Define a structure to represent a rational number.
    2. Write a function that returns the rational number 0/1. This function can be used to initialize a rational number variable.
    3. Write a function that, given a rational number, returns its reduced form.
    4. Write a function that, upon input of two rational numbers, returns the sum of the two input numbers in the reduced form.
    5. Repeat the previous part for subtraction, multiplication and division of rational numbers.

  5. Consider the following subset of complex numbers:
       Q(i) = { x + iy | x and y are rational numbers and i = sqrt(-1) }.
    1. Define a structure to represent an element of Q(i). Use the rational structure of the previous exercise for this definition.
    2. By invoking the arithmetic routines on rational numbers implemented in the previous exercise, implement the arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and inverse) in Q(i).

  6. Define a structure representing a book and having the following fields: Name, list of authors, publisher, year of publication and ISBN number. Write functions to do the following tasks on an array of books:
    1. Find all books published in a given year.
    2. Find all books published between two given years.
    3. Find all books from a given publisher.
    4. Find all books from a given author.
    5. Sort the books by their ISBN numbers.
    6. Sort the books by their names.
    7. Sort the books by their first authors.

  7. Consider the following set of real numbers:
       A = { a + b sqrt(2) | a,b are integers }.
    1. Define a structure to represent an element of A.
    2. Write a function that, upon input of two elements of A, returns the sum of the input elements.
    3. Repeat the last part for subtraction and multiplication of elements of A.
    4. It is known that the element a + b sqrt(2) has an inverse in the set A if and only if a2 - 2b2 = 1 or -1. Write a function that, given an invertible element of A, returns the inverse of the element. If the input to the function is not invertible, the function should return 0 after prompting an error message.

  8. Consider the following set of complex numbers:
       B = { a + b sqrt(-2) | a,b are integers }.
    1. Define a structure to represent an element of B.
    2. Write a function that, upon input of two elements of B, returns the sum of the input elements.
    3. Repeat the last part for subtraction and multiplication of elements of B.
    4. [M] It is known that the element a + b sqrt(-2) has an inverse in the set B if and only if a2 + 2b2 = 1. Prove that the only invertible elements of B are 1 and -1.

  9. Consider the following set of real numbers:
       C = { a + by | a,b are integers }.

    where y = [1 + sqrt(5)] / 2.

    1. Define a structure to represent an element of C.
    2. Write a function that, upon input of two elements of C, returns the sum of the input elements.
    3. Repeat the last part for subtraction and multiplication of elements of C.
    4. It is known that the element a + by has an inverse in the set C if and only if a2 + ab - b2 = 1 or -1. Write a function that, given an invertible element of C, returns the inverse of the element. If the input to the function is not invertible, the function should return 0 after prompting an error message.

  10. [HM] Consider the following set of real numbers:
       D = { a + bw + cw2 | a,b,c are integers }.

    where w is the real cube root of 2.

    1. Define a structure to represent an element of D.
    2. Write a function that, upon input of two elements of D, returns the sum of the input elements.
    3. Repeat the last part for subtraction and multiplication of elements of D.
    4. [H2M] Define the norm of an element t = a + bw + cw2 of D as
         N(t) = (a + bw + cw2)(a + bw' + cw'2)(a + bw'' + cw''2),

      where w',w'' are the two complex cube roots of 2. It is known that t is invertible in D if and only if N(t) is 1 or -1. Write a function that, upon input of an element t of D, determines whether t is invertible in D.

    Note: In modern algebra, the sets A,B,C,D of the above exercises are examples of number rings. These rings constitute some central objects of study in algebraic number theory.

  11. A circle in the X-Y plane is specified by three real numbers a,b,c. The real numbers may be interpreted in two possible ways. The first possibility is that (a,b) represents the center and c the radius of the circle. In the second representation, we refer to the equation of the circle as:
       X2 + Y2 + aX + bY + c = 0.
    So a structure holding three double variables together with a flag indicating the particular interpretation suffices to store a circle.
    1. Write a function that converts a circle structure from the first to the second representation.
    2. Write a function that converts a circle structure from the second to the first representation.
    3. Write a function that, upon input a circle and two real numbers x,y, checks whether the point (x,y) lies inside, on or outside the circle. Note that the input circle may be of any of the two representations.
    4. Write a function that, upon input two circles each with any representation, determines whether the circles touch, intersect or do not intersect.
    5. Write a function that, upon input a circle in any representation, returns the side of a square that has the same area as the input circle.

  12. A rectangle in the X-Y plane can be specified by eight real numbers representing the coordinates of its four corners. Define a structure to represent a rectangle using eight double variables. Notice that here we do not assume the sides of a rectangle to be necessarily parallel to the X and Y axes. Notice also that by a rectangle we mean only the boundary (not including the region inside).
    1. Write a function that, upon input a structure of the above kind, determines whether the structure represents a valid rectangle.
    2. Write a function that, upon input a valid rectangle, determines the area of the rectangle.
    3. [HM] Write a function that, upon input a valid rectangle and two real numbers x,y, determines whether the point (x,y) lies inside, on or outside the rectangle.
    4. [H2M] Write a function that, upon input two valid rectangles, determines whether the two rectangles touch, intersect or do not intersect.

  13. In a doubly linked list, each node is given two pointers, the first pointing to the next element in the list and the second to the previous element in the list. The next pointer of the last node and the previous pointer of the first node should be NULL.
    1. Draw a doubly linked list on four nodes.
    2. Define a structure with self-referencing pointers to represent a node in a doubly linked list.

  14. Use a sequence of memory allocation calls in order to create a linked list of one hundred complex numbers, where for each k=1,2,...,100 the k-th number in the list is k2 + i(-1)kk2.

  15. Create a doubly linked list of the 100 complex numbers of the previous exercise.

  16. In a ternary tree each node has three children (each possibly empty).
    1. Draw a ternary tree having the following nodes:
         Node       Children
          a           b,c,d
          b           e,-,f
          c           -,-,g
          d           -,-,-
          e           -,h,-
          f           -,-,-
          g           -,-,-
          h           -,-,-

      Here - (dash) denotes an empty child.

    2. Define a structure data type with self-referencing pointers to represent a node in a ternary tree.

  17. Use a sequence of memory allocation calls to create the ternary tree of the last exercise.

  18. Consider the following type definition:
       typedef char *compactString;

    The idea is to dynamically store (null-terminated) character strings in compactString arrays so that each array is allocated the exact amount of memory necessary to store a string. For example, the string "AbCdEf" is of length 6 and requires 7 characters (including the trailing null character) for storage. So a compactString storing this string should be allocated exactly 7 bytes of memory. Implement functions for doing the following tasks on compactString arrays.

       /* Initialize a compactString to the empty string. */
       compactString initEmpty ();
       /* Reverse the compactString s and store in the compactString t */
       void reverse ( compactString t , compactString s ) ;
       /* Append the character c to the compactString s */
       void append ( compactString s , char c ) ;
       /* Insert the character c at the beginning of the compactString s */
       void prepend ( compactString s , char c ) ;
       /* Delete and return the last character of the compactString s */
       char delEnd ( compactString s ) ;
       /* Delete and return the first character of the compactString s */
       char delStart ( compactString s ) ;
       /* Save to the compactString t the prefix of the compactString s of length n */
       void prefix ( compactString t , compactString s , unsigned int n ) ;
       /* Save to the compactString t the suffix of the compactString s of length n */
       void suffix ( compactString t , compactString s , unsigned int n ) ;
       /* Concatenate the compactString's s1 and s2 and store in the compactString t */
       void concatenate ( compactString t , compactString s1 , compactString s2 ) ;

    You should use dynamic memory management in order to ensure compact representations of strings. Notice also that in the above prototypes, you should allow the target string t to be the same as an input argument. For example, a prefix of s may be stored in s itself. You should free unused allocated memory.

  19. Memory allocation and reallocation on compactString's of the last exercise need be carried out even when the size of the string changes by 1. In order to reduce this overhead, let us plan to dynamically maintain the size allocated to each array to be a power of 2. Whenever a string requires n bytes for storage, we actually allocate 2t bytes, where 2t-1 < n <= 2t. In that case many operations require no reallocation of memory. However, we need to maintain the actual amount of memory allocated to a string. Define the following data type:
       typedef struct {
          char *data;
          int allocSize;
       } semiCompactString;

    Rewrite the functions of the previous exercise for semiCompactString's.

  20. A (univariate) polynomial is specified by an array of its coefficients. Since one cannot check during program execution the size of a static or dynamic array, one should additionally maintain the degree of a polynomial.
    1. Define a structure to represent a polynomial with integer coefficients. The coefficient array is to be maintained dynamically so that the exact amount of memory needed to store the coefficient array is only allocated.
    2. Write a function that, given a polynomial p (in this representation) and an integer a, returns the value p(a).
    3. Write functions to implement arithmetic routines (addition, subtraction and multiplication) on polynomials. Each routine should be stingy enough to (re)allocate to the output polynomial only the space just required to store the coefficient array.

  21. You are given a network of sensor nodes deployed in a battlefield. Each node is specified by its id (an integer) and its location of deployment (two integer or floating point numbers indicating the X and Y coordinates of the node with respect to some fixed reference point). A sensor node can communicate with another provided that they are physically located within 100 meters of one another. In that case, the two nodes are called neighbors.

    You are given a text file whose first line stores the number n of nodes in the sensor network. In lines 2 through n+1 individual nodes are specified by three numbers (id and coordinates). For simplicity, assume that the node ids are 0,1,2,...,n-1. Read the data from the file and store in a dynamic two-dimensional array the list of neighbors of each node. The i-th row should store all the neighbors of node i in sorted order (of id) and should be allocated exactly the amount of memory needed to accommodate this list of neighbors.

  22. A matrix is said to be sparse if each row of it contains only few non-zero entries. Such sparse matrices occur in many situations. For example, a complicated machine may have one million components, but each component interacts with at most one hundred other components. So the interaction matrix, though million-by-million in size, has at most one hundred non-zero entries in each row and may be rightfully dubbed sparse.

    In order to store a sparse matrix, it suffices to store for each row only the column indices where non-zero entries occur and also the corresponding entries. This reduces the space overhead associate with the storage. For the example in the last paragraph, a complete million-by-million array requires space for storing one trillion (1012) entries, whereas a sparse representation is capable of storing the same matrix in a space for only one hundred million index-entry pairs.

    1. Define a suitable dynamic two-dimensional array type to represent a sparse matrix.
    2. Write a function that computes the transpose of a sparse matrix (under this representation).
    3. Write a function that adds two sparse matrices.
    4. Write a function that multiplies two sparse matrices.

    Note that the transpose At of a sparse matrix A is not necessarily sparse. Some rows of At may be quite dense. However, if the non-zero elements of A occur at randomly chosen columns, then At is also sparse with high probability.

    The product of two sparse matrices is expected to be much less sparse than the arguments.

  23. We generally deal with complex numbers of the form a + ib, where a and b are floating point numbers. However, in the special case when both a and b are integers, it may be desirable to store a and b as integers.

    Define a structure holding the real and imaginary parts of a complex number together with a flag. Depending on the value of the flag, the two parts of the complex number are to be interpreted. If the flag has the zero value, the parts are treated as floating point numbers. For any non-zero value of the flag, the parts are treated as integers. Your structure should contain a union for the storage of the two parts.

    Write a routine to initialize a complex number to the zero value. The initialization routine should also accept a value for the flag as an argument and set the real and imaginary parts in the union accordingly.

    Write the arithmetic routines on these complex numbers. Each argument in each such routine may be of any type (pair of floating point numbers or of integers). Your program should output an integer pair as the output complex number if both the input arguments are integer pairs. If one or both of the input arguments is/are floating point pair(s), the output should also be a floating point pair.

  24. Write a program to solve the following problem. You are given a text file. Your problem is to adjust the spaces in each line in such a way that the resulting text is justified (both at the left and at the right). Here is our proposal of an algorithm that you should use in order to perform text justification.
    • First read the input file and store the lines in a two-dimensional character array with each line stored in a single row of the array.
    • The text is assumed to be divided into paragraphs. Two consecutive paragraphs are separated by a blank line.
    • The last line in a paragraph is not to be justified. Also a blank line is not to be justified.
    • Finally suppose that you have a non-blank line which is not the last line of a paragraph. If the length of this line is already larger than the target width, then do not perform any processing of this line. Otherwise, increase the sizes of the inter-word gaps so that the resulting line has a width equal to the target width. Assume that len denotes the initial length of the line and that the line initially contains nsp number of inter-word spaces. You have to add a total of
         extra = target_width - len

      number of additional spaces to the line. In order that the insertion leads to (aesthetically) good-looking paragraphs, it is necessary to distribute the extra new spaces more or less uniformly among the nsp inter-word gaps. Let

         q = extra / nsp (integer division).

      First insert q additional spaces in each of the nsp gaps. If extra is not an integral multiple of nsp, this still leaves us with

         r = extra - q * nsp

      spaces to be inserted. If the line has an odd number in the current paragraph, add another single space in each of the first r gaps. On the other hand, if the line has an even number in the current paragraph, add a single space in each of the last r gaps.

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